As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 396: The second instance changed the verdict! Apply for the Supreme Court to intervene!

Chapter 396 The second trial changed the sentence! Apply for the Supreme Court to intervene!

 The trial is over.

 The presiding judge’s response to the question he asked the presiding judge.

 Made Yu Cheng particularly angry!

 If nothing else...

  He had already told Li Ming before, asking him to prepare and make plans after winning the case.

 But what about now?

 Now we have lost the case!

Isn’t this a naked slap in the face?

His face was now slapped with the final verdict of the trial.

 The failure of this case was something he could not accept.

 Get out of the courthouse.

Yu Cheng’s phone rang, and Li Ming asked on the other end:

 “Lawyer Yu.…”

“This court trial has been lost...are the media outlets I contacted before still making preparations? Let’s just forget about it for now?”

Yu Cheng’s brows were almost knitted together, and it took several seconds before he spoke.

“The verdict of the first instance was beyond my expectation.”

 “Wait for the second trial!”

“I will continue to appeal this case to the second instance, so forget about your preparations for now.”

“We’ll wait until the results of the second trial come out.”

 “Second trial.…”

Li Ming muttered something silently and finally nodded:

 “That’s okay.”

“That’s all we can do for the time being, but the media may have to break the appointment...”

“However, in a case like this, it is difficult for the second instance to overturn the judgment of the first instance. Do we still need to prepare for the second instance?”

“’s troublesome, there won’t be any other problems in the second trial.”

When Yu Cheng said these words, he felt very uncomfortable.

 Originally, he thought that the result of the first-instance judgment was based on Dong Baihao's meritorious service.

Although it cannot be sentenced to life imprisonment, can it at least be given a suspended death sentence?

He had no idea that the presiding judge would not base his judgment on the meritorious performance of the surrender.

This case!

 Must have a second trial!

Yu Cheng thought silently in his heart.

Moreover, the second trial will not uphold the original verdict and change the sentence to death with a reprieve!



the other side.

 After the verdict, there were different reports about this case on the Internet.

 The verdict of this case was met with applause on the Internet.

after all.…

 From the perspective of being a father or mother, no one wants to see their children suffer such cruel injuries.

 Bai Jun Law Firm.

 On the sixth day after the conclusion of the first-instance judgment, Su Bai had received the verdict.

 In the office.

Feng Yunxia came here specifically to express her gratitude and brought two bags of passion fruit by the way.

 Because Su Bai did not charge his legal fees this time.

Feng Yunxia felt guilty and had no money to pay for legal fees.

 So I can only express my feelings through these specialties.

 “Lawyer Su...”

“Now Dong Baihao is sentenced to death.”

"I feel relieved after being sentenced to death... At least I saw that the murderer who hurt Guoguo was finally punished by the law."

 “It can be considered that evil is rewarded with evil.”

“I would like to thank Lawyer Su a lot this time. If it weren’t for Lawyer Su, Dong Baihao might not have been sentenced to death in this trial.”


After finishing speaking, Feng Yunxia was hesitant to speak and said again:

“I don’t know, Lawyer Su, how much legal fees you will get for this trial.”

“I specifically asked other people, and they said that a legal fee might cost 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.”

“I originally thought that I couldn’t ask Lawyer Su to fight for me for free. Although Lawyer Su said that you would fight for me for free, I can’t do that.”


“I really couldn’t come up with twenty or thirty thousand yuan, so I had to carry two bags of selected fruits.”

Feng Yunxia's expression was a little reserved.

Su Bai glanced at the passion fruit in the bag.

 It can be seen that these passion fruits have been carefully selected.

  She sighed inwardly, how should I put it, Feng Yunxia’s financial pressure is indeed a bit high, and her annual output can only rely on those passion fruit trees.

 If nothing else, first of all, the intention has been reached.

Su Bai smiled and said, "Don't think so. Although our Bai Jun Law Firm will help you with your case for free."

“But our Baijun Law Firm has also gained a certain reputation because of your case.”

 “It’s something we do that is mutually beneficial.”

“So...just don’t put too much psychological burden and pressure on yourself.”

Hearing the mutual benefits, Feng Yunxia's expression relaxed a lot, but she still kept saying thanks.

