As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 314: Judgment result: plead guilty and accept punishment, 13 years late

Chapter 314: Judgment result, admission of guilt and punishment, apology 13 years late

To be honest, no movie would dare to film the process of finding the real murderer.

 Movies need logic, but reality does not need logic.

When Su Bai got a second trial from the prosecutor in Pingyuan Province and sent him a message that the real murderer had been found.

Su Bai was also a little surprised.

 Have you found the real murderer?

 Is the timing so coincidental?

 This made Su Bai think of a case.

 A man was convicted of killing his wife and received a suspended death sentence of two years.

 The result was a few months before execution after being sentenced to death with a reprieve.

 His wife is back again!

 The result is that he didn’t die, but someone else did!

 He was mistaken for his wife, and he was arrested.

Not to mention the incomplete chain of evidence, the victim in this case is not even himself!

 All kinds of coincidences were added together, and the innocent man who was caught almost got executed!

 What a coincidence?

Isn't the symbol logical?

 It is illogical and cannot be made up, but it happened in reality.

 This case has been circulated in the legal circle for a long time.

  If this man’s wife comes back a few months late, then this case...

 Tsk tsk.…

How should I put it? It can be called the leading unjust, false and wrongly convicted case in the country.

 Speaking of which, here’s the story of this case and the real culprit.

Su Bai was also a little curious about who it was, so he replied and asked.

“Prosecutor Wang, how was the real culprit in this case caught?”

 “Why did you suddenly discover it?”

Over there, Prosecutor Wang directly sent a voice message:

“The suspect was reported by his wife!”

  ? ? ?

 Has your wife reported you?

“The law enforcement side has not yet completed the relevant transcripts regarding the incident process. I don’t know much about it, and I can’t reveal too much.”

“However, the arrest of the real culprit in this case is due to you, Lawyer Su!”

Su Bai was stunned for a moment when he heard the voice in the voice. Does he also have a share of the credit?

 “What credit?”

 Under Su Bai's questioning, Prosecutor Wang told the whole story.

“This criminal suspect was originally from Jiang Wei’s village. After committing the crime, because he was very honest in the village at that time, everyone in the village suspected Jiang Wei, and no one knew it was him, so he ran out to work.”

 “Eluded investigation.”

 “And he never came back!”

"After I went out, I married a wife and started a family. Later I got drunk. I don't know if I was holding it in or something."

“Crying bitterly with my wife, saying that I made a mistake and was sorry for so and so.”

“His wife was also confused at the time. Later, the case became public opinion. Her wife saw it and remembered it.”

“The relationship between the two couples was not very good. They were getting divorced, and the suspect’s wife was also afraid at the time.

 Who wouldn’t be afraid that his husband is a murderer?

So I went directly to the local public security bureau to report the incident. "

“The local public security bureau didn’t believe it at first, but after checking the files, they found it was indeed related and arrested him immediately.”

“Currently, the criminal suspect is being examined in another place, and the transfer work is being coordinated here at Kaishi.

The criminal suspect explained the entire crime process and details. This time, Jiang Wei's suspicion was completely cleared. "

“Just waiting to be identified at the scene of the suspect’s identification and signing of the confession!”

After listening to Inspector Wang’s voice, Su Bai smiled and said, “I’ll be very busy for a while.”

 “Who says it’s not!”

Prosecutor Wang complained, chatted with Su Bai for a few more words, and ended the chat.

"The real criminal suspect has been found...then Xu Bo's dereliction of duty and false accusations should not be able to escape."

Su Bai recited silently.



To be honest, Jiang Wei’s case has had a considerable impact on both the Provincial High Court and the Provincial Procuratorate.

 Firstly, it involves the unfair trial of the Vice President of the Provincial High Court, and secondly, it involves the investigation and trial of the Provincial Prosecutor Xu Bo.

 After the real criminal suspect was arrested, Xu Bo's trial also started.

Su Bai took Li Xuezhen and Jiang Wei to attend this court session.

  Just sitting in the spectator seat.

 At the court hearing.

 Xu Bo faced the prosecutor's statement and accusation without any rebuttal.

There were only a few sentences in the court hearing, in which he confessed his crime and accepted punishment.

 Do not refute.

 Listen to the accusations made by the presiding judge and prosecutor, without any excuse.

  He didn’t even hire a lawyer himself, and asked the court to find two assistance lawyers.

