The old man was so angry that he was not very happy.


Miao Qiubai thought he had heard wrongly.

"Who is...Jiang Langcaijin?"

She looked confused.

As the editor-in-chief of an entertainment newspaper, she was not very familiar with the group of writers.

On the side.

A staff member came over and whispered a few words in her ear, briefly explaining the situation of Jiang Langcaijin.

Miao Qiubai gradually understood.

Jiang Langcaijin, turned out to be an author participating in a female literary writing competition?

Why did Jiang Chen diss him?

"Jiang Langcaijin deliberately wrote horror stories in the women's literature competition, scaring thousands of young ladies to tears. He used such a low-level method to gain gimmicks and popularity. Such shameless behavior is really too bastard!"

Jiang Chen was still frantically outputting to the camera at this time:

"As a writer, I firmly resist and protest against such shameless behavior."

"Today, I want to speak for all female readers and safeguard the rights and interests of the majority of female readers."

"Although his book "Those Years, We Blow the Lights Together" is well written, it is not worth reading at all."

"I advise all female readers not to click on this book, otherwise you will regret it!"

"This book has made thousands of young ladies sleepless."

"I suggest that we boycott Jiang Langcaijin and "Those Years, We Blow the Lights Together" together!"

After two full minutes.

Jiang Chen stopped his "diss".

In the office.

There was some silence for a while.

The people of Xingguang Entertainment News were all dumbfounded.

They felt that their brains were having trouble wrapping their heads around it.

Didn't we agree to interview Chenwei Entertainment today?

Why did this 'Director Jiang' suddenly start to curse 'Jiang Langcaijun'?

What was going on?

It took Miao Qiubai a long while to react, his mouth twitched, and he looked at Jiang Chen speechlessly:

"Jiang... Director Jiang, we have recorded your real-name complaint, do you have anything else to say?"

Jiang Chen waved his hand, a little embarrassed: "No, sorry, I've wasted everyone's time, let's start the interview."

Miao Qiubai breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and took out the manuscript he had prepared long ago:

"Then we will officially start the interview now."

"The first question is, during this period of time, many voices on the Internet have been saying that Chenwei Entertainment's business situation seems to be not very good, Director Jiang , is this true?"

Jiang Chen waved his hands impatiently:

"Of course it's a rumor, netizens are just worrying about nothing."

"During this period, I have taken over the position of music director of Chenwei Entertainment. I can tell you responsibly that under my leadership, Chenwei Entertainment will definitely go further in the future."

"You know, my main job is to be a writer. What we writers lack the least is talent, so it is not difficult for me to manage Chenwei Entertainment."

"Of course, speaking of writers, I have to mention someone again."

"Jiang Lang has run out of talent! I emphasize again that this person is absolutely a shameless person. I advise everyone not to read his book."

"Especially the young lady, once you click on this book, it's over!"

"Maybe some friends don't know the name of this book, let me introduce it to you."

"The Lights We Blown Together in Those Years", this is definitely the worst book I have read in all these years!"


Another two minutes of crazy output.

Miao Qiubai's mouth twitched, and he began to ask the next question:

"I heard that the new song of the national goddess Su Luowei will be delayed again. Is this true?"

"How is it possible? It's another rumor!"

Jiang Chen waved his hand again: "I can tell you responsibly that I have written several songs for Su Luowei a long time ago, and they can be released at any time."

Hearing this.

Miao Qiubai was stunned for a moment.

You... wrote songs?

You... can also write songs? ? !

Jiang Chen continued calmly:

"I just said that writers, the last thing they lack is talent."

"Writing songs is actually very simple, much easier than writing."

"However, when it comes to writing, I can't help but think of this bastard Jiang Langcai Jin!"

"Everyone believe me, you must not watch his "Those Years, We Were Together"

"The Blown Lamp". "

"I would like to call this book the worst in history!"

"Even if it's a pile of shit, it's better than this book."

"Anyway, whoever reads it will regret it!"

"If Jiang Langcaijin dares to appear in front of me at this time, I will definitely give him two big slaps!"


Two minutes later.

In the office.

Everyone's expression gradually became dull.

And this interview lasted for a full hour.

For more than half an hour.

Jiang Chen kept scolding Jiang Langcaijin.

