As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 316: Infringement is not a problem? Pooh! what!

Chapter 316: Infringement is not a problem? Pooh! what!

Lin Wenhui’s case is viewed from any angle.

 Can win the case.

 Furthermore, the threat from leaders within the hospital is basically non-existent.

  There is no possibility of threat from a legal or other perspective.

 This case itself happened in Nandu.

Su Bai was already familiar with the situation in Nandu and took Li Xuezhen with him.

 And asked Li Xuezhen to call Zhang Yujuan and Lin Wenhui, and went directly to the police station to report the case.

As soon as the duty officer heard the information about the case, his eyebrows were raised: "This school doesn't allow you to report the case?"

 “Let’s fill in the details of the case first.”

 Speaking, he handed Lin Wenhui a form.

Lin Wenhui looked at the contents on the form and asked: "Lawyer Su, what crime should I fill in? Obscenity or..."

 “Fill in the attempt to force a woman to have sex.”

Su Bai looked at Lin Wenhui and spoke.

 In this case, the foreign student did not have real **** despite being drunk and Lin Wenhui's strong resistance.


  It is indeed an act of infringement.

 There is a very obvious infringement action, which is no longer an indecent act, but an attempted act.



 Wait until Lin Wenhui completes filling in the relevant information.

The officer on duty has called others to inform others that there is a criminal report, and asked several people to come and investigate the case.

 Take the criminal suspect away for investigation first!

to be honest.

 It means to detain the criminal suspect first to prevent the criminal suspect from running away.



 Nandu Technology and Business University, Branch.

 In the office of the Vice President.

 At this time, Zhang Tao was the deputy dean of the branch of the Industrial and Commercial University.

After learning that the foreign student who committed the crime in the college was taken away for investigation, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious on his face.

to be honest.…

What he was worried about was nothing else but the bad impact of this incident.

How to put it this way, the school’s international ranking depends on the proportion of international students.

 In addition to other things, the school attaches great importance to international students.

 Whether it is from the dormitory education environment or from other perspectives, the resources provided to foreign students are good resources within the school.

Occasionally, foreign students make mistakes. To be honest, as long as it is not a big mistake, the school will just turn a blind eye.

But he didn’t expect that the leaders in the college would take turns giving Lin Wenhui a good look and a bad look.

Even with threats of expulsion and failure to complete her career, Lin Wenhui was still determined to call the police and file a case.

 The international students who committed the crime have been taken away.

 This will have a bad impact on their school if it is not done well.

Think of this.

Zhang Tao did not hesitate to call the police station in the jurisdiction to learn about the situation.

There were police officers in their school, but Zhang Tao knew the director of the area, so he called them directly.

 After answering the phone, Zhang Tao smiled and said:

“Director Xiao, I heard that the law enforcement officers of your institute took one of our students away.”

"This matter is purely a misunderstanding, and there is no criminal situation at all."

“To be honest, I only found out about this today, and I have already understood the whole thing.”

“Director Xiao, do you think you can bring this person back to school first?”

 Director Xiao, who was opposite, heard Zhang Tao’s words and spoke firmly:

 “Misunderstanding, what misunderstanding?”

“The students in your school have proven that this is attempted coercion.”

 “It’s not a misunderstanding, he is already a suspect!”

“What should we do if we take someone back to school and the suspect escapes?”


 Zhang Tao lowered his voice: "It's really a misunderstanding..."

“If it’s a misunderstanding, fine, Dean Zhang will come and sign for the person’s bail. If something happens, you’ll be responsible for it!”

 Zhang Tao:.…


 He just wanted Director Xiao to save face and let the matter be left vague.

  What happened if he was released on bail? He will definitely be held accountable.

  After hanging up the phone, Director Xiao spat: "Bah, what the hell!"

People have bullied us in our territory, and now they are turning on other people?

 Director Xiao was transferred from the army a few years ago. I really can’t stand this phenomenon!



 There has been little progress from the police station, and now Zhang Tao wants to eliminate the impact.

That must be to find a lawyer first, and then ask Lin Wenhui to withdraw the case.


 Zhang Tao contacted a lawyer from a criminal law firm in Nandu.

And through the counselor below, I found out whether Lin Wenhui found a lawyer when filing the case, and which lawyer she found.

 After learning about it, I found Nandu Baijun Law Firm.

