Midnight train, today is a big day for a hundred ghosts to walk at night.

In this special place in Midnight City.

The places where youkai live and the places where humans live overlap spatially.

However, humans move during the day, and youkai appear at night.

Originally, in the era when people and demons did not live in peace, the night walk of a hundred ghosts was a day when monsters hunted humans.

But with the advent of the era of peace, the night walk of a hundred ghosts has become a traditional festival.

The streets are like the ranks of a temple fair, and people wear hideous masks and dress up as demons and monsters.


Xu Fan held Xiao Wu with one hand and Su Ya with the other.

The urn and the little fox Rong’er are in the back, because the dumplings are dipped in soy sauce and vinegar are arguing.

Wang Cai was also rarely pulled out by Xu Fan.

The lights are on.

The crowd was like a cloud, and the shouts were connected.

At this time, a figure running fast crashed straight towards Xiao Wu.

“Oh, mother~”

Xiao Wuyi sat on the ground with his butt.

“I’m sorry.”

It was a young boy with a panicked face.

Xu Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, noticing the power of cause and effect in his body.

“Little one, what are you going to do in such a hurry?”

“My sister, my sister is gone!” Junior Road.

Xu Fan noticed the mark on his neck, it was someone from the lower city.

The people of the lower city are not allowed to come to the upper city privately.

Su Ya said: “Don’t worry, what your sister looks like, we will help you find out.” The

young man immediately said: “My sister has a pair of eyes, a mouth, a nose…”

Su Ya thought for a moment, “Do you still have two ears and wear clothes?”

“Yes, yes! Have you met my sister? ”


Su Ya smacked violently, “Nonsense, it’s that everyone looks like this!”

Our little five are smarter than you.

Little Five was twisting his fingers on the side, using a not very smart little head to remember the characteristics of the young sister.

“Well, a pair of eyes, a mouth, a nose…”

Why is this so much like a child?

Xiao Wu showed a surprised expression, “Xiao Sheng won’t be his long-lost sister.” ”

Suya: …………

Another slap in the face.

Xu Fan couldn’t cast spells for the time being, so he asked for the birthday of his young sister.

Let the urn practice conjure up a thousand paper cranes.

Several people followed the thousand paper cranes all the way to a remote place outside the temple fair.

The strong smell of blood came to my nose, and in the bush there was a mutilated corpse.

The boy was startled.

Then he fell to the ground and passed out directly.

That body was his sister.

The urn cast recreates her sister’s life.

After being separated from her brother in the crowd, the little girl met a group of thirteen-four-five teenagers.

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The teenagers recognized the little girl as a downtowner, and they tricked her into a place where no one was.

Then let a few wolf dogs live to kill the girl.

Sometimes children are often more cruel than adults

Watched this face.

Xiao Wu was so frightened that he had a serious illness and did not eat for several days.

Su Ya and Rong’er were also shocked, wondering why there were such bad people in the world?

“I’m going to kill them!! I’m going to kill them!! The

young man roared hoarsely, if not for Xu Fan stopping him.

It is estimated that he has already run to fight with those guys.

Xu Fan said, “Do you think you can avenge your sister now?” The

boy clenched his fists and almost crushed his teeth.

He held his head and cried hoarsely.

I can’t figure out what went wrong with them.

Grew up underground in the dark.

I just wanted to take my sister to the temple fair in the upper city on her birthday and make her happy.

Those beasts!!

Even their right to live must be taken away.

After crying for a long time, he raised his head.

There was a hideous killing intent in his eyes.

“I want revenge!!”

The teenager is not stupid and knows that the other party is absolutely extraordinary.

Since then, the restaurant has added a new teenager.

Qin Sang!

Work during the day and practice swords at night.

Qin Sang’s sword technique was manic, with a fierce killing intent.

Completely uncontained.

The urn said: “If he continues to practice like this, he must go crazy.” ”

Throughout the ages, people who practice swords like this.

Either you die, or you are deluded into the devil and fall into the devil,

but there is no other way.

There is no cure for this kind of thing.


The time of the world is dewy.

In the blink of an eye, two years passed.

This day is the death day of Qin Sang’s sister.

Qin Sang killed the first enemy and took him to his sister’s grave.

Then killed him.

The first time he killed someone, Qin Sang’s hands were shaking.

The sky seemed to have leaked a hole, and the rain was heavy.

Qin Sang stumbled back to the restaurant.

Excited, panicked….

Qin Sang’s methods became more and more skilled, and the number of attacks became more frequent.

There was no more initial panic.

In his most recent strike, he took an enemy to his sister’s grave.

He was then given a hallucinogenic pill from the urn and dismembered while he remained awake.

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