Gunsmoke filled the air, and half of the forest was razed to the ground in this battle.

Cang Song fell in a giant pit.

The douli man floated in the air, looking indifferent.

“Elder Cangsong, your fellow disciples will accompany you soon.”

Cang Song squeezed out a smile, “I prefer to accompany me by technician No. 26.”

“And what about the twenty-fifth in front?”

At this time, a voice that was not salty or light suddenly sounded.


Cang Song’s face changed slightly, and he looked up.

I saw Xu Fan appear beside him at an unknown time, still holding a red apple in his hand.

Cang Song’s eyes widened, “You… Where did Apple come from?

“Picked from the tree, do you want to taste it?”

Cang Song took the apple handed over by Xu Fan, it was indeed very sweet.

Wait a minute!!

The point is not this!

Cang Song threw the apple to the ground, “Why did you kid come back, didn’t the flying sword carry you just now!?”

Xu Fan frowned slightly and picked up the apple he threw on the ground.

“Talk as you speak, don’t spoil food.”

Xu Fan raised his head to look at the douli man and threw the apple in his hand.

“You’re welcome.”

A killing intent flashed in the douli man’s eyes, and he was about to raise his hand to drown the two together.

The apple flying in mid-air actually lit up with a dazzling light, piercing his body at a speed that surpassed the capture of his divine mind.

The doukasa man thought about his many ways to die, and was pierced by the world’s first sword.

Or sealed by the Qi cultivator with a rune, or surrendered by the divine power that destroys the heavens and the earth.

But I didn’t expect that I would be penetrated by an apple through my body, and an apple

would burst out with such power!?


The doukasa man’s reaction was already extremely fast, Rao was so.

He was also directly engulfed half of his body by this terrifying force.

Yu Wei penetrated the body of the douli man and fell towards the mountain thousands of miles away.

At this time, a father and son who went up the mountain to cut wood witnessed this horrific sight.

A meteorite-like thing quickly fell towards this side.

Along with the pale faces of the father and son.

A hand suddenly caught the falling thing.

Then took a bite.


Fan glanced back at them, “Sorry to interrupt, you guys continue.” With

that, the figure disappeared out of thin air.


The doukasa man did not come to his senses at all.

After the mysterious young man’s blow, he disappeared in place.

Completely unable to capture the figure of the other party, the fear of the unknown and powerful swept the enemies around.

Cang Song is also unknown.

What’s the situation?

The first thing that comes to mind is.

Apple? What kind of artifact was that just now?

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Only then did he come to his senses, looking stunned.

It’s Xu Fan!!


After being stunned for half a second, the seriously injured Dookata man gave the order.

The next second, boom——!!

The terrifying power directly erased the doukasa man without a trace.


The people around began to flee frantically, and Xu Fan did not chase.

Cang Song swallowed and looked at him in surprise.

“You…. You.. Are you Xu Fan?

Xu Fan smiled slightly and opened his arms.

“I am not Xu Fan, but the Lord of Eternal Night.”

“Forever…. Lord of the Eternal Night? Cang Song looked confused.

“What is that?”

Xu Fan slowly landed in front of Cang Song, “In short, Xu Fan is just my human body, and I came to this world from the immortal world to come to Duhuaer and so on.”

Do you want to join the Eternal Night? ”

Cangsong: ………. Yes?



In a hidden cave.

The seriously injured doukasa man slowly opened his eyes, he didn’t expect that he would still be alive.

The kind of terrifying power that hit his body, he thought that he would directly erase himself in this world.

But now…

The doukasa man glanced down at the wound on his body, and someone sealed his seven meridians and eight veins to prevent the injury from worsening.

He also spent his true qi, and even intimately tied a bow on the bandage.

The doukasa man heard the footsteps and raised his head.

“Oh, you’re awake.”

It’s a strange woman.

“You… You are…?

“Just an ordinary passer-by.”

The doukasa man looked the woman up and down.

“You saved me?”

“No, it’s not that I saved you, but Eternal Night.”

The woman smiled slightly.

“Forever Night? What is that? The

woman sat down with a hot sweet potato in her hand, “a mysterious and powerful organization.” The

man leaned against one side of the rock wall.

Forever Night? Could it be that they are the same organization as their Tianzhong?

Just when the doukasa man was puzzled.

The woman threw a sweet potato to him, along with a ring.

“Eternal Night saved you, and from now on you will be the person of Eternal Night, understand?”

As if he was not given the right to refuse at all.

The woman peeled the sweet potato, “Take me to your Tianzhong headquarters later, there are still a few things I need to tell you.” The

douli man looked at the sweet potato in his hand and was stunned for a moment.

“Who is Your Excellency?”

“Just call me Liu Xin, I’m just a loyal believer of the eternal night.”

“I hope you’ll be smarter, and there are a bunch of things waiting for me to do.”

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