Two aid lawyers also believed that Xu Bo was guilty, but they commuted his criminal sentence on the basis of guilt.

 Xu Bo didn’t care too much about these.

 In fact, when he learned that the real murderer had been caught, he knew in his heart that there was no point in rebutting.

Jiang Wei is not the real murderer, which means that what he did in the first place was wrong.

 And it was so wrong that an innocent man spent 13 years in prison.

 If you make a mistake, you will need to face penalties.

 So based on this, he didn’t want to refute anything.

 At the final court statement stage, Xu Bo spoke:

 “In this case, I did not consider that there were other possibilities in this case.”

“It’s my problem to use my own experience to prove that Jiang Wei is a criminal.”

 “And it’s a very serious problem. I don’t make any excuses for my crimes.”

 “I plead guilty and accept punishment.”

“No matter how many years the court sentences me to prison, or whether the court sentences me according to the maximum sentence, I will accept it.”

“At the same time, I sincerely apologize to Jiang Wei again.”

"I'm sorry. Due to my negligence and personal reasons, I can't clear your grievances."

 “You were also sentenced to life imprisonment and suffered 13 years before you were released from prison.”

“I know my apology may be insignificant, but I still want to express my guilt.”


 Speaking, Xu Bo bowed deeply in the direction of Jiang Wei, expressing his apology.

After the statement was made, the presiding judge began to read out the verdict—several other people were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from half a year to one year.

 Xu Bo was sentenced to one year and six months in prison for alleged dereliction of duty.

After the verdict was over and he left the court, Su Bai raised his head and glanced at the sky, which was blue.

How should I describe Xu Bo’s statement in the court hearing?

 He could tell that it was indeed a sincere apology.

 And Xu Bo did indeed identify Jiang Wei as the murderer based on his own experience at the beginning.

 That's why we have been determined to accuse Jiang Wei.

 Is Xu Bo considered a good prosecutor?

Su Bai doesn’t know, but in Jiang Wei’s case, it doesn’t count.

 At least from Jiang Wei's point of view, Jiang Wei cannot accept it.

 As Xu Bo and others announced the verdict.

The Provincial High Court also imposed penalties on Shen Yao and Ma Da.

The Provincial High Court believed that Shen Yao had a certain degree of partiality in the judgment of Jiang Wei's case, and the impact was very large.

 So he was given a warning and was temporarily removed from his original work content. The motor was also given a warning.

 As for why the punishment was given?

 Of course the Provincial High Court had competitors and seized the opportunity.

 In such a complicated environment, who made the mistake? That gives competitors a chance.

 Especially under such huge social public opinion.



On the way back from Pingyuan Province, Li Xuezhen’s entire expression looked excited.

From time to time, I will wonder whether the court gave a lenient sentence in this case.

 In fact, in ordinary court hearings.

 For matters such as dereliction of duty, as long as the fuss is not too big, there will generally be no prosecution.

 It does not involve corruption cases or cases with significant social influence, and the sentences will not be too harsh. Let’s take a case that Su Bai knew about before.

 Forcing a confession and later overturning the case.

In the end, the person involved in the forced confession was sentenced to one year in prison, or suspended.

 Light or not?

 It is considered a relatively light sentence.

It does not matter whether the judgment is light or not, it involves subjective issues and whether the circumstances are serious.

to be honest.

Each case involves different circumstances, so the specific sentencing period is different.

Su Bai really couldn't answer Li Xuezhen's question, so he smiled and said nothing.

 Let her sit quietly for a while.

At this, Li Xuezhen made a sound and looked at Su Bai quietly.



at the same time.

 In Feng Lijian’s office.

Lao Li kept complaining to Feng Lijian: "Old Feng, tell me, Xuezhen has been busy with cases recently."

 “There’s no time!”

“Look, I sent her a message at four o’clock in the afternoon, but she hasn’t replied yet!”

 Feng Lijian: “What time is it now?”

 “It’s ten past four!”

 Feng Lijian:.…

 In fact, Lao Li complained to Feng Lijian for no other reason.

 Mainly because Li Xuezhen was working on a case during this period, and he couldn't be contacted all day long!

 Especially when I go on a business trip with Su Bai.

Since the last time he called Li Xuezhen, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

 I am afraid that my good daughter will run away with someone.

 The more you are afraid of something, the more you will think about it.

No, I came to Feng Lijian to complain. As a slave girl, I was really worried.

