As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 381: Accused, identified the principal culprit, prosecutor:

Chapter 381 Complaint, determine the main criminal members, prosecutor: The defendants all recommend the death penalty!

 At the presiding judge's seat, when Lu Penghui heard Zhang Liang's description, his assessment of the seriousness of the case became even higher.

Why do you say that.…

 Because looking at the evidence on paper, the criminal process is far from as detailed and realistic as what Zhang Liang described.

 And Zhang Liang described almost all the detailed processes.

 During the whole process of listening, the images that automatically came to mind were extremely cruel.


Yang Tiejun burst out with strong emotions at the court hearing.

As the presiding judge, Lu Penghui can also understand.

 After all, Yang Fan was his closest relative, and his son and daughter-in-law suffered so much torture during their lifetimes.

Yang Tiejun can't accept it, which is also a very normal thing.

So when facing Yang Tiejun, he disrupted the order of the court hearing.

 Lv Penghui didn’t do much to stop it.

 Just opened his mouth to let Yang Tiejun calm down a little.

 Wait until Yang Tiejun calmed down a little.

 Zhang Liang, who was sitting on the defendant's seat, bowed deeply to Yang Tiejun:


Yang Tiejun said nothing when he heard Zhang Liang's apology.

This belated apology means nothing to him.

 He had an emotional outburst at the court hearing and he couldn't control it.

Rather than wanting such a simple apology.

 From the moment Yang Tiejun burst out to the end, it only took a few minutes.

 At the trial, Lu Penghui, as the presiding judge, continued to ask questions after seeing that order was restored in the trial.

“May I ask the defendant Zhang Liang?”

“In this case, what did you do after you killed the victim? Why did you still rob Yang Fan and Hu Yunyun’s property?”

 Zhang Liang continued: "At that time, we killed Yang Fan and Hu Yunyun. After a few minutes, we all realized the serious consequences of this incident."

“This is the first time we have done this kind of thing, and we may have done it because our brains got hot during the process.”

“But after the incident, the four of us were very scared.”

“The crime of murder has a huge impact, and we also know that if we are caught, we will definitely face the death penalty.”

“So I was thinking about how to escape.”

“Wang Wenyuan took the initiative. We killed two people, and the consequences were huge. If we don’t want to be caught, we have to fake the scene.”

“But we didn’t know how to fake the scene. At this time, Wang Wenyuan came forward and robbed their belongings.”

“Pretending to be a home invasion robber and killing someone caused certain investigative difficulties for law enforcement.”

“The rest of us agreed with this plan, and then we robbed Yang Fan and Hu Yunyun of all the important property in their homes.”


 Lv Penghui's inquiry and Zhang Liang's answer almost made the context of the crime and related motives clear.

 At present, only further confirmation of the results and facts is needed.

 At the trial table, Lu Penghui then asked several other people.

“The defendants are Zhang Dali, Yu Wei, and Wang Wenyuan.”

“Do you three have any objections to the relevant content stated by Zhang Liang? In other words, the process. Do you think what Zhang Liang stated is consistent with the actual situation?”

 Faced with the presiding judge’s inquiry, Zhang Liang, the cruelest Zhang Dali, responded during the course of the case:

“Zhang Liang’s statement is consistent with most of the actual situation, but there is one thing I would like to add.”

“Defendant Zhang Dali added.”

 With the consent of the presiding judge, Zhang Dali continued to speak:

“When I did all this in this case, Wang Wenyuan was teasing or encouraging me to do it.”

“Among them, Zhang Liang and Yu Wei also started making noises.”

  “It’s not like what’s stated above, everything is done on purpose by me.”

“As Zhang Liang said at the beginning, I went to take off Hu Yunyun’s clothes, or I was beaten by Yang Fan when I was controlling Yang Fan.”

“I was really angry at the time, and I really wanted to take revenge on Yang Fan.”

“But the first thing I thought of was to give Yang Fan a good beating to vent my anger, but Wang Wenyuan encouraged me to say that it would be enough to simply vent my anger.”

