The song was so beautiful, but it was not so beautiful.

Su Luowei picked up the lyrics in her hand again and read them carefully.

Only then did she make sure that she was not mistaken.

The song written on the paper was called "Invisible Wings".

The lyrics were completely different from what Jiang Chen was singing now.

So, what song was Jiang Chen singing now?

"I thought about it for a long time"

"I started to panic"

"Did I do something wrong again"

"You cried and told me"

"Fairy tales are all lies"


The singing in the hall continued.

However, Su Luowei and Xu Jingchu opened their eyes wide and were a little dazed.

Because they found out.

Although they had never seen the lyrics that Jiang Chen was singing now,

But this song seems... quite nice.

Jiang Chen's singing skills are also unexpectedly good.

His voice is very charming, his pronunciation is clear and standard, and his emotions and pitch are very well controlled.

Xu Jingchu opened her mouth slightly and looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

Her job is a manager, so she has a good eye for artists.

At the beginning, she fell in love with Su Luowei at first sight, and was sure that this beautiful and simple girl would become a big hit, so she was willing to be Su Luowei's manager.

But now, she felt a completely different temperament from Jiang Chen.

Calm... elegant... control... pride... and even a hint of... contempt? ?

What's going on?

She didn't know how to describe this temperament.

But she remembered that this feeling seemed to be felt only when facing the few top kings in the entertainment industry...

What's going on?

Is he... really the Jiang Chen she knew before?


This guy...this guy, isn't he a writer? ?

Why is he so professional when singing? ?

"I can't be your prince"

"Maybe you won't understand"

"Since you said you loved me"

"The stars in my sky are all bright"


Jiang Chen didn't notice that the two women in the living room had the same look, and he slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, he.

It was as if he had returned to his high school days.

That year, at the school anniversary party, he sang this song affectionately on the stage, dedicated to his favorite girl.

Under the stage, the lights swayed left and right, and screams came one after another.

The classmates were all shouting his name.

That year, he fell in love for the first time, and confessed in the most daring way.

The girl was very beautiful, and she would show two small canine teeth when she smiled.

That night, she agreed to his confession, and they were together.

The carefreeness and sweetness of that time are really nostalgic.

Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long.

Just one month later.

The girl transferred to another city because of her father's job transfer.

The night of farewell.

His eyes were red, and he sang this song alone in the room until very late, very late...

In the hall, Jiang Chen's singing continued.

However, his emotions were suppressed.


As if waiting for an opportunity to explode.


"I want to become a fairy tale"

"The angel you love"

"Open your arms"

"Turn into wings to protect you"

"You have to believe"

"Believe that we will be like in fairy tales"

"Happiness and joy are the ending"


Su Luowei and Xu Jingchu were completely stunned.

They stared at Jiang Chen in the middle of the hall, and their brains stopped thinking for a while.

The climax of this song...

It was just a very calm song, but it seemed to sing out a heart-wrenching feeling.

A faint sense of sadness makes people's hearts tremble.

The lyrics and melody reveal a heart-wrenching love and regret.

"You have to believe"

"Believe that we will be like in fairy tales"

"Happiness and joy are the ending"

"You cried and told me"

"Fairy tales are all lies"


Jiang Chen's singing continued.

But Su Luowei and Xu Jingchu's eyes gradually turned red.

They stared at him blankly.

If nothing unexpected happens...

This guy Jiang Chen...

..It seems that he has created another high-quality love song?



"Write together"


"The ending"


Finally, the singing slowly subsided.

In the hall, there was silence.

Jiang Chen waited quietly for a moment.

When the emotions gradually subsided, he took a breath and put down the guitar.

Looking at the two women who were already in a daze on the sofa, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then, he gently took a cigarette from the cigarette box.

'Click', lit.

This is the prop he had prepared in advance for pretending.

White smoke slowly spewed out from his mouth and nose.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, tilted his head slightly, and looked at the ceiling, as if thinking about life.

This posture is very handsome.

He feels good too.

He is very satisfied with the dazed expressions of Su Luowei and Xu Jingchu just now.

Not bad.

The performance of the top king should be shocking!

He turned around calmly and found a chair to sit down.

Next, it was time to accept the flowers and applause.

He was ready to accept all the glory that belonged to him.



He waited for a long time, but the imagined praise did not sound.

Hmm? What's going on?

He looked forward with some confusion.

But Su Luowei wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and looked at him blankly:

"Hubby, what song did you just sing?"

"Fairy Tale."

"Isn't it all written on the paper? Why are you asking me?"

Jiang Chen said casually.

Su Luowei grabbed the paper again and looked at it, then put the paper in front of him expressionlessly.

What's going on?

Is there any problem?

Jiang Chen came forward with some confusion and looked at the paper.

On the paper, his own handwriting was very familiar.

The title on the first line was written in five characters: Invisible Wings.

Looking at the title that seemed to emit a distorted light.

Jiang Chen's expression was completely stunned.

His mouth slightly opened, and the cigarette butt fell to the ground involuntarily, sparks flying everywhere.

Damn it!


This... What on earth is going on? ? ?

He clearly remembered that what he wrote on the paper the day before yesterday was a song full of faint sadness?

Wasn't it "Fairy Tale"?

How did it become "Invisible Wings"? ?

At this moment.

Jiang Chen felt as if his brain was hit by a meteor, with stars in his head and the world turned upside down.

Damn it...!

He got it mixed up!

Both songs were full of faint sadness....

But what he wrote on the paper the day before yesterday was "Invisible Wings" instead of "Fairy Tale"!

"It's okay."

Su Luowei suddenly showed a beautiful smile, squatted down, picked up the cigarette butt that he dropped on the ground, and patted his shoulder.

"Husband, this time, I'll give you time, you can think slowly, and explain to me when you have a reason."

After that, she extinguished the cigarette butt fiercely and threw it into the trash can.

Then, she walked upstairs with a "calm" face.

Jiang Chen looked up at the sky as if he had lost the ability to think, with a dull expression.

At this moment, he only felt that there were 100,000 grass mud horses running wildly in his heart.

What... is going on? ?

Why did he get it mixed up?

At the same time.

He also regretted it very much.

Why didn't he check the paper just now?

If he had checked it... he wouldn't have made such a low-level mistake, right?


It's not the same as before!

On the side, Xu Jingchu took a deep breath and looked at Jiang Chen with shock in his eyes.

Jiang Chen's performance today really gave her too much shock.

This song "Fairy Tale", coupled with Jiang Chen's voice that is not inferior to that of top singers.

She is almost certain that as long as Jiang Chen can debut with this song now, he will become popular immediately.

Isn't this guy a gigolo?

When did he become so talented?

What is going on?

Could it be that... he has been deliberately hiding himself before?


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