More than an hour later.

Miao Qiubai and his colleagues walked out of Jiang Chen's office with a very strange expression.

This interview was completely beyond their expectations.

Faced with the questions about Chenwei Entertainment that they carefully prepared, Jiang Chen didn't seem to care at all.

Every question will eventually be linked to "Jiang Langcaijin" .

His point of view can be summarized in two sentences:

First, Jiang Langcaijin is shameless, shameless, a scum, a bastard, and a scum among writers!

Second, everyone should never read the book "Those Years, We Blow Out the Lights Together", whoever reads it will regret it!

What's even more outrageous is.

After the interview.

Jiang Chen even stuffed red envelopes into everyone's pockets, and solemnly explained:

"Thank you for your hard work, and reporter Miao, I hope you will report today's interview well."

"Expose the shameless behavior of Jiang Langcaijin, the bastard, and safeguard the interests of the majority of female readers."

"This is my duty as an author and you as media people."

"After the matter is completed, there will be another reward."


After getting on the car.

The colleague in charge of organizing the interview content was confused:

"Miao sister, how are we going to report this interview after we go back? "

He knew that the company had received money from Qingcheng Entertainment and had to try to discredit Chenwei Entertainment when reporting.

But he didn't expect it.

Jiang Chen had just given them a red envelope.

And it seemed to be quite thick.

This is a bit difficult to handle.

Miao Qiubai frowned slightly.

Before leaving this morning, she had imagined many possibilities.

Jiang Chen got angry, angry, patient, explained, defended, begged...

But he didn't expect it to be like this today.

During the interview, this guy actually scolded Jiang Langcaijin for more than half an hour.

Even when he gave them a red envelope at the end.

It was all to make them report more on Jiang Langcaijin's shameless behavior.

This guy, does he hate Jiang Langcaijin so much?

Obviously, everyone has the surname Jiang...

Miao Qiubai pondered for a while and sighed.

Shaked his head and said, "Report it truthfully."

"Qingcheng Entertainment's demands and Jiang Chen's demands do not seem to conflict. ”

“Today’s interview is enough to make Chenwei Entertainment appear on several more hot searches.”

“As a music director, he doesn’t care about Chenwei Entertainment at all. During the interview, he madly criticized Jiang Lang for running out of ideas.”

“Such a report.”

“I believe Qingcheng Entertainment will also be satisfied.”


The colleague’s eyes lit up and he nodded.


After the people from Xingguang Entertainment left.

Jiang Chen sat at his desk and thought quietly for a moment.

Took out his mobile phone:

“Lao Chu, book a flight ticket. It’s time for you to go on a business trip. ”


Ten o'clock in the morning.

Xingguang Entertainment Newspaper was the first to publish an article on Weibo:

[Chenwei Entertainment is in turmoil, but music director Jiang Chen angrily criticized Jiang Lang for running out of ideas?!]

As soon as the article was released, it attracted a lot of attention.

Chenwei Entertainment has been a hot topic in the past two days.

In addition, there is some unknown force behind it that is quietly pushing it.

In just ten minutes, dozens of well-known bloggers forwarded the article.

And half an hour later.

On major video websites, Jiang Chen's interviews appeared one after another.

In the video, whenever the beautiful reporter Miao mentioned the issue of Chenwei Entertainment The topic.

Jiang Chen always dismissed it with a few words.

But as long as Jiang Lang's talent was mentioned.

He was like a chicken blood, and he couldn't stop unless he ranted for a few minutes.

The editor of Xingguang Entertainment Newspaper was also a talent.

After editing the serious interview clips, he seemed to feel a little unsatisfied.

He also extracted the clips of Jiang Chen ranting about Jiang Lang's talent being exhausted and edited them into a semi-ghost video.

With music and subtitles, it looked very exciting.

As soon as this video was uploaded, it directly set off the Internet.

In just one hour.

The story of Jiang Chen, a gigolo, ranting about Jiang Lang's talent being exhausted, successfully became a hot topic.


Even Gong Yiyi, who was writing in seclusion at home, saw this news in the writers' group.

She stared blankly at the video of Jiang Chen, who was ranting about his lack of talent.

Her expression was immediately stagnant.

Is this guy...crazy?


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