As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 375: The situation is not serious? It’s already bad!

Chapter 375 The plot is not serious? It’s already bad! Not serious yet? Heavy sentence!

 The issue of sentence is a period of time determined based on the crime involved.

Like Wang Fang’s case, the specific sentence depends on whether the circumstances are serious.

 Whether there is any circumstances of surrender.

 Whether you have a good attitude and admit guilt and accept punishment.

These are all conditions for sentencing. Of course, there are other conditions for commutation.

However, it is up to the court to decide whether to adopt it.

Of course, Wang Fang’s crime of dereliction of duty has now been established.

 Because of personal dereliction of duty, a person shall be sentenced to more than 20 years in prison and shall be given a suspended death sentence.

 Has been involved and caused serious consequences.

 This has become an established fact.

As for the sentencing of the prison term, it mainly depends on whether Wang Fang has different views on the crime and commutation of the sentence.

 Or whether you are willing to plead guilty and accept punishment, and truthfully explain all the facts.

 At the judgment seat.

Li Qingyuan glanced at the defendant and the defendant’s attorney:

“At present, there is no big objection to Wang Fang’s verdict of dereliction of duty.”

“Now regarding the circumstances, does Wang Fang plead guilty and accept punishment?”

“Or, does the defendant and the lawyer appointed by the defendant have anything else to elaborate on regarding the seriousness of the circumstances?”

Regarding this issue, Zhang Liang breathed a sigh of relief.

 Now that the facts of guilt have been determined, a plea to reduce the sentence needs to be made.

 But to plead for a reduced sentence, Wang Fang needs to plead guilty and accept punishment.

 Because there is no admission of guilt and punishment, the sentence will only be based on the refusal of guilt in the criminal law. The sentence for this kind of sentence is relatively high.

According to Wang Fang’s current attitude, it is basically unrealistic to admit guilt and accept punishment.

 So, Zhang Liang made a request to communicate with the defendant.

 This was also agreed by the presiding judge.

  Enter the adjournment.

 Let Zhang Liang and Wang Fang communicate in separate rooms.

During the communication, Wang Fang faced Zhang Liang alone, her voice full of displeasure, and asked directly:

“Lawyer Zhang, didn’t you tell me earlier that if you sue me and plead not guilty, there is a high chance that the defense will be successful?”

 “But what now?”

 “What is the result now?”

"The current result is that the chief judge directly finds me guilty. I have neglected my duties and committed acts of persecution."

"This is completely different from your original promise. If you do this, then I can sue you to the Lawyers Association or the Justice Bureau!"

"It doesn't matter if I go to jail for a little longer, but if I really want to accuse you, with the current level of heat, your future will be gone."

Wang Fang just put it down and asked.

 She was not worried at all that Zhang Liang would set a trap for her during the trial or do anything detrimental to her.

 For these words of Wang Fang.

Zhang Liang knew that Wang Fang's character was like this, and he was mentally prepared for it. He didn't pay too much attention to it, but there was still a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice:

“What I said at the beginning was that there was a high chance of a successful defense and acquittal.”

“But what’s the current situation? The court has judged you for dereliction of duty!”

“If you are convicted of dereliction of duty, then we have to start from the other side. Now you can either plead guilty and accept punishment, and strive for a lighter sentence.”

“Either you firmly refuse to plead guilty, and the court will impose a harsh sentence.”

“But it is more difficult to appeal to the second instance.”

 “This issue is a very serious one, and I hope the client can think about it carefully.”

I don’t know if it’s because she stayed in the law enforcement unit for too long and tried too many cases, but Wang Fang’s character is still very tough even under such circumstances.

“Is there no other way? Did you promise that this case could be acquitted?”

“Now I’m asked to plead guilty and accept punishment. Isn’t what you said contradictory?”

“I still can’t accept this psychologically.”

 At this time, Zhang Liang also lost his temper over Wang Fang's refusal to accept the plea and punishment.

"I have made it very clear now that the current situation has been determined by the court and has nothing to do with me. I have tried my best!"

 “I tried my best, do you understand?”

“What I said before may be based on direct evidence, but now the court believes that the evidence chain is complete.”

“Why did the court decide that the chain of evidence is complete? Is it because you have really done this kind of thing, and you don’t know whether you have done this kind of thing?”

“I am also trying my best to excuse you, but you also saw the situation at the scene. The presiding judge rejected my statement.”