“And the look in his eyes hinted at me to attack Hu Yunyun who was standing beside me, so I did it.”

“Perhaps in Zhang Liang’s statement, it was me who wanted to do this, but I did so only after Wang Wenyuan’s reminder and hint.”

“Zhang Liang, didn’t you see Wang Yuan giving hints next to me?”

 Zhang Dali pointed the finger of the problem at Zhang Liang.

As the presiding judge, Lu Pengfei asked:

“Then I would like to ask the defendant Zhang Liang, is what Zhang Dali added true?”

 Zhang Liang replied: “I really don’t know what the presiding judge said about Zhang Dali.”

“In my impression, the first person to propose this idea was Zhang Dali.”

 “Wang Wenyuan did not speak.”

Hearing this, Lu Penghui frowned slightly, and then looked at Yu Wei and Wang Wenyuan.

“Are the statements made by the defendants Yu Wei, Wang Wenyuan, and Zhang Dali true?”

Yu Wei shook his head: "In my impression, the first person to propose this idea was Zhang Dali, and Wang Wenyuan did not speak."

Of course Wang Wenyuan would not admit such a bad thing, so he said: "Presiding judge, I did not do this."

“Zhang Dali, he wanted to do this himself and falsely accused me of this matter.”

 When Zhang Dali heard this, he immediately yelled at Wang Wenyuan: "I want to do this myself?!"

“Did I want to do this myself, or did you hint me to do this?”

 “It was obviously you who hinted at me!”

 “Put all the problems on me now, right?”

Facing Zhang Dali’s accusation, Wang Wenyuan remained silent and did not speak.

Seeing that there was a dispute between the defendants, Lu Penghui sounded the hammer on the bench.


“As for the defendant’s statement, the collegial panel has now heard it.”

 “There is no need to argue about this matter.”

 Now the specific details of the incident and the factual basis are before us.

 There has been controversy about these things, but it is actually unnecessary.

 At present, the details of the case have been generally confirmed.

Yu Wei and Wang Wenyuan made little other additions to the trial.

 Based on the defendant’s confession and punishment, the current crime situation is very clear.

At this point, it is necessary to confirm who is the principal offender and who is an accessory.

 This point requires the prosecution to make a statement of relevance. The link just now was a statement of the specific circumstances related to this case.

 The next step is the key trial in this case.

 Lv Penghui began to ask the prosecutor to make relevant statements.

 The prosecutor this time, Li Xiong, has been following up on this case.

  And participated in law enforcement interrogations.

 At present, this case has always been in a radical state.

However, this radical approach is to sentence the defendant in a relevant manner in accordance with the requirements of the law.

After hearing the presiding judge ask him to make a relevant statement, Li Xiong spoke and gave a rough description of the entire case:

“This case involves an influential case of home invasion, robbery, forcing others to have sex, and brutal murder.”

“The defendants Zhang Liang, Zhang Dali, Yu Wei and Wang Wenyuan committed the crime in a gang.”

“After four people’s confessions and confessions, it has now been determined that all four have committed crimes.”

“For this case, the defendant’s behavior is now recognized as relevant, and the prosecutor applies to identify Wang Wenyuan as the principal criminal in this case.”

“The reason for the determination is that, according to the provisions of the Criminal Law, Wang Wenyuan is the organizer and planner of this crime.”

“And he drove there with three other people and arrived at the victim’s home.”

 “Should be identified as the principal culprit.”

“Among them, Zhang Dali, Zhang Liang, and Yu Wei participated in the commission of the crime. They subjectively showed intentional criminal behavior and objectively committed criminal behavior. They are accessories.”

“The main murderers of Yang Fan and Hu Yunyun were Zhang Dali and Wang Wenyuan.”

“According to the relevant provisions of the criminal law:”

 “Involving serious homicide cases, the maximum penalty is the death penalty.”

“In this case, the four defendants were involved in home invasions and robberies, forcing others to have sex, and using cruel means to kill people.”

“And resulted in the death of two people.”

  “Both the process and the results are very bad.”

