After a long time, the two of them had a lot of trouble.

Su Luowei hung up the phone and carefully put the notebook in the drawer where important information was stored.

When she closed the drawer, the doorbell rang downstairs.

She picked up her phone and walked towards the stairs.

Xu Jingchu is the agent she has been working with since her debut.

So it was not the first time she came to her house. Usually, if there was anything important, she would come directly to her house to discuss it.

A year ago, she left the original company and set up her own studio.

Xu Jingchu also submitted his resignation to the original company with her at that time and continued to work as her agent in the new studio.

In her villa, she even reserved a room on the first floor for Xu Jingchu.

Sometimes when the chat was late, Xu Jingchu would just rest here for a night.

Generally speaking, Xu Jingchu was not an outsider.

With a sound of ‘click’,

Su Luowei opened the door.

Standing at the door was indeed the tall Xu Jingchu.

“Sister Jing.”

She smiled and greeted.

Xu Jingchu was not polite. After changing her shoes, she walked straight in, complaining:

“It happened to be rush hour, and the traffic was stuck for too long, otherwise I would have arrived long ago.”

“Drink some water first.”

Su Luowei handed her a glass of water.

The two chatted for a few more words and walked to the sofa and sat down.

Su Luowei waited for Xu Jingchu to drink a few sips of water before continuing to ask:

“Sister Jing, what’s the matter with what you said on the phone just now?”

Talking about work, her originally homely little girl demeanor was also put away.

Her pretty face gradually became serious and cold.

To become a new popular little queen and win the title of national goddess in just a few years, she relies on more than just her looks.

The efforts behind the scenes are no less than others.

Half a year ago, her studio began to develop in the direction of a formal entertainment company. In addition to her assistants and agents, the studio also recruited a lot of trainees.

Therefore, she often appears in front of everyone as a "boss".

Over time, the aura of a "female president" has become stronger unconsciously.

But the strange thing is that no matter how cold and domineering she is outside, as long as she returns home and sees Jiang Chen, she can always instantly return to the state of a little woman, acting coquettishly and being proficient in everything.

Jiang Chen... is really her weak spot...

"Luo Wei, this is what happened."

Xu Jingchu sighed again and said, "Two days ago, didn't Yao Sichun, the music director of our Chenwei Entertainment, suddenly resign?"

Su Luowei nodded. She knew about this matter.

Xu Jingchu continued:

"During this period, in addition to trying to keep him, I have also been contacting new music directors."

"Originally, there was some progress. Several senior members of the music industry showed obvious intentions to cooperate during the negotiations."

"But when I contacted them again today, they suddenly changed their tone and said that they would not cooperate with Chenwei Entertainment. When I asked them the reason, they were unclear."

"Even Yao Sichun stopped replying to my messages."

Hearing this, Su Luowei frowned slightly.

Her new song was originally scheduled to be released in three days, but during this period, Yao Sichun, the music director of the studio, always delayed the production of the new song for various reasons.

And when the new song was about to be released, he suddenly proposed to resign.

As a result, her new song has been suspended until now.

The lyrics and melody are not completed, let alone the arrangement, production, promotion and release.

In the live broadcast just now, she has told her fans that the new song will be released one week later.

But even if one more week is added, the time is actually very tight.

She can only find a new music producer immediately and work overtime to catch up.

After all, Yao Sichun's deliberate delay before wasted too much time.

However, what she didn't expect was that.

Today, Sister Jing went to negotiate with those music producers who had the intention of cooperation, but they were all stood up.

Now, it's a bit too late to find a new music producer.

Therefore, her new song, if nothing unexpected happens, is likely to be postponed again.

This happens again and again.

And the third one's breaking of promise in front of fans still has a certain impact on her popularity.

"Luo Wei, I suspect that someone is behind this!"

Xu Jingchu looked at Su Luowei's thoughtful expression and said after hesitating for a while.

Su Luowei heard this, but shook her head and said calmly:

"Jingjie, don't doubt it, someone is playing tricks, and this person must be Yao Sichun."

In fact, during this period of time, she also felt a little abnormal.

In the past two weeks, several notices originally prepared by the company for newcomers were suddenly intercepted by someone, and the reason was a little unclear.

And these things were originally in charge of Yao Sichun.

In addition, the strange things that Jingjie encountered now, several music producers stood up at the same time, such a coincidence, she didn't believe that there was no one behind the scenes to push it deliberately.

However, after thinking carefully for a moment, she frowned again.

Continue to shake your head:


"Yao Sichun is just a music director. Even if he is a little famous in the music industry, he can't have such great power to command other music producers."

"Behind this... there may be a bigger force pushing it."

Xu Jingchu was stunned for a moment:

"You mean, there are... other entertainment companies involved?"

Su Luowei took a deep breath, nodded, and her eyes gradually became sure:

"There must be, only they have such great power to contact so many music producers at the same time."

"And, only they are willing to pay the price to persuade those music producers to give up cooperating with us."

"After all, the entire music industry is not something that can be decided by one or two entertainment companies."

"Yao Sichun wants to do this, but he is not capable enough, and there is no reason. Chenwei Entertainment has developed very well recently. They just want to take advantage of the time when my new song is about to be released to catch us off guard."

Speaking of this.

Xu Jingchu also gradually figured out a lot of things.

She gritted her teeth and cursed indignantly: "This Yao Sichun is such a traitor!"

"Has he forgotten that when he was not famous, it was you who insisted on using his songs, so that his songs could continue to appear in the music scene!"

"Now that he has become a little famous, he has started to do this kind of inhumane thing!"

Su Luowei was silent and did not speak.

Yao Sichun's betrayal also made her feel a little bad.

Yao Sichun was her senior in the same school, majoring in composition.

When she just debuted and was in need of songs, her teacher recommended Yao Sichun to work with her.

It was precisely because of this relationship that she had always been working with the same teacher and supportive of each other for so many years, but she didn't expect that now...


The most important thing at the moment is not to deal with Yao Sichun's affairs.

During this period, because the newcomer announcements were intercepted continuously and the music director suddenly left, the people in the studio were a little unstable.

In the trainee circle, there are even some rumors about "Chenwei Entertainment is about to be banned."

Thinking of this, Su Luowei's brows frowned again.

The entertainment industry itself is a place of fame and fortune, where infighting and intrigue can be seen everywhere.

In this year, as her popularity has increased, Chenwei Entertainment has also been developing better and better, and it has already shown signs of becoming a formal entertainment company.

Such a rapid development speed must have affected many people's cakes.

It is only a matter of time before she is targeted, but she did not expect it to come so soon.

At this time, Chenwei Entertainment is still a little unprepared.

What should I do?


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