“If you think there is anything I did in this trial that makes you dissatisfied, you can end my commission directly at the trial now!”

“Let’s just get together and go away. If you want to report me later, or if you want to see me and file a complaint with the Lawyers Association’s Judicial Bureau, it’s up to you.”

Seeing Zhang Liang's tough attitude, Wang Fang's momentum weakened a bit.

“Then tell me what should be done now, I’ll listen to your opinion.”

Hearing what Wang Fang said, Zhang Liang's frown slowly relaxed, but there was still a hint of impatience in his tone:

  "Plead guilty and accept punishment."

“In terms of sentence, it mainly depends on the court statement and your own subjective aspects.”

“Whether the circumstances are serious or not, it depends on the judgment of the presiding judge. As long as you can convince the presiding judge, you can be lenient and understanding.”

 After finishing speaking.

At the same time, I was thinking silently in my heart, this commission is really uncomfortable.

  But, how should I put it, as a lawyer, he still has a professional spirit.

  No matter what, you must consider the relevant legal interests for your client.

However, Wang Fang's expression changed slightly after hearing Zhang Liang's suggestion: "Is there no other way?"

“Isn’t it a little bad to admit guilt and accept punishment?”

Seeing Zhang Liang's silence, Wang Fang had no choice but to nod: "Okay, then I'll listen to you, plead guilty and accept punishment!"

 Communication is over.

  Returned to the trial court.

 The trial continues.

Faced with the presiding judge's question this time about whether he would plead guilty and accept punishment, Wang Fang was very cooperative.

When faced with the presiding judge’s question, Wang Fang said: “Presiding judge, I plead guilty and accept punishment.”

“I initially forced Xu Xingwang to plead guilty, but we did not expect that the court would give such a serious penalty.”

“Xu Xingwang’s penalty was very severe, and I didn’t expect it.”

  “This is something I didn’t consider. I did make a mistake in this matter, but what I want to say is.”

 “I did it for a reason…”


Li Qingyuan interrupted Wang Fang when he was making a statement.

 “Okay...don’t say any more about the rest.”

As for the situation that Wang Fang wanted to express, Li Qingyuan knew what she wanted to state. She had no choice but to do this because of the heavy pressure from her superiors.

 But the pressure from above is huge, and it was her choice to act this way.

 This is a live broadcast of the court hearing, although the supervisory review has completed the investigation.

 But at this time, in order to prevent Wang Fang from expanding the influence of this matter, we still have to prevent him from making a statement.

Wang Fang also knew why Li Qingyuan stopped her statement. Faced with the call to stop, Wang Fang did not choose to continue her statement.

After sorting out the materials, Li Qingyuan asked the lawyer appointed by the defendant:

“The defendant has appointed a lawyer. Is there anything else you want to say?”

 “Yes, the presiding judge.”

 Zhang Liang nodded,

“Our client has just admitted his guilt and accepted punishment, but from a subjective perspective, we still want to make a certain statement.”

“That is, in this case, all criminal suspicions at that time were focused on Xu Xingwang. Subjectively, Wang Fang may be biased towards the conclusion that Xu Xingwang was guilty and committed dereliction of duty.”

 “Rather than from a subjective intention that is done knowingly.”

"From this point of view, I hope that the trial will take these into consideration and give a lighter sentence."

“We think the reasonable sentence is a suspended sentence.”


Su Bai smiled when he heard the sentence.

 How can it be possible to get a suspended sentence!

 Xu Xingwang was originally sentenced to a suspended death sentence!

 Besides, Zhang Liang’s statement is not based on facts at all.

 Why do you say that?

 Because it has been very clear and clearly identified in the previous statements and the identification of objective facts.

Before Wang Fang took over the case, the prosecutors and law enforcement agencies were prepared to drop the charges against Xu Xingwang.

 Why was it cancelled? Of course it was withdrawn due to lack of evidence.

Could it be that the law enforcement officials and prosecutors at the time did not have detailed knowledge of this case?

there must be!

 After the staff at the time confirmed Xu Xingwang’s innocence, they prepared to withdraw the charges.

Then why did Wang Fang file another accusation against Xu Xingwang and then carry out a series of acts of persecution?

 What’s the reason?

 The reason is that there was only one criminal suspect, Xu Xingwang.

 There are no other suspects.

Even if Wang Fang knew that Xu Xingwang was not a criminal suspect, he would still treat Xu Xingwang as a criminal suspect.