  Didn’t take it too seriously.

 Zhang Tao doesn’t know much about the legal profession, and he doesn’t usually watch short videos or anything like that.

He seems to have heard that Bai Jun Law Firm is quite famous, but why it is so famous...he is not sure about the details.

—It’s just that when the lawyer from the law firm I contacted heard that he was dealing with Bai Jun Law Firm, his voice didn’t sound so natural.

“I am Jiang Min from Nanyuan Law Firm. In this case, our law firm will try our best to help the client fight for the right to litigate.”

“But my suggestion is that now it is only the case filing and investigation stage, and Lin Wenhui can be asked to withdraw the case first.”

“As long as the case is withdrawn, the impact of the case will be small.”


hang up the phone.

Jiang Min frowned, this time it was good, he was facing Bai Jun Law Firm again!

However, general campus cases can be solved through some means by the school in the early stage. If they do not continue to advance, there will be no problem.

 On the other side, Zhang Tao became even more troubled after learning through Jiang Min how this case needed to be solved.

Still asking Lin Wenhui to withdraw the case?

 Wandered around, then turned back again at the end?

 Zhang Tao immediately contacted Lin Wenhui’s instructor and asked Lin Wenhui to come tomorrow.

In addition, Lin Wenhui also told Su Bai the news.

Su Bai replied: "Don't worry about this issue. I will accompany you to your vice president's office tomorrow."

 Lin Wenhui relaxed a lot after seeing the news.

 Early the next morning, Su Bai took Lin Wenhui to the office of Vice President Zhang Tao of the Industrial and Commercial Branch.

 In the office, in addition to Zhang Tao, there are two teachers who look like Lin Wenhui's counselors.

 After Su Bai took Lin Wenhui into the office, he also saw an old acquaintance—Jiang Min.

When Jiang Min saw Su Bai, he was mentally prepared and there was no surprise.

to be honest.

This time Zhang Tao called Lin Wenhui over, mainly because he wanted Lin Wenhui to withdraw the case, or in other words, he wanted to use lawyers to pressure and scare Lin Wenhui.

But Zhang Tao didn't expect Lin Wenhui to bring the lawyer here.

 “This matter is not easy to handle!”

 Zhang Tao muttered something silently in his heart, his expression changed, and he continued to speak cheerfully:

“Lin Wenhui, this time I called you to my office for the same reason.”

 “This matter is just a misunderstanding..”

"The foreign student did make a move on you at that time, but after all, nothing was accomplished in the end." "You didn't lose anything!"

“You said it was forced on you, isn’t that a bit inappropriate?”

“After all, this matter will have a negative impact on the school. I think we should discuss it carefully.”

Lin Wenhui said nothing and focused her gaze on Su Bai.

Su Bai said: "According to our country's laws, any act of forcing a woman to have **** against her will is considered force."

“Lin Wenhui is the victim in this case, and I asked about the foreign student in school who often harasses women.”

“There were even several other attempts to force students.”

“It was still blatant. If no one else had passed by at the scene, it would probably have happened.”

“These situations have all involved attempted coercion, and the school has been suppressing these matters.”

 “And indulged the foreign student’s behavior.”

“But what if forced behavior really occurs one day?”

“I would like to ask Dean Zhang, if this thing really happens, what should be done?”

 Zhang Tao’s originally smiling face changed again, and he spoke seriously:

“Our school will never tolerate real criminals!”

“Well! Then please ask Dean Zhang to cooperate with the law enforcement officers’ investigation. We have already submitted the relevant filing for this case, and the attempted coercion failed!”

“That foreign student is already equivalent to a criminal.”

“Our request is that the school expel the foreign student.”

 Zhang Tao:.….

 Co-author Everything I said before was in vain, right?

 Don’t you understand what I said is so obvious?

Zhang Tao was a little angry in his heart, but anger was just anger, and he couldn't put his anger on the bright side.

 Taking a breath, he continued to speak:

"The impact of this case is very bad for the school. If it happens, then I will definitely be on your side."

“But nothing actually happened, so this matter...can the case be withdrawn first?”

“Of course, the school will increase management efforts and provide certain compensation for what my classmates suffered.”

Su Bai didn't say anything, even though he acted as the authorized lawyer in this case.

 But in fact, what he cares about is the client’s demands, which is Lin Wenhui’s thoughts.

