“Deputy Commander, the tone you just spoke in is so gentle.”

“I’m also a girl, why don’t I have this treatment.”

After walking out of the auction hall, Xiaodi couldn’t help but hold the frame of the glasses.


Jeno glanced at the droplets.

“What did I just say??”

Xiaodi is worthy of being a girl with amnesia, and in a blink of an eye, she forgot what she just said.

“You said, the deputy regiment commander is very handsome.”

Feitan quipped.

“Strange, why didn’t you see an auction item?”

At this time, Franklin raised his own doubts.

“Just ask someone?”

Soon, Feitan locked the host of the gang members.

“Don’t….. Don’t kill me….”


As soon as the host was about to enter the auction hall, he was choked by Feitan’s neck.

“Say, where did the auction go??”

Feitan said coldly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

“Hey, it seems that this operation was in vain.”

“The gangster seems to know that we are coming, and has long been prepared.”

Franklin shook his head and sighed.

“Just an hour ago, the auction items were transferred, exactly where to transfer, I… I really don’t know. ”

“Please, let me go, I’m also at the behest of the high-ranking to come and make a show…”

Feeling the increasing strength in Feitan’s hands, the host kept struggling.

Click ~~~

In an instant, the host’s neck was twisted off by Feitan.

“Made, I was given a yin in advance by the gangsters.”

Feitan is very unhappy.

“How about going out and killing everyone outside the building??”

Franklin suggested.

“Good idea, since you are here, you can’t work in vain.”

“I’ve long seen these gangsters displease.”

Feitan looked indifferent.

“Deputy Commander, what do you think?”

Franklin turned to look at Jeno.

“I think it’s better to listen to the opinion of the regiment leader.”

“Of course, if you want to make trouble, then go out and make trouble, I don’t care.”

Jeno shrugged.

“I agree with the deputy regiment commander, let’s call the regiment commander and see what he says.”

Xiaodi nodded.

“Feitan, what’s going on on your side?”

At this moment, Wo Jin’s voice came, and I saw that he was carrying a figure in his hand, it was Dazo who rushed into the auction hall to find Nion’s traces.

Behind Wokin, followed by March, Finks and others.

“There is not a single item on the auction.”

Feitan spread his hands.

“Hey, Deputy Commander, aren’t you acting alone?”

“How come to join in the fun.”

At this time, March walked towards Jeno with a smile.

“My mission is complete, and naturally I will come to join you.”

Jeno said with a calm face.

“Deputy Commander, you won’t be secretly dating some beautiful woman, will you?”

March leaned into Jeno’s ear and whispered.

“Guessed right.”

“That beautiful woman’s figure is stronger than yours.”

Jeno blinked.

“Who the hell is it? I’m going to kill her….”

Hearing this, March glared angrily at Geno.

“Jay… Jeno…”

At this time, Dazo, who was dying in Wo Jin’s hand, widened his eyes and struggled with his last strength and said: “Nion…. Miss Nion she…”


As soon as Dazo’s words fell, he was directly pinched off by Wo Jin, and the body was directly thrown to Xiaodi, “Xiaodrop, clean up this waste too.” ”

“Everyone in the building has been killed by us, and there are only many of these gangsters, and there is not a single one who can fight.”

Watching Xiao Di use his mind ability to dispose of Dazo, Wo Jin couldn’t help but complain.

“Poor Dazo, I met the battle maniac of Wo Jin.”

Jeno couldn’t help but feel sorry for Dazo.

The captain of the Nosla family’s escort team had no power to fight back in front of the brigade members, and the gap between the strengths was too great.

“Commander….. Here’s the thing….”

At this moment, Feitan dialed Kulolo’s phone.

“There is not a single auction item, and it was transferred in advance by the Ten Old Men in advance?”

On the other end of the phone, came the voice of the regiment leader Kulolo.

“Yes, we just caught the only auction host who knew about it, and according to his words, an hour ago, the gangster high-ranking officials moved the auction items to other places.”

“They seem to know in advance that we will do something tonight.”

Feitan replied.


Kulolo’s voice became a little muffled.

“Regiment commander, could it be that there are traitors in our brigade?”

“After all, it’s all too coincidental.”

Feitan voiced his opinion.

“Traitor? By the way, what about the deputy regiment commander? ”

Kulolo asked.

“The deputy commander is with us.”

Feitan answered truthfully.

“Yes, shouldn’t this guy be suspicious of me?”

Jeno was speechless.

You can’t give Nion out, can you? After all, he promised to protect her tonight, and, in Jeno’s heart, he really didn’t want Kulolo to take away Nion’s mental ability, otherwise, Nion would definitely die at the hands of Siso in the future.

“Since the deputy regiment commander is here, your actions will be subject to the deputy regiment commander next.”

“As for traitors, I don’t think there will be such people in the brigade, after all, we are engaged in the work of burning, killing and looting, and we don’t care about reputation and money at all.”

“Of course, if a traitor had revealed the information about our actions to the gangsters, the gangsters would have ambushed us at the auction venue in order to hunt us down; However, you can easily enter the auction hall, and I think the problem is not within our brigade. ”

Kulolo analyzed carefully.

“Yes, these people in the auction hall didn’t bring any weapons into the venue, and we killed them all like that.”

Feitan nodded.

“The gangster leaders transferred the auction items in advance, which means that they knew that we would act, but did not know which auction items we were going to grab, so they transferred all the auction items in advance; Moreover, in order not to startle the snakes, we can easily sneak into the auction site and want to kill us all. ”

“I have to say that the gangster high-level underestimates our Phantom Brigade.”

Kulolo took a deep breath and continued, “Next, if you find a way to find the person who transferred the auction items, you must bring all the auction items back to the base. As for how to act, you will follow the arrangements of the deputy commander. ”

“Got it, Colonel.”

Feitan nodded and hung up the phone directly.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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