 After all, after leaving Xu Xingwang aside, there are no other suspects. How to solve this case?

In this case, the coercion carried out on Xu Xingwang must have been exercised subjectively. It was an intentional act of knowing that Xu Xingwang was not a criminal suspect and deliberately believing him to be a criminal suspect.

 Isn’t it done knowingly?

How could it not be done knowingly!

 When Zhang Liang asked for a reprieve, Su Bai raised his hand:

“Presiding judge, we cannot agree with the defendant’s point of view.”

“Because based on the objective facts and relevant circumstances, it is obvious that Wang Fang knew there were suspicions and loopholes in the handling of Xu Xingwang’s case, and she also knew that Xu Xingwang was not a criminal.”

“Still chose to target Xu Xingwang to force a confession.”

“Whether it is testifying to the scene or describing the incident, Xu Xingwang can rely on his own confession and punishment.”

“Isn’t it clear to Wang Fang that Xu Xingwang can’t explain himself?”

“During this process, Wang Fang knew very well that Xu Xingwang could not explain the specific details of the crime.”

"Why can't you explain it? It's because Xu Xingwang is not a criminal at all!"

“Wang Fang knows this very well!”

“Then the accusation and conviction of Xu Xingwang do not meet the conditions for prosecution, both procedurally and rationally.”

“Then why did Wang Fang continue to press charges even though she knew that she did not meet the conditions for prosecution?”

 “What is her subjective and intentional performance?”

“Her subjective performance was that she continued to accuse Xu Xingwang even though she knew she had been wronged in order to solve the case.”

 “That is to say!”

“She knew in her heart that Xu Xingwang was wrongly accused, but she still chose to let Xu Xingwang go to jail to bear the consequences of this home invasion robbery and murder case.”

  “The circumstances involved have reached a very serious level!”

“It is not the kind stated by the defendant’s lawyer, and the circumstances are lighter.”

“So we believe that Wang Fang’s behavior should be severely punished!”

Su Bai stated it very clearly and put it plainly.

 What did Wang Fang do?

 The approach is to simply randomly select a suspected criminal to bear the consequences when no real suspect can be found.

 Satisfy their promotion and salary increase and achieve the detection rate.

 This is the truth behind Wang Fang’s 100% crime detection rate!

Shouldn’t this case be punished harshly?

 Must should!

Facing Su Bai’s statement, Zhang Liang wanted to refute something else.

 But Su Fan did not give him a chance to refute.

 With the objective facts and evidence in front of us, what else is there to refute? We just need to look at the situation at the time, right?

Su Bai directly asked He Yiting to ask Wang Fang’s colleagues to serve as witnesses to confirm whether the situation at that time was the same as what he had just stated.

Whether Wang Fang was informed at the beginning and Xu Xingwang was freed from criminal suspicion.

After getting an accurate answer from Wang Fang’s colleague, Wang Fang was informed that Xu Xingwang had gotten rid of the criminal suspect situation at that time.

Wang Fang still chose to interrogate Xu Xingwang.

 After listening to the witness’s testimony, Zhang Liang did not continue to refute.

 This situation already belongs to already belongs to irrefutable evidence.

  No matter how much he refutes in court, it is impossible to refute this ironclad fact.

 At the bench, this point of view was debated.

 Li Qingyuan banged the gavel: “The collegial panel has heard the opinions of the prosecutor’s attorney and the defendant’s attorney.”

“To determine whether the circumstances are serious or not, the He Yiting Tribunal still needs to conduct further discussions on the issue of sentence.”

 “The court is adjourned now.”

 “After the adjournment, enter the court to make statements and announce the verdict in court.”

 “Please prepare all parties for court statements.”

 Dong dong, the gavel fell, and the court entered a recess.

Hearing the sound of the gavel falling, Su Bai took a breath, raised his head slightly and looked at the defendant and the defendant, entrusting the lawyer's seat.

At this time, Wang Fang always had a bad premonition in her heart.

to be honest….

Su Bai just said something, and her statement completely restored her psychology at that time.

 She was thinking about closing the case, improving her detection rate, and completing the task early.

 When he knew that Xu Xingwang might not be the criminal, he used some means to let Xu Xingwang in.


How should I put it, she was confused at the time.

Su Bai now directly mentioned this matter at the court hearing.

This made Wang Fang feel vaguely uneasy.

I can’t tell you what it feels like, but I just feel uneasy.



 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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