“Damn it!”

“Wokjin !!”

Suddenly, Nobunaga, who was playing poker, immediately discovered that Wokin was entangled in chains, and then dragged into the void, and as the airship flew higher and higher, Wokin’s figure soon disappeared into the night.

“What’s going on??”

“Could it be the other members of the Yin Beast Force??”

Madge’s face changed drastically.

“Wokjin !!”

Franklin looked up and shouted, but at this moment, Wokin’s voice could no longer reach their ears.

“I should have been caught on the airship.”

“Who the hell dares to arrest the members of our Phantom Brigade, aren’t they afraid of our Phantom Brigade’s retaliation?”

Feitan squinted, and at the moment he could not do anything, he could only look up and watch the shadow of Wo Jin getting smaller and smaller in the night.

“What now?”

Parkona was a little overwhelmed.

“Report to the regiment commander first, let the regiment commander get the idea.”

Finks clenched his fists, his eyes full of killing intent.

“But the regiment commander said, and the next actions are at the disposal of the deputy regiment commander.”

Xiaodi reminded.

“In this way, we will report at both ends, after all, the deputy regiment commander is not here now.”

Peeling Lev suggested.

“Okay! Then we will report to the regiment commander first. ”

March directly took out her phone and dialed Kulolo’s number.

“Regiment commander, wojin has been captured.”

March did not hide the slightest thing and reported the situation directly to Kulolo.


“With your strength, you even let Wo Jin be arrested??”

Kulolo was full of puzzlement.

“Regiment commander, I can only blame Wo Jin for being too careless.”

“It was he himself who asked a person to fight the Yin Beast, and although he also killed four Yin Beast members, in the end, he was captured by a mysterious chain.”

March pouted, only putting all the blame on Wojin himself.

“How so?”

“Wo Jin is a person with the ability to strengthen the mind, and a small chain can also trap him??”

Kulolo felt more and more that it was not simple.

“Commander, what now??”

March asked.

“What about the deputy commander?”

Kulolo asked.

“The deputy regiment commander went to assassinate the ten old men…. There is no news yet. ”

March didn’t hide it.

“So it is!”

“It’s good that he assassinated the ten old men, otherwise, I would have almost been killed by the two killers of the enemy Hakka family.”

Kulolo said with a palpitation.

“Regiment Commander, you were attacked??”

March was taken aback, and the other brigade members on the side also became nervous.

“Well, it should be the killer invited by the ten old men.”

“However, what makes me curious is that the base is so hidden, how did these two killers know the specific location…”

Kulolo said meaningfully.

“Regiment commander, are you saying that there are traitors in the brigade regiment ??”

Thinking of the previous auction items being transferred in advance, Madge’s face suddenly became gloomy.

“It’s just speculation at the moment.”

“Now that the ten old men are dead, the only one with the most appeal of the gang is the Nosra family.”

“Next, I’m going to figure this out…”

“Your next action is still to listen to the arrangement of the deputy regiment, remember, you must rescue Wo Jin.”

“We can’t afford to lose a second partner…”

Kulolo reminded.

“Can’t lose a second partner??”

Macchi’s beautiful eyes widened suddenly, naturally knowing the meaning of Kulolo’s words.

“That’s right! Kubee is dead, killed by two killers who beat up the enemy Hakka family. ”

After speaking, Kulolo directly hung up the phone.


March didn’t know what to say.

“Kubeep dead??”

Suddenly, the other brigade members on the side were all silent, and Madge and Kulolo’s chat, they naturally heard it clearly.

“Damn !!”

“Who the hell is it? The specific location of the base was leaked! ”

“Let me know that I must kill him.”

Nobunaga was furious, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

“It seems that traitors have really appeared in our brigade.”

“According to the third rule of the brigade and regiment, members of the brigade cannot kill each other, otherwise, they will be hunted down and killed by the entire brigade and regiment.”

“If I let me know who the traitor is, I will not let him go.”

Feitan said coldly.

“According to the regiment commander, the tenth old man has been assassinated, and the deputy regiment commander should also return at this time, right?”

March looked at the time.

“How about we wait??”

“Go and rescue Wojin now.”

Franklin was a big man and didn’t talk with a brain.

“How to rescue?”

“Do you know who caught Wo Jin??”

“Right now, we don’t have a clue.”

Finks glared at Franklin.

“Hello, I’ll be back.”

At this moment, Jeno’s voice came, and I saw him with his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face walking to Madge’s side.

“March, the tenth old man let me finish off, isn’t it handsome??”

Jeno winked at Madge with a playful smile.

But Jeno found that the atmosphere seemed to be wrong.

He looked up, glanced around, there were traces of battle everywhere, and looked around all the brigade members, and Jeno found that there was one person missing.

“What about Wokin??”

Jeno asked.

It shouldn’t be!

With the strength of Wo Jin, it is completely the Yin Beast, moreover, the four corpses here are all members of the Yin Beast, and the shadow of Wo Jin has not been seen at all.

Could it be that it was turned into slag by the Yin Beast in seconds??

“Deputy Regiment Commander, Wo Jin has been captured!”

March bit her lip and clenched her hands.


“Wokin was captured?”

“Who did it? You guys just do it and watch?? ”

Jeno looked confused.

Even if Wokin is arrested, what about the gangsters and a few of your brigade members, you join forces even if President Nitro comes, it will have a headache, who can arrest Wokin under your nose? ?

“We don’t know who did it.”

“After Wo Jin killed four Yin Beasts, he was entangled in a strange chain, and then he was directly dragged into the air and disappeared into the night with an airship.”

“We wanted to chase, but there was nothing we could do.”

“After all, none of us can fly…”

March sighed helplessly.

“Spooky chains? Could it be…. Kura Pickup?? ”

Jeno frowned, “He’s still not dead, he’s bent on revenge, then don’t blame me for being unkind….”

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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