As A Human Child, I Was Pampered By Angels

Chapter 34 - Broken Angel Hearts

Chapter 34 Broken Angel Hearts

The scene of Ian conquering the storm stunned all the angels.

Including Marlena. She stared at the tiny figure in the storm with her mouth agape.

At this moment, Ian did not know what was happening behind him.

Although in the eyes of others, it seemed easy for him to conquer the storm, only Ian knew that suppressing the violent nomological energy was actually a very exhausting thing.

Perhaps it was because the Mid-Level Deity, Montauk, was too weak to reach Ian’s upper limit, so Ian did not feel any exhaustion when he killed Montauk.

These law storms were emanating from the War of the Gods. Every single law possessed power not inferior to that of a Main God.

Even Ian needed to be highly focused to completely subdue it.

Moreover, Ian had to use his mental power to suppress the power, which consumed a lot of his willpower.

As time passed, Ian soon arrived at the center of the storm.

To Ian’s surprise, the center of the storm seemed calmer than the surroundings.

Rubbing his slightly swollen head, Ian stopped and rested for a while.

“As expected, there’s no free lunch in the world. Although the power of the domain is very strong, it consumes a lot of energy to continuously use it.”

Hmm… When I go back this time, I must find some delicious food to nourish myself.”

After resting for a while, Ian continued forward.

This time, he did not come just to eliminate the law storm. He also wanted to see the shadow he had seen back then.

The last time he saw the mysterious shadow, Ian wanted to communicate with him and ask him who he was. However, at that time, Ian was not strong enough to enter the storm.

Now that he was here, Ian naturally did not plan to let go of this opportunity.

However, after looking around the center of the storm, Ian could not find his target.

“Strange, what is that shadow?”

Just as Ian was feeling puzzled, he suddenly

realized that the small area in front of him was calm and at odds with the violent and chaotic energy around him.

There seemed to be something in that area.

Could that be where the mysterious figure was?

With a hint of caution and curiosity, Ian

slowly floated over.

After reaching that area, Ian realized that

there was no target he was looking for here,

only a heart-shaped stone.

Upon closer inspection, the veins on the heart-shaped stone seemed to be clearly


However, the stone itself was dull and covered in cracks. Other than its strange shape, there was nothing outstanding about it.

Out of curiosity, Ian gently reached out and took the stone.

Regardless of what this stone was, there must be something extraordinary about it for it to be able to survive this fierce storm.

However, the moment Ian’s hand touched the stone, the scene in front of him changed drastically.

Before entering the center, Ian quelled the

storm on the way here, but the law storm

elsewhere was still brewing.

However, at this moment, when the stone landed in Ian’s hand, the chaotic energy and law of disorder around him suddenly


In an instant, the sky returned to its original state, leaving only the space damaged by the


“This… This stone is actually the eye of the storm?”

Ian was quite surprised.

According to the legends of the human world,

all storms in the world had their own “eyes.” As long as the eye of the storm was stabilized, the storm would subside.

However, Ian knew that it was only a legend left behind by the older generation. But in the Heaven Realm, such a thing actually existed? Otherwise, what was this stone?

Why did it appear in the storm?

With doubts in his heart, Ian planned to bring the stone back to the angel race. Marlena and the others were knowledgeable and might give him an answer.

Behind the barrier, hundreds of angels had

completely lost their minds from shock.

What did the Holy Son do?

He had actually quelled all the storms alone!

Could it be that the threat of the angel race

for a million years would no longer be a problem today?

Not long after, Ian slowly returned to the barrier with the stone.

He wanted to hand the stone to Marlena and

show her what it was, but before he could land, hundreds of angels cast burning gazes at him.

It was like a mother-in-law seeing a son-in-law she liked. A child seeing Iron Man. Lovers who had been reunited after a

long time seeing a small umbrella in the rain. Cough, cough.

Feeling the fiery gazes around him, Ian felt a little embarrassed.

To him, calming down a storm was actually a piece of cake.

However, he did not see things from the angels’ perspective, so he did not know what this meant to the angels.

The calamity that had troubled the angel race

for millions of years had ended in the hands of the Holy Son today. How could they not be


Even the Archangel Marlena lost her composure.

Seeing Ian return, Marlena picked him up and gave him a big kiss as she admired his abilities. There seemed to be flames flickering

in her eyes. “Gulp-“

Ian couldn’t help but touch his little face.

Oh my god, who could withstand this!

At this moment, Ian’s heart was fluttering, but his little face was filled with cuteness.

This made Marlena love him even more. She kissed Ian’s face a few more times. Ian couldn’t take it anymore. If he was an angel, he could not help but

spread his wings and fly.

Enjoying the intimacy of his beautiful sister, Ian didn’t forget about the stone. He took out the heart-shaped stone. “By the way, Sister Marlena, I found this in the center

of the storm.

“It’s actually safe and sound in the center of the storm. It must be some special treasure, so I brought it back. Sister, do you know what it is?” Marlena took the stone from Ian’s hand and was shocked when she saw it. “Oh my god, this is the heart of an angel!

“Ian, you actually found an angel’s heart in the law storm!”

Ian was a little confused. “Sister, what’s an angel’s heart?”

Marlena explained, “We angels are natural warriors. We were born to maintain the order

of the Divine King and the peace of the Heaven Realm.

That is why many of our people have spent their lives fighting wars.

After millions of years of evolution and

transformation, the angels had evolved into a special ability. When high-level angels die, their souls would turn into an angel heart.

The angel’s heart contains all the holy power and spirituality of an angel. After absorbing

enough power, it will revive.”

After saying that, she looked at the angel’s

heart that was covered in cracks with some heartache.

This heart was completely destroyed and its

surface was covered in cracks. It was obvious that it had lost all its spirituality. As for why it appeared in the storm, she did not know.

“Ian, if the Angel’s Heart you obtained can be maintained in the storm, it means that its owner had at least reached the level of a ten-winged angel when she was alive. Unfortunately, its spirituality has dissipated and it can die at any time.”

Ian was slightly surprised. The heart of a 10-winged angel was at the

level of a high level angel.

In terms of divinity, it was at least at the level of an intermediate Main God. The strongest angel in the history of the Angel race had only reached the level of an eighteen-winged angel, which was the level of a Main God.

In that case, this angel must have been extremely powerful when it was alive. However, he did not know what it had experienced to be reduced to its current state.

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