As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 31: The trial is over! The opposing lawyer is in!

 Chapter 31 The trial is over! The opposing lawyer is in!

 Facing the presiding judge on the court hearing stage.

 The people in the plaintiff's dock and the defendant's dock were very nervous.

 Ye Fei and Xie Jing were nervous about what kind of sentence they would face.

Zhang Tongwei was nervous about whether he could keep his property.

Li Xuezhen was still staring at Ye Fei, nervous about whether she could send him in!

Su Bai looked calm. After noticing this detail about Li Xuezhen, he twitched his lips, but didn't say much.

 At the judgment seat.

Yang Yu spoke slowly and announced the result of the trial:

“The reason for this case is that the plaintiff, Zhang Tongwei, sued the defendant, Xie Jing, for defrauding his pre-marital property during the marriage. The case will be heard by this court, Nandu Primary Court.”

“This court has jurisdiction over this case, and all applicable laws are based on domestic laws.”

“The result of the trial will be announced below.”

  “The litigation claim raised against the plaintiff after research and determination by the collegial panel.”

 “Based on my country’s definition of the crime of fraud: objective, subjective, and the essential structural conditions of the subject.”

“The defendant used the threat of coercion to change the subjective will of the plaintiff and achieve the purpose of converting pre-marital private property into public property. Although it failed, it had a strong intention and constituted fraud.”

“The circumstances are egregious and the amount of property is huge. However, because the relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant is husband and wife and has not yet been dissolved, the defendant is given a lighter sentence and sentenced to six months in prison.”

“The defendant Xie Jing’s fraudulent behavior against the plaintiff has violated the basic laws of marriage.

  Agree with the plaintiff’s proposal to dissolve the de facto relationship of marriage. "

“In response to what the plaintiff has raised, the defendant is required to return the plaintiff’s labor and financial losses for so many years.”

“Because of the legal marriage relationship, the application is rejected, but the property given by the defendant to his brother and parents, which is common property, is required to be returned without the plaintiff’s consent.”

“The plaintiff’s application for mental damages is rejected.”

“The plaintiff’s application for compensation, which seriously affects his image and reputation, shall be rejected.”

“The attorney fees requested by the plaintiff shall be borne by the other party, and shall be rejected in accordance with my country’s litigation fee payment regulations.”

"at the same time."

“During the trial, the plaintiff’s complaint against the defendant’s lawyer was made in this case and involved the parties involved, so the trial was established.”

“Ye Fei, the lawyer appointed by the defendant Xie Jing, instigated the defendant Xie Jing to induce the defendant Xie Jing to defraud the plaintiff Zhang Tongweifang’s pre-marital property, which constitutes a condition for the crime of abetting.”

“Due to the seriousness of the circumstances and conclusive evidence, I am sentenced to one year in prison and my lawyer’s qualifications are revoked.”

“In this case, this court will notify the procuratorate to initiate a public prosecution process against the defendant’s lawyer Ye Fei.”

“In response to the litigation claims raised by the defendant, since the defendant involves criminal liability issues, the property division issues raised by the defendant are all rejected.”

“This case is a first-instance judgment. According to the provisions of my country’s Procedural Law, if the defendant determines that there is an error in the ruling or has any doubts, it can apply to the higher court for a retrial.”

“The judgment will be sent to both the plaintiff and the defendant within fifteen days of the closing of the court session.”


 The gavel fell.

 “Closed court!”

Yang Yu’s majestic voice fell, and the trial ended.

 At the defendant's seat.

 Hearing the result of the verdict, Ye Fei was completely stunned!



 I came to be a client lawyer and sent myself in? !


Furthermore, her qualification to practice law was revoked!

 The cost of fighting this lawsuit is too high!

 Layer fees have not been earned, professional certificates are gone, and people still go in? !

“Presiding Judge! I don’t accept the verdict!”

 Ye Fei collapsed, completely collapsed!

Who could have imagined that the result would be like this? !


Faced with Ye Fei's roar, presiding judge Yang Yu had only one sentence: "If you are not satisfied with the first-instance judgment, you can appeal to the intermediate court. If you have illegal disputes about the process of this case, you can report it to the relevant law enforcement departments!"

After Yang Yu finished speaking, he glanced at Su Bai with interest, and then left the court hearing.

 At the defendant's seat.

 Xie Jing stayed where she was, looking at a loss.

 Didn’t you say you can win if you agree? result

Not only did he not win, but he also got himself into it and was sentenced to six months in prison!

 The house is gone.

 Millions are gone.

 The common property is gone.

 The good old days are gone.

  TM’s sentence is only six months!

“Lawyer Ye, what on earth is going on! Why. Why do we still have to go to jail if we lose? How did you guarantee it in the first place?!”

 Xie Jing fell into madness and threw herself at Ye Fei.

 Fortunately, the bailiff on the side stopped him in time.

Ye Fei looked at a loss when faced with Xie Jing's roar.


There is definitely something wrong with this lawsuit!


 There is definitely an inside story!

 Different from the state in the defendant's seat, Zhang Tongwei in the plaintiff's seat was completely in a state of excitement.

“Lawyer Su, you are too aggressive!”

“Not only did they keep my pre-marital property, but they also sent the other party’s lawyer in?!”

 “Fuck me! Fuck me!”

 “Lawyer Su, you are too fierce!”

“Wang Li was absolutely right to recommend you to me, Lawyer Su. You are just that.”

Zhang Tongwei couldn't describe it at the moment. He was so excited that he couldn't find an adjective: "Anyway, it's so awesome!"

Su Bai patted Zhang Tongwei on the shoulder:

 “Don’t do anything wrong, remember to pay the legal fees.”

“Don’t worry, Lawyer Su, the lawyer’s fees will be paid when I get back!”

Facing such a fierce Su Bai, Zhang Tongwei did not dare not pay the legal fees. Who knows whether Su Bai will send him in next.

 Besides, this lawsuit was won so thoroughly and the hatred was so resolved.

 Attorney fees have become a minor issue.

Li Xuezhen clenched her fists and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Eyes are shining brightly.

His eyes fell on Su Bai: "Lawyer Su and the other party's lawyer have gone in!"

 “Well, let’s go in, don’t be so excited.”

Li Xuezhen has been staring at Ye Fei for almost the entire lawsuit.

Su Bai suspected that Li Xuezhen had targeted or cursed the other party.

This lawsuit.

He was sure he could win, but he didn't have any confidence in sending the opponent in.

According to a general trial, the defendant, namely Xie Jing, will be dismissed and the property returned, while Ye Fei will be punished by revoking his lawyer's license.

 Judge Yang Yu's powerful verdict was something he didn't expect and far exceeded his expectations.

  Not only the crime of fraud was given.

And judging from the result of the sentence, it is already very severe.

 It’s a big win!

  It should be the court presentation that played a major role.


“Lawyer Su, Lawyer Ye, look at you.”

Li Xuezhen spoke quietly from the side.

Su Bai laughed and said, "Look at me? Maybe your eyes are cramped."

“Lawyer Su, this joke is quite interesting, hehe.”

Li Xuezhen tried her best to cooperate with Su Bai's cold jokes.

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 (End of this chapter)

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