When Jiang Chen walked into the box, several women had already started chatting.

"Yiyi, what have you been doing all this time?"

Su Luowei asked curiously.

When Gong Yiyi was banned, she actually wanted to find some resources for Gong Yiyi, but she declined.

So for more than a year, she didn't know what Gong Yiyi was busy with.

"I'm not filming anymore."

Facing Su Luowei's question, Gong Yiyi seemed a little proud and waved her hand: "Filming is too troublesome. I often change the script again and again, which is very annoying."

"I'm just starting to write novels now."


Be a writer?

Hearing this, the women in the box were stunned for a moment, and then looked in the direction of Jiang Chen.

If they remembered correctly, Jiang Chen seemed to be a writer too?

Although he was just a lazy writer...

"What kind of writer is he? He hasn't written anything in such a long time."

Gong Yiyi obviously noticed Jiang Chen, curled her lips, and snorted with disdain.

"It's three years!"

"He hasn't written anything in three years."

Xu Mengyao immediately stretched out three fingers and emphasized with a hum.

She was now very interested in anything that could put her foot on Jiang Chen, and asked quickly:

"Sister Yiyi, did you become a writer in just one year?"

Gong Yiyi nodded somewhat arrogantly:

"Of course, I just happened to participate in the Women's Literature Writing Competition held by the Huaxia Literature Forum recently."

"My book was originally ranked first on the popularity list. This time I came to Shanghai to participate in the activities organized by the competition organizer."

However, when she said this, a trace of resentment suddenly appeared on her face:

"It's a pity that I was overtaken by a bastard love novel at noon today, and now I can only rank second!"

"Wow, that's also amazing."

Xu Mengyao was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but praise. She originally thought that Gong Yiyi was just writing for fun, but she didn't expect to achieve such a good result.

Then, as if she remembered something, she snorted coldly and glanced at Jiang Chen vaguely:

"Much better than some fake writers."

The targeting was obvious.

Jiang Chen curled his lips and said nothing.

In fact, he was a little surprised.

Gong Yiyi has also started to be a writer? And like him, she also participated in the competition of the Chinese Literature Forum?

Isn't this too coincidental?


The book that surpassed her at noon today, could it be...

On the side, Xu Jingchu's face suddenly changed, the women's literature writing competition?

She remembered that the horror love book that made people unable to sleep all night that her best friend gave her last time seemed to be participating in this competition.


She raised her head and asked curiously, "What's the name of the novel that surpassed you?"

"What else can it be called?!"

Speaking of this, Gong Yiyi seemed to get angry immediately, and said with gritted teeth:

"The name of the book is "The Lights We Blown Out Together in Those Years"!"

"I get angry when I see this book!"

Hearing this, the women in the box, except Xu Jingchu, were a little curious. What's the matter with this book that can make Gong Yiyi so angry? !

Xu Jingchu's mouth twitched.

She knew... it was this book.

In fact, she has been following this horror romance novel these days, which makes her afraid to sleep alone at night.

So these two days, she has been looking for excuses to stay at Luo Wei's house.

Jiang Chen's eyebrows also jumped slightly.

He didn't expect that the book he published has actually won the first place in the popularity list.

And it seems that Gong Yiyi is very angry.

"Those years, we blew out the lights together? It sounds romantic."

Xu Mengyao was curious: "Is it a love story from 50 or 60 years ago? My grandma told me that there were no electric lights at that time."

Gong Yiyi's expression suddenly became a little strange. The title of this book does look like a love story, but only after clicking in, you will find out how horrible the content is... and you can't stop reading it.

"I don't know how to say it... As long as you read it, you will definitely understand what I mean

. "

She said vaguely: "In short, this book is definitely a bastard work!"

Gong Yiyi hesitated for a long time before giving up the idea of ​​directly exposing the "crime" of this book.

I don't know why, although I hate this book.

But when she recommends it to her friends, she doesn't want to reveal it in advance.

This book, placed in the column of love novels, is like an unknown riddle.

If the answer is revealed directly, it will be meaningless.

Only by experiencing it personally can you deeply understand the bastard of this book!

Before she opened "Those Years, We Blow the Lights Together", she never thought that this book would make her sleep poorly for several days...

After listening to her words, in the box, except for many The women other than Jingchu were all a little curious.

What kind of book is this?

Why did Gong Yiyi show such a tangled expression?

Xu Mengyao was the first one who couldn't help it. She directly opened her phone and searched for "Those years, we blew out the lights together".

In a moment, all the information about this book appeared on the screen.

It was exactly as Gong Yiyi said.

This book is participating in the "Female Literature Writing Competition".

The writing theme is "love".

When she clicked on the writing competition list page, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Wow, this book is so amazing, it ranks first in all the lists. "

At this time.

Su Luowei and Yan Xuexin were also somewhat interested, and found the same competition homepage on their mobile phones.

Sure enough.

On the four rankings on the competition page, the first place was occupied by this book "Those Years, We Blow Out the Lights Together".

Popularity list, urging list, update list...

Even the "Tucao list" that is mainly used to create hot topics is no exception.

Seeing this.

The expressions of several people became more curious.

What kind of love novel is this?

It can actually occupy four lists in a row?

Could it be that the love story written in this book is very touching and heartbreaking?

It makes people want to read it, Want to complain again?

Su Luowei and Yan Xuexin looked at each other and clicked in curiously.

When they were resting, they would also read novels to kill time.

Especially, Su Luowei, she had to read scripts occasionally.

So she was not opposed to novels.

Xu Jingchu, who was standing by, saw that the two seemed to be ready to start reading, and moved the corners of his mouth. He wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he sighed and gave up.

Forget it.

This kind of thing is meaningless if it is said out loud.

Perhaps, opening this book without knowing it is the most correct way to open it.

Only in this way can we appreciate the essence of this book.......

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