After sending Feng Yunxia away, Li Xuezhen sighed and turned her head to look at Su Bai:

 “Lawyer Su...”

“In the two recent cases, one Yang Fan and the other Dong Guoguo were both brutally murdered.”

“I guess the victim’s family members must be feeling very uncomfortable.”

Su Bai nodded slightly: "Yes!"

" would be nice if this case could be resolved...Now the first-instance judgment has ended."

“The defendant may appeal to a second instance. Let’s go and have a look at the second instance.”

“Once the second-instance judgment is completed, this case is basically over.”


Li Xuezhen nodded solemnly.



at the same time.

 On the other side, Yu Cheng is also preparing for the second trial.

 In the detention center.

Dong Baihao looked at Yu Cheng, his voice anxious:

“Lawyer Yu...didn’t you say before that as long as I answer your questions, I can be given a suspended death sentence or life imprisonment?”

 “Why was the death penalty imposed in the first instance of this case?”

“I heard that it is difficult to change the judgment of the first instance by appealing to the second instance. Is it useful for us to continue appealing to the second instance?”

Yu Cheng rubbed his eyebrows and said comfortingly: "The verdict of the first trial was somewhat beyond my expectation."

“But don’t worry, the verdict of the second instance will definitely satisfy you.”

“If the second trial does not grant a suspended death sentence, I will not pay the legal fees for the first and second trials!”

 Say this, it means that Yu Cheng is determined to change the sentence in the second instance.

Hearing Yu Cheng’s assurance, Dong Baihao hesitated a little, but still nodded:

 “Okay, Lawyer Yu, I believe you.”

“So when will the second trial be held?”

“About half a month, the criminal trial went very quickly. We are now fully prepared for the second instance appeal, and there are basically no major problems.”

"do not worry.…"

“The time spent in custody is also counted as part of the sentence, and will be deducted at that time.”


 Dong Baihao nodded. He had already been sentenced to death in the first instance, and now he had Yu Cheng's guarantee.

Dong Baihao, in his heart, he still wanted to give it a try to see if the second trial could change the sentence.

 Wait until you get out of the detention center.

Yu Cheng also thought silently in his heart: "This time in the second trial, the verdict must be changed!"



 Yu Cheng was very diligent about the second instance and had prepared the litigation materials for the second instance in advance. After obtaining Dong Baihao’s permission, the prepared litigation materials were submitted to the Xiguang Provincial High Court.

 The High Court also quickly identified relevant matters in this case.

 It was determined that Yu Cheng found that in this case, the relevant factual materials submitted had a certain probability of changing the verdict, and there was new factual evidence.

 Approved its request for a second review.


 The second instance trial regarding Dong Baihao is being heard in the Xiguang Provincial High Court.

Su Bai and Li Xuezhen went to see the court hearing.

 When he noticed that Su Bai was sitting in the hearing seat.

Yucheng, as the lawyer appointed by the appellant, had a hint of aggression in his eyes.

However, he did not continue to react further, because for him, this second trial was very important.

 All attention should be focused on the trial.

 All preparations before the trial have been completed.

 The next step is the court session, where the entire case is dissected, analyzed and processed again.

 Then follows the prosecutor's statement and accusation.

 This time the prosecution was still conducted by Lin Qiushui.


Lin Qiushui believes that in this case, determining the circumstances of surrender based on the plea method of the first instance is not enough to reduce the sentence.

 Thus upholding the original judgment of the first instance.

 However, during this process, the appellant entrusted a lawyer, Yu Cheng, to present new evidence and facts.

 The new evidence includes some confessions from law enforcement officers and people in the village at that time.

 Following the submission, both parties made court presentations.

Judging from the entire process of the defense, Lin Qiushui felt that the second-instance judgment this time was really not too good.

 Especially in court presentations.

In his statement, he could feel that what Yu Cheng said was reasonable, and sometimes he even didn't know how to refute it.


This time, the presiding judge of the second instance did not express his preference for how to make a verdict.

This gave Lin Qiushui some confidence in upholding the first-instance verdict.

 After the court statement has been completed.

