As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 325: The commission was terminated in court! Go to the highest level to review the statemen

Chapter 325: The commission is terminated in court! Go to the highest level to review the statement (Little Madden)

 At the judgment seat.

Lin Fengru frowned even more after noticing Su Bai's gaze.

Just now, she had explained to Su Bai in detail why she had to make such a decision.


The other party is still holding on to this point of view.

To be honest, in the trial court, the presiding judge has absolute judgment.

  You can make your judgment based on your own understanding of the law.

 At least in this case, Lin Fengru does not think there are any problems with her legal interpretation and judgment.

 In legal interpretation, sometimes it is not necessary to make judgments according to the rules.


As a woman, she can consider how this case should be judged from Xie Tingting’s perspective.

 In a family, if a woman cheats on her, the man will definitely not be able to bear it.

 There are various traces that prove that the man is suspected of intentional homicide.

 Handle this matter with preparatory crime.

Is there a problem? At least it didn't seem like a big problem to her.

As for the objective factual evidence Su Bai mentioned, she has already explained it very clearly in her explanation just now.

ˆ “Search content” can be used as an objective preparatory act for committing a crime.

Lin Fengru ignored Su Bai’s protest and continued:

“The relevant judgment on the appellant Fang Rufeng has been completed, and the court statement will now begin.”

 The court statement is directly equivalent to stating the judgment of the sentence.

 Determine the sentencing time.

However, Su Bai himself was dissatisfied with the original judgment of this case and raised his hand again.

 “Presiding Judge…we continue to protest.”

  “We once again state that we do not agree with the relevant judgment of our client.”

“I request the presiding judge to consider the issue from Fang Rufeng’s point of view instead of from Xie Tingting’s point of view.”

“From Fang Rufeng’s perspective, what did he do wrong?”

 “You did nothing wrong!”

“It was just an impulsive blurt that resulted in the current prosecution.”

“From the perspective of our client, is he willing to be sentenced in this way?”

 “Is this judgment reasonable?”

“So I would like to ask the presiding judge to think more about the problems in this case from our perspective.”


 Lin Fengru also felt a hint of impatience in her heart regarding Su Bai's repeated protests.

What does Su Bai mean by this?

 It means that she did not judge this case from a fair perspective?

  Or... did she deliberately lean towards Xie Tingting?

Lin Fengru did not answer Su Bai’s question and spoke calmly:

“I have given corresponding explanations to the multiple protests made by the lawyers entrusted by the appellant.”

“Since the appellant has entrusted lawyers to continue to protest, the hearing will be adjourned now.”

“Wait until the collegial panel reaches the corresponding results after discussion, and then make the relevant judgment!”

 “Adjourn the court!”

 The gavel fell and the court entered the adjournment stage.

 Wait until the collegial panel leaves.

 Xie Tingting and her attorney Xu Xia, who were sitting at the injured party's seat, were the happiest in their hearts.

 Through the current stage, the chief judge is leaning towards their side.

 Since it is now leaning towards their side, it is considered a collegial panel.

The most important thing is to lean towards the judgment of the presiding judge.


In Xu Xia’s view, this case ultimately resulted in a suspended sentence for Fang Rufeng.

 A suspended sentence...then it proves that Fang Rufeng is guilty, and the sentence is reduced.

 But based on Fang Rufeng’s criminal motive and the subjective conditions for determining guilt.

 You can definitely win your divorce case!

 More stable!

Xu Xia looked at Xie Tingting with a relaxed expression: "We are sure to win this lawsuit."

“Thank you, Lawyer Xu. If Lawyer Xu hadn’t helped me so much... I might still be stuck in this marriage.”

Xu Xia smiled and said: "It's not that I'm helping you like this, but that we seek truth from facts."

“You see, Prosecutor Wu doesn’t have much objection to the conditions for determining this crime.”

“This shows that Fang Rufeng should be guilty in this case.”

 After speaking, Xu Xia glanced in the direction of Su Bai, the lawyer entrusted by the appellant.


Barristers still have to listen to the presiding judge in court.

 Su Bai: .….

  ? ? ?

 Okay, okay, let’s do it like this, right?

Isn’t this forcing people to commit crimes?

 Originally, Fang Rufeng should have been found not guilty.

 But if he is found guilty.

So Xie Tingting got most of the property through this.

From the current perspective, even if Fang Rufeng is sentenced, how long can he be sentenced?

 When he comes out, will he hold a grudge against Xie Tingting? Will he feel that Xie Tingting has teamed up with cheaters to seize his family's property?

If Fang Rufeng's entire life is ruined, is it possible that he will commit a real crime?


 An unfair judgment may completely affect a person's normal thinking.

 Thus going to the other extreme.

To be honest...from the judge's perspective, this is also an issue that needs to be considered.

 Now we just need to see how the collegial panel determines this case.



 In the collegial court discussion room.

 In addition to Lin Fengru, the members of the collegial panel this time include a female judge and a male judge.

Lin Fengru first made a brief analysis of the defense in this case just now.

“My point of view on this case is very simple. I want to discuss whether the clues and evidence obtained through online searches can be regarded as objective preparations for committing a crime.”

“I’d like to hear what you two think about this case.”

 Another female judge said: "Have we not discussed this case before? I think a suspended sentence would be good."

“From the perspective of the victim, this case does involve the risk of criminal preparation.”

“As for the evidence stated by the lawyer entrusted by the appellant.”

“In fact, combining the search and Fang Rufeng’s initial statement, it can be used as evidence for judgment.”

“Is there nothing further to discuss on this point?”

