The first time I heard Jiang Chen sing, I was so surprised.

Jiang Chen can actually sing? !

And his voice and singing voice are not inferior to those of professional singers.

How... is this possible? !

Miao Qiubai's face was full of disbelief.

Isn't this guy... a writer?

And he's just a lazy guy.

How can he sing so professionally?

In the yard.

The girls who heard Jiang Chen sing for the first time were a little surprised.

Especially Lin Qianqian and Gong Yiyi.

Their impression of Jiang Chen before was just two words, that is, 'a thick-skinned gigolo'.

But they didn't expect that this guy would be so good when he sang.

But why didn't he... become a singer?

Gong Yiyi was very confused.

Compared to the two of them.

Xu Mengyao was much better.

After all, she had heard from Senior Sister Luo Wei that this senior brother-in-law could sing.


At this time, her eyes were still wide open.

Because, she suddenly found that Jiang Chen was singing another song she had never heard before.

"Old Boy"?


This bastard senior brother-in-law secretly wrote another song?

But... didn't he say he had no inspiration last time?

Could it be... that I was deceived again? !


"Dreams are always out of reach"

"Should I give up"

"Flowers bloom and fall in another season"

"Spring, where are you?"


The yard was particularly quiet.

Only Jiang Chen's singing could be heard.

The trainee girls all looked at Director Jiang, who was not a few years older than them, seriously.

I don't know why.

This song was obviously sung to all of them.

But everyone couldn't help but have a feeling in their hearts.

That is.

Director Jiang sang this song only for himself.

Under the moonlight.

It was a solo figure.

An inexplicable sense of loneliness arose spontaneously.

It seemed that no one in this world could understand him at all.

So, he could only sing this song to himself.


"Youth is like a rushing river"

"It's too late to say goodbye"

"I am left numb without the passion of the past"

"Look at the flowers floating in the sky"

"Wither at the most beautiful moment"

"Does anyone remember that she has been in this world"


The Queen Yan Xuexin's eyes became complicated again.

She has been carefully savoring Jiang Chen's lyrics and melody.

Unconsciously, she found that her thoughts were also brought into it.

This song really has an inexplicable sense of loneliness.

Old boy.

Seems to be writing about himself.

Actually, it is writing about youth.

‘Old’ represents the present and loneliness.

‘Boy’ represents the past, nostalgia, and the only remaining fantasy and romance.


Jiang Chen seems to have written another classic song? !

She can be sure of it.

Once this song is released, it will surely resonate with many people.

After all, everyone has youth.

And everyone’s youth is full of nostalgia and regrets.

Yan Xuexin gently sipped the red wine.

She looked at the solo figure under the moonlight with shock and complexity.

Where is the end of this guy’s talent?


“Many years have passed in the blink of an eye, how many separations and joys and sorrows”

“The young man who once had ambitions envied the geese flying south”

“The figures who were each pursuing their own future hurriedly went farther and farther”

“Where is the ordinary future? Who can give me the answer”


The girls in the yard gradually became silent.

At this time, everyone heard the true meaning of the song "Old Boy".

That is to miss youth.

This is the song that Director Jiang sang to himself.

He missed his youth and past.

But why...

Their minds kept popping up bits and pieces of their youth?

The ignorance and immaturity of the past.

The simple happiness and regrets of the past.

And the person who once secretly liked...

The trainee girls looked at Jiang Chen with admiration.

It was not the first time they saw Jiang Chen singing.

Originally, they thought that this new music director was just a idiot.

A gigolo who knows.


In just a few days.

He created one classic song after another.

Really amazing!

Ye Munging and Xia Tingqing's eyes were full of shock and admiration.

Compared with this Director Jiang.

The previous Director Yao was not even qualified to be an apprentice.

Chenwei Entertainment has such a music director.

What about their future.

Do they still need to consider it?

Just keep up with the pace of Chenwei Entertainment!

If you are eliminated because you don't work hard enough, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

"The people who accompanied me at that time"

"Where are you now?"

"The people I once loved"

"What do you look like now?"

"Did your wish come true?"

"Is it all we can do now?"


"Mengyao, is this song "Old Boy" written by...your senior brother-in-law?"

Lin Qianqian's eyes had already become dull. She turned her head and looked at Xu Mengyao in disbelief.

This song is really nice!


Her eyes suddenly lit up.

If they can sing this song at the school anniversary party, they will definitely get a place.

Xu Mengyao also saw her thoughts, but she pouted with some regret:

"Don't think about it. Senior brother-in-law Jiang Chen will definitely not sing this song for us."

"Ah, why?"

Lin Qianqian was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

It should be okay to sing it once at the school anniversary party.

It can also promote this song.

"You don't know how expensive his songs are."

Xu Mengyao sighed. She had seen Jiang Chen use a song to make more than a dozen trainees from Chenwei Entertainment line up to change their contracts.

So she leaned close to her roommate's ear and whispered what happened before.

Lin Qianqian's eyes kept getting bigger: "What... to sing his songs, you have to sign a 90% profit-sharing contract first?"

"This is too..."

She originally wanted to say that it was too outrageous.

But soon she was speechless.

Because she found that if it was herself, when faced with such a choice question.

What would she choose?

Could she refuse?

At this moment, her mood gradually became a little complicated.


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