  The collegial panel of the second instance court did not decide the outcome of this case on the spot.

 Instead, they announced that they would wait for one week before officially announcing the verdict.

This time, Yu Cheng asked Li Ming to directly wait for the final verdict and prepare to speak out.

On the other hand, both Lin Qiushui and Su Bai originally believed that the second instance would uphold the result of the first instance.


 The court of second instance announces the verdict and issues the judgment within one week.

  See the results of the second instance judgment.

  The verdict of the second instance is—

 Identifying the circumstances of Dong Baihao’s surrender, pleading guilty and accepting punishment is a significant contribution to this case.

 The first-instance verdict clearly did not match the sentencing.

 Reject the first-instance judgment.

 The final sentence was death, with a two-year reprieve.

Su Bai was stunned for a moment when he saw that the second trial reversed the death sentence.


 The sentence was changed in the second instance?

 Directly reject the original death sentence of the first instance and grant a suspended death sentence?

Regarding the verdict, Su Bai immediately called Lin Qiushui to learn about the situation.

Over the phone, Lin Qiushui said that he was confused when he saw the verdict.

“This judgment was made by the Provincial High Court.”

 “I didn’t show anything at the court hearing.”

“However, in this case... we were eventually sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and the surrender was deemed as meritorious and the suspended sentence was reduced due to meritorious service, which was not adopted in the first instance..."

 “I don’t think it’s suitable.”

“But the Provincial High Court has already ruled, and there is nothing we can do. Even if we file a protest, there is no new evidence and facts to protest.”

“To be honest in this case, the Provincial High Court’s verdict was too bad!”

“I will think of a solution for the prosecution! For Feng Yunxia, ​​please comfort her first.”


  When Su Bai called, before Su Bai said anything, Lin Qiushui spoke directly and made all the relevant matters clear.

 Hang up the phone...Su Bai breathed out softly.

 The first instance and the second instance are over. Generally speaking, the facts are basically confirmed at the end of the second instance.

 But this case...

 Should Dong Baihao be given a suspended death sentence in the end?

 It shouldn’t be!

 So what should be done?

 The Supreme Court should be allowed to intervene and determine the outcome of this case!

 Beside, Li Xuezhen’s face was full of sadness:

“Lawyer Su...Why was the verdict of this second instance case suddenly changed?”

 “Is there something going on here?!”

 “Can we submit it for supervisory review?”

 When it comes to supervision and review, Li Xuezhen’s face is solemn and her eyes shine.

 Several recent cases have not been submitted to any supervisory review.

 Has the wait finally come this time?

Su Bai shook his head when Li Xuezhen said she wanted to submit it for supervisory review.

“In this case, judging from the judgment, there are no other problems.

 Perhaps the presiding judge has a certain subjective tendency.

Let’s continue submitting and let the Supreme Court intervene! "

 The Supreme Court intervenes?

After hearing this, Li Xuezhen nodded vigorously:

 “Okay Lawyer Su!”



 On the other hand, after the verdict came down, Dong Baihao and Yu Cheng were also very happy.

 Dong Baihao is happy that he still has a chance and does not have to be sentenced to death!

Yu Cheng is happy that since the second instance verdict was changed, he can take advantage of this opportunity to increase the reputation of the law firm.

 As soon as he learned of the verdict, Yu Cheng called Li Ming again.

 “Lawyer Li!”

“The second-instance verdict has come down, and the sentence has been changed to death with a reprieve!”

“We won this case in the second instance!”

“We can definitely use this opportunity to increase the visibility of our law firm!”

“Have you made all the preparations I asked you to make?”

 Li Ming also seemed a little surprised after learning the news, but he still said: "We are ready."

 “Did you really win the case?”

“You don’t believe it, do you? Okay, I’ll send you a verdict!”

 After seeing the verdict, Li Ming immediately spoke:

"OK, no problem!"

“Now that this case has been won, I will contact some media friends I am familiar with and ask them to hype it up.”

“How about giving it a more headline-grabbing name and using Bai Jun Law Firm as a foil?”

 “Yes! No problem at all!”

Yu Cheng smiled and spoke.

This time the second instance changed the sentence, which is very good! .


 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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