The wind is shaking at dusk, and the night is cold and snowy.

Where is the old man staying, in front of the warm tent and the stove.

Snowflakes are like torn cotton wool.

Xu Fan set up a simple tent by the river.

A fire burns inside the tent, and hot shochu is warmed on it.

There was a fish grilled on the fire nearby.

The fragrance is pervasive, as if it is going to soak the ice and snow.

Xu Fan leaned leisurely on the chair, and he smashed a small hole by the river.

Fishing through a small hole with a fishing rod in his forehand.

“Sir, this is the list you want.”

Zhao Yuxue handed over the list that Xu Fan had ordered her to sort out a few days ago to Xu Fan.

Xu Fan roughly flipped over.

The people on the list all have strong causal powers, and after investigation, they all meet the conditions for “Eternal Night”.

There were four people in total.

Xu Fan glanced at Zhao Yuxue.

She is not too cold in this icy place, and she wears even less than in summer.

He has a bare bosom and white flower thighs.

However, a piece of precious jade on her waist exudes a warm light.

This made her skin pale without being affected by the cold.

Instead, it was rosy~

Xu Fan’s gaze fell on the first place of the form.

Ranger: Tetsuhyun.

Xu Fan closed the list.

Just go see this old friend. ”


Xu Fan found Tie Xuan under the bridge cave.

Tie Xuan held the case file in his hand, frowning and pondering.

When old friends meet, it is inevitable to drink a few cups.

The concept of ranger is very broad, to put it bluntly, it is to do things for money.

Its nature is similar to Xu Fan’s universal firm.

Recently, the north side of the city has not been peaceful, and there have been many homicides.

There was panic, and the case has not been solved so far.

The victim’s family entrusted Tie Xuan to help investigate the murder case.

Xu Fan and Tie Xuan spent two hours of hard work and quickly locked the suspect.

Look at the plaque of the Song family in front of you.

Tie Xuan swallowed and spat, “I wipe it!!” ”

The Song family is a famous gate in Midnight City.

Xu Fan said, “It seems that there is a reason why this case has not been resolved so far.

Tie Xuan frowned, “A few days ago, Song Ziyun, the eldest daughter of the Song family, returned from a trip, which coincided with the time when the first victim was killed.

Xu Fan said lightly: “How is it?” Do you still want to investigate this case?

Tie Xuan let out a mouthful of smoke, “There is no need for this, even if there is clear evidence, there is no way.”

Unless it was a private execution using the ranger method, those victims did not have the guts and money.

What’s more, to do it to the Song family and daughter, Lao Tzu can’t do it anyway.

“Not necessarily.”

Xu Fan handed him a ring with rough workmanship.

Tie Xuan stroked the handwriting on it.

“Forever…. Night? ”

The ring is made of wood, and the burrs on it haven’t been pulled out yet.


Qin family.

Qin Yunsheng, the head of the Qin family, was playing with his fists in the courtyard.

At this time, the butler hurried in.

“Sir, secret letter.”

Looking at the special mark on the envelope, Qin Yunsheng’s expression changed suddenly.

Busy opening letters.

After a while, Qin Yunsheng raised his head with a solemn face.

Song family daughter, Song Ziyun?

Although the Song family is also a famous family, it is much worse than the Qin family.

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This was the order of Sect Master Xu Fan of Eternal Night.

Qin Yunsheng had no room to refuse.

And this time the reward for the mission is 5 points.

Counting these 5 points, Qin Yunsheng already has 20 points.

This is the reward and punishment system personally set by Xu Fan.

Eternal Nights periodically posts tasks that allow members of its organization to earn points.

Points not only improve their position within the organization, but also redeem rewards on the organization.

Such as lifespan!!

This kind of task is simply giving points for Qin Yunsheng.

So, three days later.

Song Ziyun, the daughter of the Song family, was thrown into prison on charges of intentional homicide.

Two days later, he was violently killed in prison.


Universal Office.

The case was solved, and Tie Xuan came to Xu Fan for a drink.

Xu Fan said nonchalantly: “How about it, the great revenge has to be rewarded, have you figured out how to thank me?”

Tie Xuan was stunned and said with a smile: “What does this mean?”

Xu Fan said: “They are all thousand-year-old foxes, what to play with me and chat about fasting

thirteen years ago, your pregnant wife accidentally bumped into Song Ziyun who was shopping.”

The arrogant Song Ziyun beat your wife to death on the street.

The evidence is conclusive, but with the power of the Song family, this matter naturally does not go away.

Then Song Ziyun went to Songshan to practice, and you never found a chance to take revenge.

Xu Fan paused and continued.

“This time when she returned from Song Mountain, you killed the guards who followed Song Ziyun back then, and deliberately led the clues to Song Ziyun’s body.

Finally, with the help of my hand, I threw Song Ziyun into prison. Tie

Xuan saw that the plan was debunked and grinned.

“Oh, it turns out that you have seen through it.”

Xu Fan smiled lightly and sent out an invitation

: “How about it, are you interested in building this organization with me?”

After Tie Xuan finished smoking the cigarette stick, he let out a long puff of smoke.



: (Not counted in the word count, can be ignored) (

In the text: “The wind is shaking at dusk, and the night is cold and snowy.

(from “Wind and Snow”

Bai Juyi) Bai Juyi is really interesting, everyone who is interested can go to find out.

He was born in the Tang Dynasty, just a few years before his birth, Li Bai, Wang Wei, and Du Fu died one after another.

The three poetry masters left, and then Bai Juyi appeared.

Bai Juyi’s father was the most conscious.

His father married a wife who was the daughter of his father’s sister.

So Bai Juyi’s parents are actually the relationship between his uncle and niece.

Moreover, Bai Juyi’s father was exactly twenty-six years older than his mother!

Put aside the gossip.

Bai Juyi is one of the most numerous poets of the Tang Dynasty, with nearly 3,000 poems in existence.

Everyone’s nightmare “pipa line

” and “long hate song”

Han Emperor thinks about the country heavily, and Yuyu can’t ask for it for many years….

Because of this poem, Bai Juyi became popular all over the country in those years.

“Spring trip to Qiantang Lake”,

“Watching the wheat

” and “Giving farewell to the ancient grass”: wildfires are endless, and the spring breeze is familiar to

the ears.

Yuan Shu and Liu Yuxi, who are well known to everyone, are his friends.

Compared to other poets, Bai Juyi is considered happy.

At a young age, he was awarded a bachelor’s degree in Hanlin, and even promoted to a second-grade officer.

Unlike Du Fu, his literary achievements were discovered after his death.

Bai Juyi was already famous all over the world before his death.

He also enjoyed his old age after retirement, and he lived to be seventy-five years old.

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