This island is alive!?

But why didn’t he notice any aura before?

Xu Fan was busy waking up Liu Xin, and the two were busy going down to check.

At this time, Xu Fan realized how strange this scene was.

The turbulent sea is like a roaring beast, and the wind is fierce.

Lightning and thunder above the sky.

The sea swirls at an astonishing speed, rolling up wildly and forming a huge whirlpool.

Directly engulfed several small islands around.

And Xu Fan, the huge island where they were located, was slowly moving at this moment.

“It’s a giant turtle!” Liu Xin reached out and brushed her blown hair.

“When the giant turtle rests, its own aura and perception of the outside world are almost zero, and it is extremely difficult to detect.”

Xu Fan said, “So what to do now, do it directly?”

As soon as the words fell, Liu Xin had already stopped in front of the giant turtle.

Armed with a three-foot long sword.

Soaring into the sky, straight up to the blue sky, triggering the heavenly thunder.

“Boom ——!!!”

The deafening sound echoed throughout heaven and earth.

The thunder roared, and there were constantly thick lightning flashes among the black clouds.

Between heaven and earth, there was a slaughter.

A huge vortex appeared in the squeezed clouds, which coincided with the vortex on the surface of the water.

“Nine Thunder Extinguishing Technique!”


A pillar of thunder gushed out from the whirlpool, instantly engulfing the long sword in Liu Xin’s hand.

The spiritual energy in the body was churning, and thunder light was dancing around his body.

His long hair was curly like a cloud, and his clothes were fluttering.

Chanting the Dharma is like a god judging the world.

At that moment, she was so beautiful that it was impossible to look at directly.

“Chop !!”

The rolling sword thunder fell, roaring, roaring, as if to engulf everything in front of him.

The attack lasted for half a long time.

Then the giant turtle’s huge eyes rolled slightly and glanced at her.

Shaking his body, he continued to walk forward.

That look seemed to say, “That’s it? That’s it?

Liu Xin floated in the air with some embarrassment, looking at Xu Fan.

Xu Fan shrugged, he was a mid-True Immortal cultivator, and he was suppressed by this heaven and earth.

The strength is probably around the peak of the Earth Immortal.

Although the giant turtle in front of him is also a Golden Immortal cultivator, he has the blessing of this heaven and earth, and his defense power is super high.

A golden light flashed in Xu Fan’s eyebrows, and then a flying sword with a handle less than the length of his thumb flew out.

There are twelve stalks,

let’s try it first.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The two flying swords were the first to be sacrificed, and they continued to enlarge during the flight.

In the end, it became the size of a mountain peak, but it was still insufficient compared to the giant turtle.

Bang bang!!

The remaining ten flying swords followed.

Twelve flying swords continued to attack the giant turtle, but the effect was minimal.

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Xu Fan pinched the golden light in his hand.

The twelve flying swords the size of a mountain spun rapidly, and then merged into one.

“Sword opens the gate of heaven!!”

The three islands on the giant turtle’s back shattered.

The sword qi formed a monstrous wave of water in the East China Sea, affecting tens of thousands of meters away.

A terrifying tsunami was formed that swept through everything.

The giant turtle was in pain, and looked at Xu Fan with some resentment.

It has always been the only one who eats someone else’s share, and this is the first time that it has been beaten by others on its own territory.

It opened its giant mouth and let out a roar.

This long roar is truly terrifying.

The wind rises, and the clouds and mist suddenly open.

Water jets popped up on the surface of the sea and rushed towards Xu Fan and Liu Xin.

These water columns seemed to be alive, constantly chasing the two.

Xu Fan pinched a sword trick and flicked it gently.

A thick column of water suddenly disintegrated.

Scales flashed in Xu Fan’s forehead, and traces of dragonization appeared all over his body.

The bones of the whole body emitted a crisp sound, and the keels around the body were like a huge magic array, and the energy was running rapidly in it.

The giant turtle was a little surprised, it was not the karmic dragon of the East Sea Dragon King.

It’s the breath of a real dragon!!

Xu Fan let out a long breath, and the aura around his body skyrocketed several times.

Heaven-shaking Fist!!

Throw a punch away.

Go ahead, destroy and decay.


Liu Xin was driven by this aftermath and flew out like a kite with a broken line.

After swept out several kilometers away on the surface of the water, he barely stabilized his figure.

The punch just now obviously injured the giant turtle, and the battle between the two continued.

Liu Xin spread out her palm, and a dense spell appeared in her palm.

This is a divine skill left to her by the body, but she can only use it once.

After hesitating, he put it away anyway.

She pointed her toes on the water, looked at Xu Fan in the distance, and shouted.

“Hey, Xu Fan, come on!!”

Now all she can do is cheer, and she only hates why the body didn’t give herself more strength at that time.

Xu Fan glanced at her and said in his heart: “People and audiences still buy tickets when they watch the play.” ”

This giant turtle is really difficult to deal with, its aggression is not strong.

At least for Xu Fan, there was no threat at all.

But Xu Fan also couldn’t break its defenses, at most it could make it painful.

But that’s about it.

Xu Fan stepped on the giant turtle’s head, wrapped his hands around his chest, and frowned in thought.

Looking at the giant turtle’s huge eyes, he suddenly thought.

“There you have it!”

(Five more

) (Recently, I saw that some readers said that they were not very willing to see the content after the author’s PS, originally this did not take up the word count, but I just thought that I should explain

it to everyone) (Since everyone doesn’t like to watch it, then the author will try to have as little as possible in the future

) (Thanks to the fox on the pine stone, the S-grade welding bar brews the gifts of the two big guys, and thank you for seeing the gifts ~) (

You can search on Douyin.) “The day of becoming a god”, it is estimated that a live broadcast will be opened~)

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