The fine kudzu is soft and soft, and there are not as many guests in the Xiangluo Diexue Light


Part of the reason is because the year is approaching.

This is partly because the battles between the upper and lower cities have become more intense.

The revolutionary army led by Qin Sang and the government army were in a stalemate not small, and both sides suffered heavy casualties.


A group of children in the “Eternal Night” branch

are wielding wooden knives over and over again, and their instructor is the famous ranger Tie Xuan.

Most of these children were orphans, recruited into the Eternal Night.

And Tie Xuan is working hard to train them to become qualified killers.

Under Xu Fan’s outline, the urn has made a more detailed division of the departmental functions of the organization.

Departments specialized in managing finances, among other things.

A department dedicated to propagating doctrine and recruiting new members.

The department responsible for supervising the members of the organization.


Another few more years passed.

The eternal night organization has reached unimaginable levels.

There are branches all over the country, and the number of believers has reached hundreds of thousands.

And it has spread to other countries in the small world.

Above the temple hall, under the rivers and lakes there are believers wearing the eternal night ring.

Even the current emperor knew about this church.


The emperor ended the day of imperial politics and returned to his dormitory tired.

Plunged into Concubine Rong’s gentle township.

“Emperor, what’s wrong today?”

Concubine Rong was keenly aware that something was wrong with the emperor.

“It is not the recent “Eternal Night” organization that made trouble, and now this organization is extremely vocal among the people at the bottom.

In some areas, there are even Taoists who have taken the initiative to dismantle the Taoist temple and instead plunge into the eternal night.

The emperor complained.

Concubine Rong smiled slightly, “But the concubines don’t think this is a bad thing.” ”

Huh?” The emperor raised his eyebrows slightly, “What does Concubine Ai mean by this?”

“The prosperity of Eternal Night, it is the Taoist who is really anxious.

After all, the Taoists have already divided the territory, and now a perpetual night food rush suddenly appears, can you not be in a hurry?

His Majesty doesn’t often say that this Daoist disciple is too domineering, and even His Majesty does not put it in his eyes.

Isn’t this a great opportunity to support Yongye and Taoism to check and balance each other.

Isn’t this more in the interest of the royal family?

The emperor frowned slightly in thought.

Concubine Rong had an innocent smile on her face.

Slender and feminine on her fingers she wears a brilliant ring.

But if you break the exterior of this ring, you will find that the inside of it is the icon of eternal night.

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Inside the restaurant, the stove exudes warm heat.

Suya knitting sweaters in front of the counter.

Xu Fan dozed off in her freshly knitted sweater.

Xiao Wu stood aside, his eyes staring at the last piece woven in Su Ya’s hand without blinking.

Looking at the size, it should be his.

Bang bang!!

A knock suddenly sounded at the door.

The urn went to open the door, a little surprised.

The person who came was Qin Sang, the leader of the revolutionary army.

The boy who was once full of anger because his sister was killed and only wanted revenge.

At this moment, he has become a qualified leader.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Then Xiao Wu and Su Ya, Rong’er happily surrounded them.


Late at night.

Qin Sang was wearing the ring that marked the identity of Eternal Night in his hand.

And if there was nothing extremely important, Qin Sang would never come to see Xu Fan.

Some people in the revolutionary army were caught in witchcraft, and it spread very quickly.

Xu Fan had heard about it before.

The same situation is on the government side, but it has not been officially made public.


Xu Fan and the urn followed Qin Sang to Xiacheng.

Compared to the bustle of the upper city, the lower city can almost be equated with the garbage heap.

In fact, this is the center of garbage disposal in the upper city.

Smelly air.

Coupled with the inability to see the upper layers of the sky, it is extremely depressing.

I found the so-called witchcraft person and examined it carefully.

Xu Fan frowned, it seemed… It’s not witchcraft….

Strictly speaking, it’s more of a curse.

An irreversible curse, even Xu Fan could not do anything.

Those who were cursed did not die immediately, but a strange black mark appeared on their chest.

People who are cursed only feel that their bodies are getting weaker and weaker, but there are no other strange characteristics.

Xu Fan tried many methods, but they were all in vain.

It stands to reason that such a large-scale curse should not be able to have such strong power.

It is absolutely impossible for a cultivator in the small world to achieve this level.

So… There seems to be only one possibility.

Xu Fan raised his head and looked into the air.

At the same time, Liu Xin, who was in the plane of the small world, suddenly opened her eyes.

Gently exhaling, “It’s finally coming!!” ”

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