“Deputy Commander of the Phantom Brigade, how could it be??”

Hearing Kurapika’s words, Wright instantly exploded, and his tone became tense, “Immediately, immediately, save Nion from the hands of Geno; Also, kill him by all means. ”

“Kurapika, I just heard them talking, they’re going to the underground auction…”

Xiaojie on the side reminded.

“Boss, Miss Neon should enter the auction building…”

Kura Piccarton doesn’t feel good.

“Damn it! I’ll let Dazo and them go to the underground auction now, and you will also go, remember, be sure to bring Nion back to me safely.” ”

Wright roared angrily.

“Yes, boss!”

Kurapika took a deep breath and hung up the phone directly.

“Xiaojie, Qilu, Leoli, I’m going to rescue Miss Nion, you guys go back to the hotel first.”

At the moment, Kurapika’s face is ugly.

“Kurapika, we’re going with you.”

Xiaojie said with a straight face.

“This operation is too dangerous, not to mention that you are not members of the Nosra family’s gang.”

Kurapika simply refused.

“Kurapika, you have to be careful, Jeno’s strength is really strong.”

Killua reminded.

“Let’s go back to the hotel first.”

Kurapika waved her hand, turned and chased after Jeno.

For Killu’s words, Kurapika did not take it to heart, Jeno’s strength is certainly very strong, but is he weak?

During this time, in order to take revenge, Kurapika has specially cultivated the ability to deal with spiders, as long as you are a member of the Phantom Brigade, no matter how your strength is against the sky, as long as you are bound by your own contract chains, then you only have to wait for death.

“This guy, completely carried away by hatred, does not listen to advice at all.”

Looking at the back of Kurapika’s disappearance, Killua couldn’t help frowning.

“Xiaojie, Qilu, that guy named Jenuo, is really so powerful?”

Leoli’s face was full of doubt.

“It’s not so much awesome as monster!!”

Recalling the scene of the battle between Geno and President Nitro, Killua said with a palpitation.


“Jeno, there are so many people here!!”

In the No. 1 auction hall of the underground auction house, Nion glanced around, densely packed with successful people in suits and leather shoes, who were either rich or expensive, and they all came in as buyers.

“The guards here are really not ordinary strict, if I hadn’t got two passes, and by the way, I would have done tricks on the passes, and the staff at the venue would not have let us in.”

Jeno couldn’t help but lament the strictness of the underground auction venue, anyone who came in had to go through layers of authentication, and strangers without passes would be arrested as suspicious persons once they approached.

Even if Nion is the golden son of the Nosla family, the lowest gang members don’t know her at all, and if you report herself, people don’t believe it, and they will only take you away as a suspicious person.

Of course, with the strength of the brigade members, it is still very easy to sneak into the underground auction site.

“Jeno, if you come across an auction item I like, you can help me.”

Nion looked around and sat down straight down in one of the back rows.

“Didn’t Dazo already ask others to help bid?”

“Besides, I don’t have that much money on me.”

Geno gave Neon a blank look and sat down beside her.

“That’s when my father didn’t let me come to the auction site in person, so I asked Dazo to find someone to help bid.”

“Now that I’m here, I want to enjoy participating in the auction.”

“As for the issue of money, you don’t have to worry, the last thing my Northra family lacks is money.”

Nion winked at Jeno, looking like a little rich woman.



Outside the auction building.

Kurapika, Dazo, Basho, Melody, Dorchino, and five people arrived one after another.

“Kurapika, where’s Miss Nion?”

Dazo asked with a serious face.

“You should have already entered the venue!”

Kurapika answered truthfully.

“Damn it! This is a big problem. ”

Dazo gritted his teeth, he could not have imagined that the new owner of the 250th floor of the Sky Colosseum would be a member of the Phantom Brigade and the deputy commander.

“Mr. Dazo, Jeno was invited by you, right?”

“As the captain of the Nosra family’s guard, you don’t even know the identity of the people?”

“Is this your dereliction of duty?”

Kurapika questioned.

“I have investigated Jeno, but I have not found out the identity of the deputy commander of his Phantom Brigade.”

Dazo was full of remorse, and then looked up at Kurapika, “Kurapika, Melody, Basho, Skuvara, the four of you are guarding here, I will go in and look for Miss Nion.” ”

“Fei Jie, Dochino, Yiva Dev, what about the three of them?”

Kurapika asked.

“Before this, I had already let them enter the auction site, after all, those three auction items, Miss Nion, were bound to be obtained.”

“Time is urgent, I will go first to find Miss Nion and contact Fei Jie by the way.”

Dazo turned around directly and walked in towards the auction house building.

As the captain of the Nosra family’s guard, Dazo has a pass in his own right, and many low-level gang members know him, and entering the auction site is naturally unimpeded.


As the buyers arrived, the auction hall, which could accommodate thousands of people, quickly filled up.

“That’s it, the auction should start soon!!

“It should be almost, this time, you must take the whole body mummy of Princess Komko.”

“I still value that GreedIsland game, and I’ve prepared 50 billion for it.”

“I care more about the fiery red eyes of the Goluta people, which are the most beautiful eyes in the world…”

At this time, in the No. 1 auction hall, the noise became more and more intense.

After all, the auction is about to begin.

“Jeno, look, someone has come to the stage.”

At this moment, Nion stared at the stage of the auction hall with excitement on his face.

I saw two men in suits slowly walking towards the auction stage, and in an instant, all the buyers participating in the bidding showed excited looks.

“Feitan, Franklin??”

Geno next to Nion recognized the two people on the stage at a glance.

“Not good!!”

As if thinking of something, Jeno’s face changed drastically.

After all, tonight he had promised Nion that he would take care of her.

And the three of Fei Jie in the third row also received a call from Dazuo at this moment.


“Miss Nion is also coming to the auction site??”

Fei Jie was taken aback, and quickly said: “Captain, the auction is about to start, where will I go to find Miss Nion at this time…”

“You look around to see if Miss Nion is in the auction hall, and I’ll rush over…”

On the other end of the phone, came the voice of Dazo.

“Distinguished guests, good evening….”

“Next, the auction will begin, don’t blink.”

On the stage, Feitan slowly raised his hand, as if playing a song of mourning, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

At this time, all the buyers were not aware of the danger and were all looking forward to the start of the auction.

At the same moment, Franklin also slowly raised his hands and directly activated his mindfulness.

I saw that his fingers fell off directly, like machinery, and the muzzle like a machine gun was exposed in the joints.

Bang bang bang!!!

In an instant, countless bullets burst out from Franklin’s joints, as if a machine gun was bursting out, shooting wildly at everyone in the auction hall.

The shrill sound of bullets even reached Dazo’s ears through the phone in Fei Jie’s hand.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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