As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 362: New evidence! Escape? Impossible to escape

 Chapter 362 New evidence! Escape? It's impossible to escape!

 Now relevant as the defendant.

 Whether it’s Wan Xiangdong, Huang Xuemei, or Huang Xuemei’s parents.

 They all hope that the postponed trial can start as soon as possible.

 Judgment The result of the first instance.

 Because several people knew in their hearts that Huang Xuemei could not be found guilty based on the available evidence.

 Early judgment means early end.

 Even if something unexpected happens later, Huang Xuemei will already be abroad by then, and there won't be much of a problem.

Of course, adjourning the trial has a time limit and is not an indefinite adjournment.

If no new evidence is found to prove Huang Xuemei's direct poisoning during the extension period.

Then the final result still needs to be held again to announce the first-instance verdict.

in other words.…

What should I do if the prosecutorial department disagrees?

  If the prosecutorial department disagrees with the verdict of the first instance, it may lodge a protest.

 Requesting a second trial for the case.

However, during the period of protest, Huang Xuemei may have already left the country.

 This is also an issue that Huang Tao is considering.

As long as you go abroad, everything will be easy to solve.



at the same time.

 The news of the postponement of the first trial was also spread by major media.

 When all criminal suspects were focused on Huang Xuemei.

 As to why Huang Xuemei was not found guilty, the case was postponed and additional evidence was requested.

 Many lawyers in the legal circle have provided relevant interpretations of this case.

 There are various opinions about this case on the Internet.

“Speaking of which…all criminal suspects are now focused on Huang Xuemei, but there is no direct evidence to prove that Huang Xuemei committed a crime.”

 “Does this mean Huang Xuemei is going to escape the crime?”

" other words, there is no direct evidence to prove that Huang Xuemei committed a crime. Does that mean the murderer may not be Huang Xuemei?"

 “This case confused me directly...”

 “Is there anyone who can provide some detailed answers?”

Someone also gave an explanation below this comment area: "Many legal commentators have already talked about this case."

“Under normal circumstances, when all criminal suspects point to the same person, there is a 99% probability that this person is definitely the murderer.”

“The lack of direct evidence may be because the relevant personnel destroyed the direct evidence, rather than because the suspect is innocent.”

“According to the objective evidence in this case, everything points to Huang Xuemei, so in this case, Huang Xuemei is very likely to be the poisoner.”

“But Huang Xuemei was very smart in disposing of the direct evidence.”

“What we have to see now is whether the prosecution can find direct evidence to substantiate Huang Xuemei’s poisoning crime.”

“If we can’t find her, Huang Xuemei may be able to get away with it.”



“Escape? As a college student from a top university in the country, she poisoned and framed her roommate. Such a bad influence, does she really get away with it?!”

“There is no direct evidence to make a judgment. The impact of this case is so great. According to the legal system, it must not be judged!”


 Procedural justice and consequential justice, these two issues have erupted into fierce conflicts online.

 Some people believe that Huang Xuemei can be sentenced based on objective evidence.

On the other hand, some people believe that sentencing Huang Xuemei without conclusive evidence is likely to damage the legal environment.

 Choose procedural justice or consequential justice...The two sides had a fierce quarrel.

The more intense the quarrel was online, the more actual pressure was put on the prosecutorial department in Beidu.

Why do you say that?

 Because from the investigation of this case, there is no direct evidence, which shows that the prosecutor's work is not in place.

  And what situation might it lead to?

 It may also lead to the murderer being exonerated due to lack of direct evidence.

 This has great influence on the prosecutorial department.

 So in response to this situation, the prosecution department is also under great pressure, especially Chen Le, who is the prosecutor of this case.

The prosecutor who partnered with Chen Le was also a little annoyed: "We have already obtained all the evidence that should be obtained for this case."

“Huang Xuemei bit her to death without pleading guilty.”

"What should we do now?"

“Adjourning the trial does not leave us with much time.”

 In response to this question, Chen Le frowned slightly, took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it into his mouth skillfully.

Took a deep breath and flicked the ashes with his middle finger: "We still have to ask Huang Xuemei from her mouth. It is best to let her plead guilty and accept punishment."

“Now all the evidence points to her. If she is willing to plead guilty and accept punishment, we can punish her according to the surrender.”