Lin Wenhui shook her head: "Dean Zhang, I asked in the school group."

  “Many female classmates were harassed by that student.”

 “The school didn’t give any treatment.”

“This matter has a really great impact on me, and I will never withdraw the lawsuit.”

“But have you ever thought about it, if the school is smeared, will it have an impact on your graduation?”

 What impact will it have on graduation?

Before Su Bai could speak, Jiang Min explained:

“What Vice President Zhang means is that if the school is discredited, it will have an impact on every graduating student.”

 Su Bai: .….

Originally, the voice recorder has already recorded it. If you can't graduate in the future, you can definitely use this evidence to sue the school.

 But now Jiang Min’s explanation has disrupted the recording and plans.

But having said that, this time, Lin Wenhui expressed her attitude forcefully.

 Do not withdraw the case.

 There is no solution on the part of the school, except that you may have some academic difficulties.

 As for expulsion?

This threat simply does not exist.…

This time he took Lin Wenhui to Zhang Tao's office, except that Zhang Tao asked them to come over for negotiation.

Su Bai’s other idea is to see what kind of attitude the school has.

 Now we have seen the school’s stated attitude, which is to protect the foreign student regardless of the interests of other students in the school.

to be honest.…

●Today’s discussion is actually still focused on the issue of reconciliation with China.

 Obviously...Lin Wenhui herself is a victim.

 The school blindly uses graduation and expulsion to put pressure on a student.

 It's relatively simple to bully students who haven't graduated yet, right?

 After leaving the office, Li Xuezhen’s face turned red with anger.

“Lawyer Su...Why is this vice president like this?”

“Obviously it’s the foreign student who often harasses female students in school, but now the vice-dean openly insists on covering him up.”

 “Are female students in schools just allowed to be harassed?”

“What this vice-dean did is really irritating!”

 While speaking, the expression on Li Xuezhen's face could fully reflect the anger in her heart.

On the other side, Lin Wenhui also added: "This has happened more than once or twice."

“Every time something like this happens in our campus, the school suppresses it and doesn’t allow us to post trending searches.”

“They even used the school’s backend area network to find our students to stop us and post any relevant information online.”

Hearing what Lin Wenhui said, Su Bai asked: "This has happened many times before..."

“And they also used network technology to find you and prohibited you from posting any relevant information online, right?”

Lin Wenhui nodded: "Yes! We can't post anything bad about foreign students."

“So are there any other students who wanted to report the crime, but were suppressed?”


“Then can you contact other classmates who were molested or forced to testify in court?”

 “Or do you know who your classmates are?”

“I know a few people, but I can’t guarantee that they will testify in court...”

 “It doesn’t matter, as long as you know the person.”

 After leaving the Industrial and Commercial Branch, Su Bai went to the law enforcement unit to learn about the progress of the case filing.

 The answer I got was that the law enforcement units paid great attention to this case and have now confirmed the facts of the crime.

 Preparing to hand it over to the prosecutor for confirmation before filing a lawsuit.

Hearing that the case had been handed over to the prosecutor, Su Bai thought to himself that the progress of this case was indeed very fast.

However, if a lawsuit is filed, then there must be more than one lawsuit filed in this case.

Su Bai said to the law enforcement officers handling the case: "I still have a crime that needs to be established."

 “What crime?”

“The school has a pattern of covering up foreign students’ molestation and coercion of other female students.”

Law enforcement officers:? ? ?

 Is there any cover-up situation?

 However, after learning about the specific problem, the law enforcement officers handed Su Bai a form.

After Su Bai finished filling out the form, the law enforcement officer took a look.

 “As for this cover-up, we will follow up and investigate.”

“If there are any other circumstances, please inform us before submitting the case for prosecution.”


 After leaving the law enforcement unit, Su Bai looked up and saw white clouds passing by in the blue sky.

In his opinion, this case involves more than just proving the harassment and coercion of female students on campus by foreign students.

 There is also the school’s connivance with foreign students.

If it weren’t for the connivance of the school and the vice-dean, this student would have been expelled long ago and sent to a law enforcement agency.

 Will this situation happen again and again?


 So just go ahead and sue the school directly.

I hope similar things like this will continue to happen in the future!


“It is estimated that the investigation of this case will be completed soon, and it will be much simpler to bring charges in court.”

Su Bai thought silently in his heart.

 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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