It would be impossible for a person who was only born less than a year to complete such a major task.

However, he is Ye Yi.

Since birth, his IQ was as high as 250.

He scanned the densely packed machines, and he could find the central control room in one glance.

He couldn't understand the apocalypse above, but he knew it when he saw that the system was 90% charged.

This huge beam of energy can launch a devastating blow to Blue Star at any time.

However, they are still waiting for the evacuation.

"You can, Ye Yi." Ye Yi remembered the last words Lin Luo said to him.


"It's time to end." Lin Luo said.

Wobala Mida also gradually came back to his senses from the majesty. He finally understood that the general situation was over.

He couldn't go back to the spaceship that was so close at hand.

He said: "Actually, when I was in the solar system, I should have been more cautious. Unfortunately, I was greedy."

"I didn't expect that I would die on a land with a civilization of 0.75."

Lin Luo naturally didn't know what he was talking about, and was even a little confused, but subconsciously thought it was just a reflection before failure.

After all, if they use butchers to slaughter in the first place, no one can stop them.

"There are many things you didn't expect." Lin Luo pointed to Wufeng in Yang Jun's hand next to him, and said, "Do you know the origin of this weapon?"

Wobala Mida was stunned.

"It's the claw in the hand of the sub-green beast." Lin Luo said.

Hearing this, Wobala Mita's pupils shrank, his whole body was in a bad state, and his body couldn't help trembling: "Impossible, impossible."

Lin Luo said: "There is a saying in China that the evils planted in the past will bring forth the fruits of today."

"So, your retribution has come."

Lin Luo waved his hand, and Yang Jun signaled the heavenly soldiers to prepare for the final encirclement.

At this moment, Wobala Mida laughed out loud, not sure if he was insane or what.

Seeing Lin Luo getting closer, he quickly shouted through the communication system: "Butcher, activate!"

Lin Luo frowned. Although he didn't understand, he knew what he was talking about.

However, Lin Luo is not invincible. Even if he can quickly kill Wobala Mida, the executor on the spaceship will still activate the butcher immediately after Wobala Mida dies.

The reason why Lin Luo talked to him so much just now was to delay the time.

"Die!" Lin Luo yelled, the moment the Three Thousand Thunder Steps were launched, his Dragon Fist had already exploded the opponent's energy mecha, and punched through his head: "I will remember it in my next life, blue Xing, this is not where you should come!"

Wobala Mida couldn't finish listening to his last words, and his body was smashing towards the sea.

He is a generation of colonists.

The people he slaughtered were not in units of individuals, but in hundreds of millions.

The blood of the colonists, yes


He completely lost consciousness, ending his sinful life.

Lin Luo didn't even look at him, he watched all the valves of the steel giant open again.



Lin Luo took a deep breath, and he shouted to all the heavenly soldiers: "Dive into the sea, immediately!"

"This is an order!"

When those heavenly soldiers heard this, they plunged into the water without even thinking about it.


There is a chance to escape.

Lin Luo turned around and rushed towards the spaceship, followed closely by Yang Jun.

"Old Yang, you..." Lin Luo paused.

"Before the blue star exploded, we hadn't lost yet." Yang Jun said with a smile.

Lin Luo nodded heavily, and the two rushed towards the spaceship.



The deputy captain sat in the control room of the spaceship in deathly silence. He was disheartened the moment he saw Wobala Mida die.

Even if you go back, it's no different from death.


Destroy them all.

The deputy captain looked at the butcher who was already starting, and smiled miserably.

He walked out of the spaceship control room, walked towards the butcher's control room, led the guards, and said, "Today, we must let the entire Blue Star be buried with us!"

He called on all the Apocalypse warriors to hurry to the third floor.

The Yinlong Army, which was already under a lot of pressure, couldn't take it anymore.

That huge number, and their high-destruction weapons, killed too many sky soldiers.

War is very cruel.

Not to mention, this battle was originally an offensive battle.

The Celestial Soldiers can instantly kill the Apocalypse Mecha Warriors, and the latter can also instantly kill the Celestial Soldiers with a powerful explosive energy mecha.

Xia Qian has been guarding the door, and she doesn't know how many times she avoided the opponent's attack, and she doesn't know how many Apocalypse people she killed.

This time...

Lin Luo asked her how many people she killed, maybe she really couldn't answer.

Or maybe, she won't see Lin Luo anymore.

She used her body's instincts to keep wandering around the battlefield.

Finally, a beam of energy shot into her belly, and she spat out a mouthful of black blood.

"Sister Xia Qian!"

She only heard Ye Yi's heart-piercing cry.

She gradually lost consciousness.

"I...I..." She closed her eyes.

As a soldier, the highest priority is the mission.

She's not done yet.

In her final consciousness, she seemed to hear Lin Luo's calm and angry voice: "Zhang San, kill all the Apocalypse people present!"



Xia Qian felt really sleepy, she closed her eyes.

Maybe she didn't know if she could still open her eyes.


"Bastard... bastard..." Ye Yi was crying and trying to control the machine.

He is also tired.

He's not a kid anymore, but he was born a kid


He saw countless heavenly soldiers fall, and saw his close sister Xia Qian fall...

This feeling of physical and mental exhaustion was his first experience.

He watched more and more butchers flying around the world, and he became more and more anxious.

If the butcher's energy is activated, then the blue star will turn into a wisp of dust in the universe.


This is not right either.


How exactly can it be closed?

It dawned on him suddenly.

source of energy.

Any technology needs energy as a support, no matter whether the technology uses a power source or not.

He turned his head and looked at the blue light surrounding the beam of light.


It should be the butcher's energy transmission line.

He stood up, trying to reach out and tear it, but his strength was too weak.

At this moment, a knife came from behind.


"is that so?"

Before Ye Yi turned his head, he heard Lin Luo's voice.

"Yes." Ye Yi nodded fiercely.

Lin Luo leaped into the air and directly cut off all the lines surrounding it with Wufeng.

The blue energy light suddenly overflowed from the severed wire tube, floating in the entire control room...

Look, it's about to explode.


But at this time, Ye Yi was pleasantly surprised to see that the screen went black.

The huge energy beam of light in the center also gradually dimmed.

"You succeeded." Lin Luo said.

"Woooooo..." Ye Yi was crying, and at the end of crying, his consciousness gradually became blurred.

He was tired, really tired.

He experienced so much for the first time, it was like a new soldier just entering the battlefield.

He closed his eyes, only felt himself moving fast, and Lin Luo's voice: "This place is about to explode, pull away all the heavenly soldiers, whether they are dead or alive!"

Lin Luo stood at the end, carrying two celestial soldiers who didn't know whether they were dead or alive and flew towards the outside.

He was the last to leave.

"Is there no one?" Yang Jun asked.

"No more." Lin Luo nodded, and they quickly flew away from this area, and just as they flew thousands of meters away, the huge steel behemoth exploded in the air.

Sparks, energy, and sound can be felt by the entire Blue Star in an instant.

The sea was churning, and huge waves roared, engulfing many islands, including a small island country.

The flames exploding in the sky are like a gorgeous firework show!

"It's a pity." Lin Luo looked at the giant steel beast and sighed.

"What did you say?" Yang Jun thought he had heard wrong.

Lin Luo turned his head, looked at the blood on Yang Jun's body and the scars on his face, and said with a smile: "Old Yang, we won!"

Yang Jun smiled, and the two of them flew back.

They don't have time to enjoy the fireworks here, because they still have a lot to do.

However, what they didn't know was that at the moment the giant steel beast exploded, an invisible signal source soared into the sky from the energy beam of the explosion, and quickly flew towards the depths of the universe.

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