“For the criminals involved in this case, the prosecutor proposes that all the defendants be sentenced to death in accordance with relevant laws and regulations!”

 The prosecution’s statement was brief.

  However, the defendant's crime and sentence have been clearly stated.

 That is, in this case, the prosecutor believes that both the principal offender and the accessory must be sentenced to death!

 Because the situations involved are particularly bad, they are all sentenced to death, so there is no big problem.

From this point of view, there seems to be no difference between the principal offender and the accessory offender.

However, Wu Zhen, who was at the defendant's attorney's seat, disagreed with the identification of principal and accessory.

 The presiding judge asked the defendant’s attorney if he had any other objections.

 Three other entrusted assistance lawyers gave some explanations on the behavior of the litigants they were entrusted to represent.

 Based on the law and based on the evidence, it is shown that there is no major objection to the sentence recommended by the prosecutor.

But Wang Wenyuan’s lawyer Wu Zhen is different.

 In this case, his role was to get Wang Wenyuan to receive a lighter sentence, at least a suspended death sentence.

 So in this case, he must emphasize that the crime in this case is a felony, but it cannot be that serious.

 Another point is that Wang Wenyuan cannot be sentenced as the principal criminal.

 Based on the circumstances of Wang Wenyuan’s surrender and the fact that he was only an accessory, a suspended death sentence can be awarded.

 In this case, in this case, he would have met Wang He’s entrustment claim.

 However...Based on the summary of the case just now, it is very difficult to give Wang Wenyuan a suspended death sentence in this case.

  But it’s not like there’s no chance.

Thinking of this, Wu Zhen raised an objection:

“Presiding judge, we have objections to the identification of the principal and the accomplice.”

“In this case, Wang Wenyuan was indeed the main person who proposed to seek excitement.”

“From this point of view, it can be regarded as the main culprit.”

“But from another perspective, Wang Wenyuan had no intention of killing people at the beginning.”

 “Who proposed killing and silencing?”

 “And who does the coercion?”

“These two most critical issues were proactively raised by Zhang Dali.”

“Wang Wenyuan did not instigate Zhang Dali to commit criminal acts.”

“Zhang Dali committed such a criminal act, so from this point of view, Zhang Dali is the principal culprit.”


Wu Zhen’s point of view, to put it bluntly, is to let Zhang Dali take the blame for the main culprit.

 The statement makes some sense.

At the victim's lawyer's seat, Su Bai also saw at a glance the purpose of Wu Zhen's point of view.

 The purpose is to make Wang Wenyuan an accessory and then start from the circumstances of surrender.

 Minimize the penalty as much as possible.

 A suspended death sentence.

  But on the other hand, it is also based on Zhang Liang’s statement.

 What role did Wang Wenyuan play in this case?

 It plays a role in planning and organizing criminal acts.

 This is already in line with the identification of the principal culprit.

If Wang Wenyuan hadn't directed the other three people to commit criminal acts and enter Yang Fan's home to molest Hu Yunyun.

 Will there be a story about the entire case?


Although Wang Wenyuan was not the one who suggested murder and silence, nor was he the first to implement coercion.

 But just now Zhang Dali also stated that he had a hint from Wang Wenyuan!

 This has not been confirmed by the other two defendants, but Zhang Dali’s statement does not seem to be false!

If it weren’t for Wang Wenyuan’s hint, such a serious tragedy might not have happened.

 In this case, Wang Wenyuan was determined to be the principal culprit based on the initial criminal behavior.

 There is no problem with this.

 Accomplice + surrender may be sentenced to death with a suspended sentence.

So for the change of principal culprit proposed by Wu Zhen, the principal culprit was Zhang Dali's request.

I definitely cannot agree with this!

 On the other side, in the hearing seat, as a family member of the victim, Wang He stared closely at the presiding judge's seat and his son's defense seat.

I hope Wu Zhen’s request can be accepted by the presiding judge.

 “As long as you adopt it, there is hope...”

Wang He thought silently in his heart, and at the same time, he also looked at Yang Tiejun who was sitting on the victim's seat.

Just for a moment, he withdrew his gaze again.



 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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