After the female judge finished answering, the male judge who had been silent for a long time retorted:

 “I think there’s something wrong with this case...!”

“President, I do not agree with this point of view.”

Lin Fengru: "Tell me why you don't agree with this point of view?" The male judge continued: "I know what the presiding judge is thinking, and it's from a prescient perspective."

“But if it didn’t happen in reality, how can we make a judgment based on foresight?”

“Such a judgment can easily lead to unfairness and unfairness of the judgment.”


“I think this case has already expressed Fang Rufeng’s view of innocence through the statement of the lawyer entrusted by the appellant.”

“From Fang Rufeng’s point of view, it would be too much to be convicted for just conducting a search and saying that he wanted to kill someone.”

“Just imagine, if you are found guilty just because of this, what does the law mean to you?”

The female judge on the other side burst into a sharp voice:

“If you are from Fang Rufeng’s point of view, what if you are from Xie Tingting’s point of view?”

“Xie Tingting is the victim!”

“What we have to do is start from the perspective of the victim, okay?”

 The male judge asked back: "But from the perspective of the victim, what if Fang Rufeng is the victim?"

“The reality is not! In reality, Xie Tingting is the victim!”

 “There is no if!”

 “Are you right?!”

 The female judge stretched her head and spoke.

 Male judge: .….

 You have said it from every angle, so what else can I say?

 There is absolutely no need for me to say anything.

 “Yes, yes, you are right.”

Hearing this, the female judge smiled with satisfaction.

Seeing this, Lin Fengru said:

“In this case, should we make a judgment based on the original situation, or should we reject the appeal of the appellant?”

 Female judge: “Yeah!”

 The male judge was silent and did not speak.



 The adjournment is over.

 The trial resumes.

Originally, Su Bai thought that this adjournment for deliberation would lead to a relatively good result.

  But I didn’t expect that when the collegial panel entered the court hearing room and continued to announce the opening of the trial.

Lin Fengru spoke as the presiding judge: “After the discussion just now, the collegial panel decided to uphold the original verdict.”

“After the collegial panel makes another judgment.”

“The appellant is not allowed to continue to defend this matter and the appellant is not allowed to protest again at the court hearing!”

 “The trial continues!”

 Faced with the result announced by the collegial panel, Su Bai couldn't accept it at all.

 What kind of collegiality is this?

 In Su Bai's view, this court hearing was not a good one.

 To be honest, I don’t have any conflicts with the collegial panel.

 The collegial panel can also be considered to be able to hear the appeal party, that is, his opinion.

 But after listening, all the procedures that need to be followed have been completed. What is the actual situation?

 I listen to what you say, and then I will discuss it, but I just don’t proceed according to the progress of the case.

  ? ? ?

Su Bai didn't understand this approach very much.

 Don’t allow the protest to continue?

 Can you not protest? Definitely needed!

Just when Su Bai was about to raise his hand to signal, Lin Fengru had already predicted what Su Bai was thinking and immediately struck the hammer:

“The lawyers entrusted by the above parties shall not continue to protest!”

“If the lawyers entrusted by the above parties are dissatisfied with this court hearing, they may file a protest or other circumstances in accordance with the law.”

“The collegial panel has a relevant legal interpretation of this case, which cannot be refuted!”

 “The trial continues!”

 File a protest?


no problem!

 Since this trial continues, Fang Rufeng will still be found guilty.

Then just don’t try it!

Su Bai stood up and slapped the table: "The presiding judge does not allow us to protest, but we can also ask for the trial to continue.

  However, we have the right to submit the relevant content of this trial to the Supreme People's Procuratorate and apply for legal interpretation! "

Lin Fengru frowned: "The submission to the Supreme People's Procuratorate will also be done after this trial."

 “Let the trial continue now!”

 Continue the trial?

The trial continues, does that mean we still need to continue appealing?



Su Bai immediately said seriously to Fang Rufeng: "Please ask the client to terminate my position as attorney in court!"

Before Fang Rufeng could react, she heard Su Bai continue to repeat:

“Please ask the client to terminate my position as attorney in court!”

Although Fang Rufeng didn't know what Su Bai meant by this approach.

 But he knew in his heart that Lawyer Su would definitely not do this for no reason.

Immediately said: "I think there is a discrepancy in Su Bai's response to this case, so I will remove him from the legal fees entrusted to him in court."

Hearing what Fang Rufeng said, Su Bai continued: "In accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law."

“For criminal cases, you must have a relevant attorney!”

“Now that Fang Rufeng has not appointed a lawyer, the trial must be suspended!”

 “Presiding Judge, announce the suspension of the trial!”

Su Bai looked directly at Lin Fengru, and Lin Fengru said seriously:

 “You are totally taking advantage of a loophole in the legal rules!”

Exploiting loopholes?

 The law is enacted in this way, which means that it can be applied in court trials.

 What does it mean to exploit legal loopholes?

 Escape from legal justice is called taking advantage of legal loopholes.

 Is he taking advantage of a legal loophole now?

 Not at all!

This is just a rule of last resort.

Even if Lin Fengru questioned her at the trial, it would not meet the standard procedure for continuing the trial.

 Then the trial has to be suspended in accordance with relevant rules!

 Finally, Su Bai got the result he wanted and suspended the trial.

Stepping out of the court, Su Bai frowned slightly: "Let's go..."

Li Xuezhen asked: "Lawyer Su...what should we do now?"

what to do? !

Go to the highest level to review the statement!

Damn it, he doesn’t believe that this case can’t be overturned! .


 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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