“This is the end of the farce!”

The mysterious warrior’s hand flashed with silver light.

The terrifying sword light suddenly rose, lifting a layer on the surface of the earth.

Mighty rushed towards the two.

The two jerked backwards.

Tie Xuan had a few more silver throwing knives in his hand and threw them out at the same time as the other party’s shot.

The flying knife is so fast that it can’t even capture the trajectory.

But in the next instant, it was cut into several segments.

The enemy in front of them was far more terrifying than they thought.

Before the two landed, the mysterious warrior suddenly struck.

True Qi surged wildly, and the powerful momentum suddenly erupted.


Tie Xuan and Zhang Ping joined forces to barely receive the other party’s blow, and the two took several steps back.

The mysterious warrior only took half a step back, followed by the snow-white sword light falling.

“Hey, are you kid?”

Tie Xuan fell on a rock not far away.

Zhang Ping said coldly: “If you make trouble, it will kill you together!” The

two of them killed again with one left and one right, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

The mysterious warrior’s face couldn’t help but become solemn.

The attacks of both sides poured down, and the aftermath continued to burst out in all directions.

Zhang Ping’s attack was extremely fast, with an indomitable momentum.

Tie Xuan’s knife technique is extremely strange, and he can always appear in unexpected places, like a reaper on the battlefield.

The two are one left and one right, one light and one dark, one attack and one auxiliary.

Although it is the first time to cooperate, it is extremely tacit understanding.


“There seems to be fighting out there again.”

Gu Yue sighed softly, looking at the bean pie in his hand and feeling that he had no appetite.

“Why do people always fight because I want to?”

Bar chirp~

Xu Fan swallowed the bean pie in her hand into her stomach in one bite.

Ancient Moon:

Ah, my bean pie.”

Xu Fan: “Don’t be unhappy when eating, otherwise it will affect the taste of the food.”

So in order to punish you, the bean pie had to be eaten by me~”

Gu Yue:… (。 _。 Poof


A long knife came from the carriage.

Gu Yue was taken aback.

Xu Fan said to himself: “Huh, are those two guys so wasteful? Isn’t it usually very powerful.

“Next time you dare to call me a trash, cut off your head!”

Tie Xuan’s voice sounded outside.

“Next time you dare to grab the princess-sama’s bean pie, I will cut off your head!”

This is Zhang Ping’s voice.

Xu Fan blinked, “But His Excellency Tie Xuan is already going to cut off my head first.”

Zhang Ping: “I’m talking about the head below!”

“It’s brutal.”

Tie Xuan let out a puff of smoke, holding the pipe in his hand.

Although he suffered a lot of injuries on his body, fortunately he was not fatal.

Zhang Ping stepped on the head of the mysterious warrior under his feet, looking proud.

“I thought it was awesome, a waste of time.”

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On the top of the mountain in the distance, an old man with gray hair muttered,

“Only those two guys are still a little combative?”

“Solve them in one breath, and then kill the princess!”

“Even if the task is completed, I heard that the princess of Nanchuan is still a little girl.”

“Gee, some played.”

The old man moved the bones all over his body.

Behind him is a group of cultists who followed the wind, holding the smelly feet of the old man.

“With Lord Yunming here, things must be foolproof!!”

“Then you need to say.”

“The bounty price opened this time is very tempting, I’m afraid only Lord Yunming can win it.”


old man named Yunming smiled contentedly.

It would be meaningless if no one paid attention when installing the wall.

He especially likes the feeling of the stars holding the moon.


“Hey, Xiao Xufan, what are you picking up stones for?”

Gu Yue asked curiously.

“Don’t call me Xiao Xufan.”

Xu Fan padded the stone block, and cultivated to a certain extent that grass and trees could be used as swords.

“Xiao Xufan, what are you going to do?”

“All said, don’t call me Xiao Xufan.”

“Okay, Xiao Xufan.”

“Use it to solve an enemy they can’t solve.”

Xu Fan said to himself: “The contest in the novice village will let the novices fight heartily.” ”

What is a promoted player running here for, really.”

After speaking, the arms are straightened.

Stones were thrown.

It did not lift the surface and bring up a hurricane.

Or shattered the void or something.

Instead, it was silent, like throwing a stone that was too ordinary to be ordinary.

However, the next second.

On the top of the mountain, the old man named Yunming suddenly froze.

Blood spurted out of his left chest, and then his whole body was repelled with a bang.

When everyone reacted, they looked back blankly.

Yun Ming’s eyes were blank, and his body was twisted.

It was as if it had been rubbed with great force.

There is no breath at all, and it is estimated that it will already be under the bridge at this time.


At this time, a deafening sound suddenly sounded.

Everyone only felt a buzz in their ears, and they couldn’t hear anything for a while.

Trees fell on both sides of the forest, and a ravine was opened on the surface.

“Hey, what’s going on!?”

Zhang Ping looked around nervously.

Tie Xuan also drew his knife, “Enemy attack? Enemy attack?

Xu Fan sighed and stretched lazily.

“The weather is good today, suitable for sleep~


(picture, I feel that this is the appearance of the Suya human form in my mind

) (These days I am chasing a super characteristic anime, featuring ~) (

Well, So only four more)

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