In the next few years, Xu Fan was not idle.

She has been running around with Liu Xin

without any restrictions, and can take Xu Fan freely in and out of any world, which saves the two a lot of trouble.

Top of a snowy mountain.

Heavy snow fell for more than half a month, and heavy snow closed the mountain.

Xu Fan had just finished searching and walked into the cave against the wind and snow.

Liu Xin came back one step ahead of him, set up a fire, and was leaning on a few sweet potatoes,



Xu Fan naturally took the sweet potato handed over by Liu Xin.

The skin was quickly peeled to reveal the fragrant potato flesh inside.

Handing one to Liu Xin, she peeled another one herself.

Tonight’s wind and snow are particularly heavy.

Snow flakes flew through the air like torn cotton wool.

The fierce wind at the top of the mountain roared, as if to vent its crazy power, destroying the earth.

Xu Fan and Liu Xin sat in the cave, eating hot roasted sweet potatoes, quietly looking at the snowy scene outside.

Liu Xin hugged her legs and dozed off.

The sky is about to fall, and the snow is dancing.

Half plum blossom and half fluttering willow.


Leaving the snowy mountains, the two embarked on their journey again.

Early in the morning.

It was just dawn, and a sparse remnant star was still left in the sky, and the surface of the water reflected a soft light.

Wisps of cooking smoke wafted from the rooftops of distant villages, and a light veil-like mist filled the air.

Xu Fan came out of the water and lay down on the bamboo raft again.

Liu Xin had just peeled a banana.

Xu Fan took it and put it in his mouth.

Liu Xin turned her head and looked at him rather resentfully.

The bamboo raft leans against the shore.

The temples of this world are deserted, and demons are rampant.

Humans are kept in captivity and treated as domestic animals.

The streets are full of demons leading people along.

The majority of women seem to be the more beautiful women they hold, the more they can represent the dignity of their status.

Two pig demons dressed in gorgeous clothes are talking on the street, both of them holding two naked beautiful women.

The Immortal Realm where Xu Fan was before governed countless small worlds in Xiaozhutian.

And this small world belongs to another small heaven, which is rumored to be controlled by demons.

In order to avoid trouble, the two walked on the street and turned into demons.

But even so, he was still found in trouble by other demons.

The law of the jungle is the rule of this world.

Their reason for getting trouble is simple, because they take a fancy to Liu Xin, who has transformed into a demon.

Xu Fan glanced at Liu Xin beside him, no matter which girl loves beauty after all.

Even Liu Xin is no exception.

Even if he turns into a demon, he deliberately looks better.

It’s not on the same channel as you look at all.

Xu Fan casually killed the demons who stood in the way, and then the two continued to search for the whereabouts of the black dragon.

During this period, he also rescued a child who was almost swallowed alive by demons.

Xu Fan and Liu Xin took the child along for a while.

In his free time, Xu Fanshun taught him some means of saving his life.

The boy is gifted, has no name and cannot speak.

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After some time, Liu Xin and Xu Fan left this world.

The boy looked at the disappearing backs of the two, as if he was the only one left in the world again.

But his legend has only just begun.

The boy took a deep breath and stepped into the deep forest in the distance.


The carriage ran through the wilderness.

“I really want to never wake up and never want to worry about these troubles again.” Liu Xin complained.

“Where is this abominable black dragon hiding?”

Xu Fan looked at the map and smiled faintly.

The carriage drove into the city, and this time they came to a relatively normal world.

However, in society, women are inferior to men, and the court is full of girls.

Walking on the street, Xu Fan was inexplicably blocked by several women

: “Come on, let’s give the girl a laugh~

” “Laugh one, laugh one.”

“Gentlemen, you look so good, do you want to have a drink with us?”


A woman reached out and patted Xu Fan’s buttocks.

Xu Fan: …………

Liu Xin covered her mouth and snickered on the side.

The swallow dreamed for years, and the sycamore flew yesterday.

Years passed since then.

The two have been to the end of many worlds, traveled many places, experienced wind and snow, and been baptized by years.

It’s like a human traveler, in a hurry.

Bustling or desolate, remote or remote.

There is flowing water in the south of the river, smoke and rain people.

There is desert smoke, desert Hanhai.

There are also ruins, pines and cypresses.


(picture is a network diagram)

Xu Fan looked into the distance, the green mountains were faintly full of water, and the grass in the south of the river had not withered at the end of autumn

, making people’s hearts quiet.

Liu Xin holds malt sugar in one hand and characteristic dried tofu in the other.

Xu Fan hummed a ditty in his mouth.

It seems that the two did not come to save the world, but simply to travel.

The latest clue is on the banks of the Weishui River.

PS: (Not counted in the word count, can be ignored) (

In the text, the sky will be twilight, and the snow will dance.) Half

plum blossom, half fluttering willow.

From the Yuan Dynasty Ma Zhiyuan’s “Shouyang Qu Jiang Tian Twilight Snow

” and Guan Hanqing, Zheng Guangzu, Bai Pu and called the “Four Masters of Yuan Song”, Guan

Hanqing is the one who wrote Dou’e.

It is said that Zheng Guangzu may not be known, but “Qiannu Leaving the Soul” definitely knows.

As for Bai Pu, the author knows very little, what to say after reading his “Wutong Rain”

, turnip greens have their own love, anyway, the author does not like it very much.

Wutong Yu took Bai

Juyi’s “Long Hate Song”, and the name of his other masterpiece “On the Wall” is also from Bai Juyi’s “Silver Bottle at the Bottom of the Well”.

“The head of the wall immediately looked at each other, and when he saw it, he broke his intestines!”

This poem was mentioned by the TV series Ruyi Chuan, and I saw that some viewers always misunderstood that this poem was Ruyi Chuan’s original, so I specially mentioned it here.

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