Sure enough, within a few days, Xuanzang was taken away.

Before being thrown into reincarnation, Ananda Ye, one of the top ten disciples under Rulai, gloated.

“How do you say that? Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, you also have today! ”

Xuanzang, as the second disciple of Rulai, is in the limelight.

It is even expected to become the successor of Rulai.

Now that they have fallen into such a field, it is natural that some people will fall into the well.

And this Ananda leaf has always been at odds with Xuanzang.

Xuanzang smiled indifferently, “The origin and the end of the cause, everything is only a fixed number.”

Bodhi Ben has no tree, the mirror is right and wrong, there is nothing in the original, where to cause dust!

Cause and effect cycle, there must be a cause and effect, and there must be a cause if there is a result.

Ananda Ye snorted coldly and said in a low voice: “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re thinking, that guy is called Xu Fan, right?”

You can rest assured that I will solve him, you know the kind of place in the Necronomicon World, and it is very normal to die one or two people.

Xuanzang didn’t even look at him, and shook his head with a smile.


Necronomicon, mines.

This is home to the largest mine in the world of necromancy, and it is also the most daunting existence.

The miners in charge of mining, each of them are earth-shattering figures in other worlds.

The miners are constantly tapping on the rocks, and these miners are very complex.

There are blacks, orcs, demons, elves, everything in between.

You can form a zoo.

On the side of the overseer was a warrior monk in a robe.

These miners were all placed under the Buddha’s seal and could not mobilize their aura.

In addition, it was suppressed by Buddhism outside the mine, so no one dared to resist at all.

Of course, there was no shortage of newcomers who were bold, and as a result, they were beaten to death by the martial monks.

After the beating, people have to say a word.

“Amitabha, I Buddha compassion ~”

After the break from work, the cafeteria.

The food in the cafeteria is specially vegetarian.

Because the aura is sealed, these people can only rely on food to replenish the energy they consume.

“Have you heard? The rebellion of the Golden Cicada, the first disciple under the seat, has been put down.

“It is said that the golden cicada has also been beaten into reincarnation.”

“Alas, what a pity.”


The topic discussed by many miners is naturally inseparable from the recent Xuanzang rebellion.

Xuanzang rebelled, and the rebels swept through the entire Western Tianling Mountain.

This was the largest rebellion that had occurred since the opening of the Western Heavens.

The news spread throughout the heavens, and even the prisoners of the Necromancer World received the news.

Who is Xuanzang?

For example, the second disciple under the seat, a figure recognized by even Heavenly Court Haotian, is also known as the person who has the most hope of inheriting the throne.

Among the many prisoners in the Necromancer World, some were defeated at the hands of Xuanzang.

And the other day, there was another exciting news.

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Xuanzang’s rebellion was manipulated by someone behind the scenes.

And this behind-the-scenes manipulator is named Xu Fan!!

He single-handedly promoted Xuanzang’s rebellion plan, step by step, intending to subvert the world order.

Although he has been arrested, the huge organization behind him is still there.

It is rumored that this organization is pervasive, not only infiltrating the Western Heavens, but even the Heavenly Court has their people.

The Yuanshi Sect, the Lingbao Sect, the Moral Sect, and the Lingxiao Sect, all of the factions within the Heavenly Court all have their people.

The most arrogant thing was Xu Fan releasing words.

“Grab the true scripture, kill the Buddha, from now on Lingshan he is in charge”

has swept all over the world for a while, what kind of person can say such words! ! !

There are already many demons who regard Xu Fan as their idol.

It is rumored that someone on the black market has made a sky-high price, and whoever can rescue Xu Fan will belong to whomever the money has.

It is still rumored that Xu Fan is actually the reincarnation of the demon lord Luo Xiao.

And the organization behind him was created by the Heavenly Demon God Evil.

During the first calamity of the dragon and phoenix, Luo Xiao Demon Ancestor colluded with the Heavenly Demon God Evil to provoke disputes among the three races, so that none of the living beings in the flood wilderness survived.

Now I heard that Luo Xiao was reincarnated and reborn, and people were panicked for a while.

And Xu Fan at this time.

(。 -ω-)zzz


I don’t know how outrageous the rumors from the outside world have been.

The initial rumor was that his body had the strength to compete with the

saints, and when he had just arrived in the Necromancer World, the rumor had already become that he ate eight saints at a time.


A new group of prisoners arrived at the mines of the world of the dead through the ark, and they were greeted by a grand welcome ceremony for the old prisoners.

The new prisoners glanced up at the dim sky of the Necronomicon World, and the air was filled with the stench of various smells mixed together.

From now on, this is their place to live.

After passing the inspection, prison uniforms were issued and placed in various cells.

Soon there were heart-rending screams in the cells, and it was the old prisoners who were enforcing their so-called rules on the new prisoners.

This kind of thing is generally not handled by martial monks.

The head of a demon was stuffed into another person’s ass.

The prisoners let out hearty laughter, and the rest of the cells were more than enough.

No matter how good you are outside, all beings are equal when you enter here.

The Buddha seal left on each prisoner, coupled with the Buddhist formations around the mine, make the practitioners here no different from ordinary people.

C size cell.

A half-orc more than two meters tall sat on a stool with a book in his hand.

On the title page were written a few big words, “postpartum care of sows

” and “Boss, what to do when the newcomer comes?”

At this time, a human next to him came over.

The half-orc said nonchalantly: “Plan One.” ”


As he spoke, the cell was opened.

The newcomer walked in with a futon.

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