"Is this okay?"

The partner frowned slightly: "If she pleads guilty and accepts punishment, it is very likely that she will get a suspended sentence and then reduce it to life."

“The current situation is that there is no direct evidence to prove that Huang Xuemei is the criminal.”

“We have tried many times before, but Huang Xuemei has not revealed any guilty plea.”

“Now that she is in danger of being exonerated, will she plead guilty?”

  Chen Le: “Whether you know it or not, let’s try it first.”

 “Hmm... that’s okay too!”

 The partner nodded.



 On the other side, after the case entered an adjourned hearing.

Su Bai is not idle either, because the current situation is that there is no direct evidence to determine that Huang Xuemei is guilty of a crime.

If there is still no direct evidence to determine the case during the adjourned trial, what will be the result?

 The result still cannot convict Huang Xuemei of guilt.

 In this case, the most important thing is to find direct evidence of crime.

 And the direct criminal evidence in this case:

 First, witnesses.

 Second, Huang Xuemei pleads guilty and accepts punishment.

 Third, evidence.

The evidence is the highly toxic chemical residue Huang Xuemei stole from the laboratory.

Where did the highly toxic chemicals Huang Xuemei stole from the laboratory go?

 This point is the key issue.

 Of the above three types of direct evidence, the simplest is evidence.

As long as evidence can be found, Huang Xuemei can definitely be found guilty in this case.

 In other words, if the real culprit is really someone else, the other real culprit can also be found.

It’s just that the issue of evidence still has to start from Huang Xuemei’s roommate.

 Because according to tests by the hospital and relevant departments, the content of the chemicals Zhu Yun took was much lower than the highly toxic chemicals Huang Xuemei stole from the laboratory.

 From this point, it is obvious that there are still some highly toxic chemicals that have not been processed.

 As long as the whereabouts of these highly toxic chemicals are found, the case will have direct evidence.

Thinking of this, Su Bai called Xiao Zhen and contacted the security office to check the surveillance of the days before and after the incident.

at the same time.…

Also contacted the prosecutor, Chen Le, to further investigate the case.

 Chen Le interrogated Huang Xuemei again in the detention center.

This time Huang Xuemei seems to be more certain that she will be found not guilty.

 Silence when questioned by prosecutors and law enforcement officials.

  Just kept saying that according to domestic laws, she needs to be given corresponding personality rights.

 And give her due citizenship.

 To be honest... Chen Le always has a feeling about Huang Xuemei. It felt as if Huang Xuemei had known that such a day would come and had become familiar with the relevant laws in advance.

After receiving a call from Su Bai, Chen Le also understood that the main task now was to find the chemicals left behind by the evidence.

 Chen Le also suddenly realized this.

 What he had always thought before was that the direct evidence was to make a breakthrough from Huang Xuemei.

 I have never thought about punishing people based on evidence.

 On the one hand, it was believed that Huang Xuemei could not withstand the interrogation.

On the other hand, they feel that if they break through Huang Xuemei, the case will be a done deal.

 But the current situation is that it is obviously impossible for Huang Xuemei to plead guilty and accept punishment.

 So when Su Bai mentioned the evidence.

Chen Le turned his attention to looking for evidence:

“Lawyer Su...According to your statement, finding evidence is the key to determining Huang Xuemei’s poisoning.”


“Then our prosecutors and law enforcement parties will focus on investigating the evidence, that is, Huang Xuemei’s theft of chemicals from the laboratory.”

"Okay...but Prosecutor Chen, there is something I want to remind you."

Chen Le smiled: "Lawyer Su, tell me."

“That’s right, this case involves a lot of influence, but there is a lot of traffic in the school, and traces may be left no matter where in the school it is.”

“So I think the relevant information can be released within Beidu University. If someone happens to retain the evidence, then the progress of this case will be much faster.”

Hearing Su Bai’s reminder, Chen Le smiled and nodded:

“Okay, Lawyer Su, we will check in this direction.”

“This case was too big before and we were too anxious. Now there should be no problem in supplementing the evidence.”


 After hanging up the phone, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief, as Zhu Yun's attorney.

 Of course he can also investigate the evidence in this case.

  But in criminal cases, the power of individuals or ordinary lawyers is very weak.

Since this case involves the prosecution, the prosecution needs to provide additional evidence.