 Feng Lijian knew the specific situation and comforted him with a smile:

 “Don’t worry too much, it’s only ten minutes, wait a minute.”

  “Let’s talk about it.”

 “Maybe I’m busy now.”

 Lao Li felt much calmer after hearing the consolation, but he was still a little worried.

However, Feng Lijian also paid attention to him:

  “When this case is over, we can see you again.”

At the same time, Feng Lijian also thought silently in his heart: Fortunately, he didn’t tell Lao Li everything last time

 Otherwise, he’s really afraid that he won’t be able to accept Lao Li’s heart! .


 Bai Jun Law Firm.

Jiang Wei's case is considered to be over. Recently, Su Bai has been pursuing criminal proceedings.

to be honest.…

 In terms of administration and civil affairs, it lags far behind.


 At present, the main reason for taking over cases is to increase the visibility and influence of the case.

 To improve the progress of the system.

 As for type, from the current perspective, type is not too important.

Of course, everything needs to be developed in a balanced way, if there are good cases in administrative and civil litigation.

Su Bai doesn’t mind if he fights these cases to expand the law firm’s development route.


 There is a long way to go!

Su Bai said silently.

On the other side, after returning to the law firm, Li Xuezhen simply packed up and returned to the rental house.

 In a rental house.

 Wang Kexin, a little girl, couldn't help but say to Li Xuezhen: "Xuezhen!"

 “How was the outcome of this case?”

Li Xuezhen smiled and squinted her eyes: "The harvest is not bad, I sent in a total of five this time."


Wang Kexin’s little **** shook and she murmured to herself:

“Five people are enough for me to fight several lawsuits...”

 “Xuezhen, you are awesome!”

“It would be great if I could send five people off at once...”

Thinking of this, Wang Kexin's eyes couldn't help but dim a bit.

Li Xuezhen smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. When you become a barrister in the future, you will definitely be able to send many people in."

 “A lot of bad people!”

Li Xuezhen added.

Hearing Li Xuezhen’s encouragement, Wang Kexin nodded heavily and said:

“Xuezhen, have you had any experiences recently?”

 Feelings and experiences.…

Li Xuezhen shook her head: "I don't have any experience."

 “But I have a summary.”

 “Summary, what summary?”

“Following Lawyer Su, I can always give away people…”

 Wang Kexin:.….

 I don’t think I can use this summary...


 Wang Kexin thought silently in his heart.



In addition, at night, after finishing everything, Li Xuezhen turned on her phone and saw the message Lao Li sent her.

He replied: "Dad, I have returned to the rental house. I forgot to reply to your message in the afternoon."

 “Is everything okay?”

Over there, Lao Li has been waiting hard for Li Xuezhen to reply. After seeing Li Xuezhen's reply, he immediately replied: "It's nothing."

“I just want to ask you what you are doing and get in touch.”

"Oh, right.…"

"You haven't been busy recently, have you? The case at hand should be finished, right?"

“Can you ask Lawyer Su to come out to have a meal with you?”

 “I thank him in person.”

 After a minute, when there was no movement, Lao Li spoke again: "If you are busy, you can try another day."

Who would have thought that just digging a few shovels of coal could amount to millions.

 Lao Li, who has invested in so many companies and is worth an unknown amount of money, still talks inquiringly when facing his daughter.

  A proper daughter and slave.

However...thinking of his own history of struggle and sadness...Lao Li felt that there was nothing wrong with being a daughter slave.

 After waiting for a few more minutes, Lao Li received the message from Li Xuezhen.

 “Okay dad...”

“But about Lawyer Su, I need to ask him.”


 Seeing the last word sent by Lao Li on the mobile phone screen, Li Xuezhen did not reply.

 But he was secretly thinking... Lao Li might have noticed something, right?

 Otherwise, why would he keep calling Lawyer Su to go to dinner?

 She is usually dumb, but she is not dumb about this kind of thing!

Li Xuezhen's clear eyes revealed a glimmer of light, and she picked up her phone and sent a message to Su Bai.

 “Lawyer Su...”

“When you have time, my teacher would like to treat you to dinner…”

Su Bai:? ? ?

 Feng Lijian invited him to dinner?

 This case was able to progress so smoothly and quickly because of Feng Lijian's connections.

He should have invited Feng Lijian to dinner. How come this happened the other way around?



 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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