The middle-aged man wiped his mouth, then stood up and walked away.

Xu Fan didn’t care, and ate with relish.


After the middle-aged man left, several figures stood in front of Xu Fan.

Like being the first to try tomatoes, there are always people in the world who want to do things that others dare not do.

“My name is Changyun.”

The orc at the head said coldly, “I heard that you are very good outside? Today I will set the rules for you.

Xu Fan glanced at him, “Have you heard of me?” ”

This is the world of necromancy, and it stands to reason that I wouldn’t be so famous.

“I know you are very famous, but here if

you are a dragon, you have to coil, if you are a tiger, you have to lie down, and the new prisoners are not allowed to eat for three days.”

Changyun pointed to a row of prisoners squatting in the corner of the wall, “Go there and squat with your head in your hands!”

Xu Fan chewed the potatoes in his mouth and asked, “Then can I finish eating and go again?” The

corners of Changyun’s mouth gently hooked, “Yes!” As

soon as the words fell, he slammed his fist.

Xu Fan raised his hand and easily grabbed the opponent’s fist.

The true dragon keel perfectly highlights its role at this time, and the Buddha seal can seal the aura, and even seal various special physiques.

However, for the blessing of physical strength brought by the keel, it did not play much role.

So even if Xu Fan stood still, this guy couldn’t hurt him in the slightest.

Changyun’s expression changed, and the arm that was caught could not be retracted, as if he was stuck in a quagmire.

As soon as his other hand wanted to make a move, Xu Fan’s right leg kicked his knee like lightning.


With a crisp sound, Changyun fell to the ground, clenching his teeth tightly so that he didn’t let himself cry out.

When the little brother behind him saw this, he didn’t dare to make a move with Xu Fan again, so he had to step forward and help Changyun.

This matter is just a small episode.

At least for Xu Fan, he didn’t pay attention to it at all.

As a result, the next day, Changyun died.

The cause of death is unknown, as well as his younger brothers.

Xu Fan watched as the martial monk dragged Changyun’s body out and scratched his head.

The surrounding prisoners couldn’t help but look at him with a little more fear.

After all, Changyun had just provoked him the day before, and now Changyun was…


“Have you heard? Changyun died.

“It has long been known, and it is said that the death is miserable.”

“Just finished provoking yesterday, today …. It’s too fast, right? ”

Nonsense! Being able to instigate Xuanzang’s rebellion behind the scenes and sweep the Western Heavens, killing Changyun is like crushing an ant.

“I heard from the people in Changyun’s cell that they didn’t hear any movement that night, and they found that Changyun was out of breath in the morning.”

“Don’t say it, it’s coming!!”

The prisoners who were chatting quieted down.

Xu Fan walked out slowly and stretched lazily.

The sun here …. Not bad~

He casually found a position and sat there humming a ditty.

When he closed his eyes, he could feel the Buddha seal that suppressed the power in his body, and he had been trying to crack it for the past two days, but it had no effect at all.

Seemingly…. Can only stay up….

Through the ability to drowsily meditate, you can comprehend the Dharma in your sleep.

Strive to break this shackle sooner.


“Mr. Qing!”

Er Hu glanced at Xu Fan from a distance, his eyes full of killing intent.

“This kid killed Long!”

The middle-aged man known as Mr. Qing did not lift his head, still looking at the book in his hand.

Er Hu clenched his fists, “Mr. Qing, in the long run is our people, and he died for no reason.”

We don’t care if we ask… How will you take care of the people below in the future…”

Only then did Mr. Qing raise his head and glance at him.

“So what do you want?”

Er Hu said viciously: “I don’t believe that this kid has three heads and six arms!!”

Mr. Qing looked at Xu Fan and withdrew his gaze for a while, “Start clean.”




As soon as Xu Fan returned to his cell, including the half-orcs and Zhao Jia, several prisoners bowed to him in unison.

Xu Fan frowned suspiciously, “Huh?

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“Boss! The fruit has been washed, please enjoy. The

half-orc respectfully brought over a plate of washed fruit.

Xu Fan casually picked up a half-rotten banana, not that he liked to eat rotten, but that only this one of these fruits could barely go down his mouth.

The half-orc said sincerely: “Boss, if you don’t dislike me from now on, I will be your most loyal little brother, go to the Dao Mountain and go to the sea of fire.”

As long as you say a word, I won’t put a single fart.

We half-orcs are particular about loyalty!!

Xu Fan didn’t know why these people respected themselves so much, it could be… Personality charm ~

he thinks so.

Then Xu Fan was in the stunned gaze of everyone, clasped his hands together, hooked his head with one foot, and supported his body with his head.

The other foot passed under his armpit, with the heart of his foot facing the sky.

Everyone: …………

Sure enough, TMD is not an average person!!

Late at night, the cell door was silently opened.

Erhu walked in with a group of people and others.

The half-orcs with sensitive five senses sensed the breath of a living person, and opened their eyes to see that it was Erhu and a few of them.

The fierce face was revealed, and he walked towards Xu Fan’s bed with a murderous face.

The half-orc remembered what he had said not long ago.

“Boss! I want you to go up the Dao Mountain and the sea of fire for you…”

The half-orc’s gaze gradually became firm, so he decisively turned over.

As early as when Er Hu and the others arrived at the door, Xu Fan had already noticed them.

So when Erhu’s raised fist went straight to his face, he easily dodged it.

At the same time, he gave the other party a slap in the foot

, he quickly jumped up, the cell was not large, so many people could not all rush up.

Here again, you can only rely on fists and feet.

Xu Fan kicked one over again, dodged a punch sideways, and then a lightning knee kick.

The huge movement quickly attracted the attention of the other cell inmates.

Xu Fan grabbed an orc in his right hand and avoided the whistling fist.

A low whip leg swept over, and the crushing force of the keel made them have no room to fight back at all.

Another scream.

Bang bang!!

Everyone who originally wanted to sneak up on Xu Fan lay on the ground.

Xu Fan walked in front of Er Hu and reached out to break his arm.

“Don’t mess with me in the future, well~”

After speaking, he gently helped him straighten his collar, turned around and went back to the house to continue sleeping.


Erhu and his subordinates died tragically for unknown reasons, and the death was exactly the same as Changyun.

The news swept through the mine like the wind.

Only the party Xu Fan did not know, because there were half-orcs who took his share of the job for him.

So Xu Fan slept all day.

“Hey, did you hear that? Erhu also died?

“Er Hu went to trouble Xu Fan last night, and it turned out that night…”

“The most terrifying thing is that Er Hu is still in a cell with Mr. Qing.”


Master Xu Fan, who had finished sleeping for the day, was ready to go to the cafeteria to eat.

Half-orcs, Zhao Jia and other prisoners followed behind him, looking like eunuchs in the palace.

Walking to the door, the two little brothers had already opened the door for Xu Fan.

In the cafeteria, many prisoners bowed in unison.

“Boss !!”

The sound is loud and deafening.

Xu Fan: ……..

Miscellaneous… What’s the situation?



Ananda Ye looked at the chest full of ore and took a deep breath in intoxication.

This taste, it’s fascinating.

He glanced at the monk behind him and asked casually.

“By the way, what happened to that Xu Fan, is he already tortured in his human form?

You go and help me tell him that if he is willing to cooperate with me, I can make people stop bullying him.

The monk was stunned for a moment, unable to speak.

Ananda Ye raised his eyebrows slightly, “Huh? What’s wrong, could it be that he has already been killed?

“No, he’s become the boss of the mine!!”

Ananda: ………. Yes!?

(Who’s starting school?) Say it to make everyone happy ~)

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