From this point of view, letting the prosecutor investigate the evidence is undoubtedly the best choice.

 After all, the prosecutor has judicial authority.

 Beside, Li Xuezhen looked at Su Bai: "Lawyer Su..."

“You said...can the prosecution find evidence?”

Su Bai smiled, can you find it?

 In the past, the main breakthrough point for the prosecution was Huang Xuemei herself, but now the breakthrough point lies in the evidence.

Huang Xuemei herself is unwilling to admit her crime, so there is really no way to make her speak.

 But the evidence is an object after all, and traces of it can definitely be found.

 Hypertoxic chemicals cannot be thrown away casually.

 You can check it out just by testing the ingredients.

  Previously, as soon as Zhu Yun was poisoned, law enforcement authorities tested the entire dormitory.

 Including sewer pipes, etc.

  It can be said that Huang Xuemei definitely hid the chemicals outside the dormitory.

 There are many people on campus who want to investigate and find evidence. To be honest, although the difficulties are difficult, it is not hopeless.

 “It’s okay, don’t worry too much.”


Li Xuezhen nodded.

 She is 100% assured of what Su Bai said! .


 The evidence is a highly toxic chemical and has chemical properties.

It is not an easy task to find the chemicals Huang Xuemei stole from the laboratory.

 But there are surveillance cameras all over the school. Through comparison and investigation of surveillance videos, we can observe Huang Xuemei’s movements.

Chen Le quickly confirmed when Huang Xuemei took the chemicals out of the dormitory.

  And found the location of the evidence.

It's a pity that the location where the evidence was found is in a blind spot of surveillance.

 It cannot be proved that the chemicals were stored by Huang Xuemei.

 This brings us to another problem.


 In response to this question, Chen Le took a puff of cigarette and then found the major clubs in the school.

 Look for witnesses on campus that day.

 There will be clues soon.…

This whole process seems to take a short time when briefly described, but in fact, nearly two months have passed.

Soon, after the prosecutors collected new evidence and confirmed that there were no other unexpected circumstances, they applied to the court to continue the trial.



at the same time.

Law firm, in Wan Xiangdong’s office.

˜About the new court opening notice, Huang Tao always had a vaguely bad premonition for some reason.

Facing Wan Xiangdong sitting opposite, Huang Tao asked: "Lawyer Wan."

“This time the prosecutors hold another trial, will they have any new evidence to convict Xuemei?”

Wan Xiangdong shook his head: "Probably not."

“It has been nearly two months now, and it stands to reason that a normal court hearing should be held.”

“I don’t know if the prosecutor has any new evidence, but according to my estimation, even if there is any new evidence, Xuemei cannot be found guilty.”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Huang.”

"The matter of sending Xuemei abroad has been settled. Once the first trial finds Xuemei innocent, we can just send Xuemei abroad."

“If there is no other progress in this case within a year, there will basically be no direct judgment in the future.”

“The evidence will be largely incomplete by then.”

 “It’s not a big problem.”

"If there is really any new evidence, Xuemei will have already gone abroad by then. It is not an international serious case, just a criminal case."

“Xuemei won’t have any problems.”

 Hearing Wan Xiangdong's words, Huang Tao breathed a sigh of relief, and his whole expression became much more relaxed.

 “That’ll do.”

Now that everything has been arranged, we are just waiting for the verdict of not guilty in the first instance! .


 Correspondingly, on the eve of another court session.

 In the hospital.

Su Bai, as the entrusted lawyer to confirm some matters, saw Zhu Yun lying on the hospital bed.

At this time, Zhu Yun was lying on the hospital bed, her eyes were dull, and her whole body was paralyzed on the hospital bed.

According to Zhu Yun’s parents, Zhu Yun may need to be paralyzed in a hospital bed for the rest of her life.

 As a top student at Beidu University, I got a job opportunity from a famous company.

 Now it has become like this.

 At this situation, Su Bai took a deep breath.

Jealousy does seem terrible.

In fact, according to Huang Xuemei's family conditions, there is no need to be jealous of Zhu Yun, and there is no lack of job opportunities.

 The poisoning was carried out out of sheer jealousy.

But then again.

 Based on the existing evidence, Huang Xuemei will definitely not be able to escape the sanction of the law if the court is held again! .


 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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