“Master, the disciple thought for a moment, I think I should do something that a disciple should do!”

Xu Fan said solemnly to Master Ling Yue.

Ling Yue took a lazy sip of wine, “Oh? What are you doing?

“The apprentice wants to honor the master well.”

“Oh?” Ling Yue looked at him suspiciously.

The first step is to gain the trust of Master Ling Yue.

The second step is to elevate the power of the volley.

Step 3: Close the refrigerator door……..


What are you thinking.

Ling Yue is not an elephant.

“How are you going to honor me?” Ling Yue said curiously.

“The apprentice saw that the master liked to drink, so he thought of taking out the homemade wine and honoring the master.”

Xu Fan took out the fine wine in the restaurant.

Ling Yue couldn’t look at ordinary mortal wine, but thinking that he couldn’t hurt the disciple’s face, he picked it up and took a sip casually.



The urn paced suspiciously in the basement, talking to itself.

“Hey, what about my so many barrels of wine?”

“Just put it here, where did it go?”


The wine is just like a throat.

The mellow liquid glides over the tip of the tongue and moistens the throat.

Then it floats in the abdomen, free in the nasal inhalation, and the aroma is sweet and lingering for a long time.

Just a sip, and his teeth lingered.

Ling Yue looked at the wine jug in surprise, and then raised her head to look at Xu Fan.

“This wine is made at home.”

Xu Fan nodded and said modestly: “The wine of the countryside, I hope that Master Venerable will not dislike it.”

Ling Yue squinted her eyes slightly and coughed lightly.

“Well, this wine also… Not bad…” Seeing

that Ling Yue was preliminarily captured by herself.

Xu Fan quickly made a request, “Master, the apprentice saw that Gu Yue Peak was extremely desolate.

It is really not in line with the noble image of the master, so I want to transform Gu Yuefeng. ”


“Isn’t it nice now?” Ling Yue glanced at it.

I saw lonely trees, lonely stones.

Lonely thatched hut.

When the beggar sees such a place, he will tearfully leave two copper plates.

Ling Yue was already used to this environment.

But since Xu Fan said so, he might as well let him go.

Anyway, I can’t turn over any waves, not to mention that I just received someone’s wine.

So I agreed.

With the permission of the master, Xu Fan was ready to start his own building plan.

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Blue Point Gate Seven Peaks.

Only Gu Yuefeng was barren, plus an extremely irresponsible master.

So far, Ling Yue only had one apprentice from Xu Fan.

Xu Fan’s plan was also very simple, starting from Gu Yue Peak.

Turn Guyue Peak into the most luxurious and largest mountain, and then attract a bunch of children.


No, you can’t laugh like that.


Because Ling Yue drank too much of the wine brought by Xu Fan, she was sleeping beautifully at the moment.

Two white and tender tofu-like legs were casually placed aside.

It seemed that he felt itchy, and reached out to scratch his snow-white skin.

(。 -ω-)zzz hu~

Xu Fan stood at the highest part of Guyue Peak, facing a group of villains.

Mojia Technique!!

“Any country, if it stops working.

Needless to say, a year, even a few weeks, will perish.

Labor creates mankind, and at the same time it creates the best future for mankind.

Labor is not expensive, labor is the most glorious.

Whether it is mental work or physical work, it is also complicated.

Labor is the most glorious!!

Xu Fan gave an exciting speech, then raised his fist and shouted.

“There is no confidence!”

Many organ villains could not speak, and could only raise the tools in their hands.

Scythes, hoes, shovels, you name it.

Xu Fan nodded, “Very good, let’s do it!!”

Suddenly, many organ villains scattered like ants.


Labor is the most glorious!!

Xu Fan silently shouted in his heart, and then found a comfortable corner by himself.

Lie on the Taishi chair and lift Erlang’s legs.

Put on the mirror and hold a cold drink in one hand.

The face of an ugly capitalist.

“When the sun shines, the flowers laugh at me

and the birds say early.”

Sit and watch the flowers blossom and fall in front of the court, laugh at the clouds in the sky, and feel comfortable ~

PS: (not in the word count)

In the text, “sit and watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court, laugh at

the clouds in the sky

” is from Hong Yingming’s “Vegetable Root Tan”.

At that time, our teacher talked about this sentence, but at that time, I didn’t like this kind of thing that was easy to read.

I still like one of the lines, “Biting the root, Pepsi can be done!” The

meaning is: as long as people can adapt to a poor and difficult life, no matter what they do in the future, they will achieve something.

The same phrase is also given to everyone.

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