
The huge flying ship slowly landed from mid-air with a roar.

Xu Fan’s brows frowned slightly, another enemy?

Then perform a stealth spell and hide aside.

On the flying boat, many demon people dressed in yellow came down one after another.

It is estimated that it is a maintenance worker who is overhauling the flying boat.

Xu Fan breathed a sigh of relief and walked over.

“Brother, trouble to inquire about something.”

The demon heard his voice and looked back one after another.

Xu Fan showed a kind smile.

The demon was stunned for a moment, and then took out some kind of firearm-like weapon.

A ball of energy shot out, and Xu Fan dodged it with a slight tilt of his head.

“Kill him!!”

All the demon people took out their weapons one after another, and couldn’t help but rush towards Xu Fan.

Xu Fan looked confused, he just wanted to inquire about the situation here.

A whip leg brings down a demon man.

“Hey, I’m not malicious.”


A heavy axe slashed at the top of his head, and then the heavy axe broke in response.

Many demon people attacked him even more frantically, and Xu Fan dodged left and right, frowning slightly.

Casually put down a few demon people.


The ground trembled slightly.

Many demon people quickly retreated, and a demon man with a giant horn on his head appeared in front of Xu Fan’s eyes.

Carrying two axes in his hands.

“Boss, it’s here!!”

“This guy is dead.”

Xu Fan felt that he might have a problem with the other party’s language communication, so he gestured again.

“I, ask for directions…. You tell me.. If you don’t tell me, then I’ll go..”

“Tianfu’s lackeys!!”

Without allowing him to tell the difference, the demon with the huge horn above his head raised his axe and slashed at him.

Xu Fan raised his hand and took it with his arm.


The surrounding demon people were shocked, and they actually used their arms to strike the next boss with all their strength.

Xu Fan let out a breath and directly smashed the opponent’s weapon.

Forget it, let’s go yourself.

These demon people may have misunderstood something.


At this moment, a crisp sound sounded behind him.

Xu Fan subconsciously tilted his head.

A stream of light was right in the middle of the demon man with a giant horn.

Immediately afterwards, countless mysterious people dressed in black arrived, and the demon people around them fled in a hurry.

However, the surroundings have long been surrounded by each other.

“Hey you, what man?”

A middle-aged man with a cigarette roll walked up to Xu Fan.

Xu Fan straightened the cloak on his head and replied, “Passing.” The

middle-aged man glanced at him, “It’s good, just came to the Land of Chaos?”

Xu Fan nodded.

At this time, he noticed that many women were brought down from the flying boats of the demon people, and it was estimated that these demon people were engaged in the business of human resale, and he had just mistaken himself for a person from Tianfu.

The middle-aged man asked Xu Fan a few more questions, and Xu Fan answered it quite well.

Before leaving, the middle-aged man said to him: “If you can’t come to the place where you can’t go, we are hiring people now.”

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The salary is not high, it is linked to performance, but it is controlled by food and housing.

Xu Fan immediately agreed.

I don’t have a place to inquire about the news, it sounds like this nightless man is a bit like catching fast.

After a little understanding of the situation in the Land of Chaos, Xu Fan understood why he could be a sleepless man so easily.

The Land of Chaos is ostensibly governed by Tianfu, but it is actually divided among several major families.

Among them was the Xiao family that attacked Xu Fan.

The Night Man is subordinate to Tianfu, although it sounds very bullish.

But it’s also limited to sounding that Tianfu has no substantial power.

Naturally, people who never sleep are also snubbed.

Not only is the treatment low, but the mortality rate is as high as 70%.

And often retaliation from drug dealers.

There is a drug called Number Six circulating in the Land of Chaos, which is popular everywhere.

The drug is prohibited by decree of Tianfu.

As a result, the night people often clashed with drug dealers in order to expand.

Almost as soon as you sign up, you can get a job here.


Xu Fan stood by the window and looked at the huge building towering in the distance.

“Don’t look at it, boy, that’s the Xiao family’s mansion.”

The middle-aged man came over.

Liu Fusheng, the captain of the third team of the Nightless Man.

Liu Fusheng spat out a smoke ring and sighed: “That is a place that we will not reach for the rest of our lives.”

“Whoever said that, I’ve been there.” A black bull said.

Xu Fan glanced at the other party.

Liu Fusheng said, “Don’t listen to Liuzi bragging, he used to sweep the toilet in Xiao’s house.”

Xu Fan squinted his eyes, even more curious about this so-called Xiao family.

Liu Fusheng said, “Liuzzi, you take a newcomer and let him go with you to patrol the East Street.” ”



Xiao family.

The children of the Xiao family who besieged Xu Fan all returned, with thirty-four casualties.

Kamui was cut off, although it only reverted after five seconds.

But Xiao Yun was also injured, and the target Xu Fan disappeared.

In the Xiao Family Ancestral Hall, several elders who held the core power of the Xiao family, as well as the current family head, gathered.

The voice of the ancestor of the Xiao family sounded from the void.

“Be sure to find Xu Fan, the Holy Lord is about to recover, and there must be no accidents.”


“The Holy Lord’s Hope Qi Technique will not be opened again until the third day of the first month of next month.”

The Great Elder said, “The Hope Qi Technique is extremely draining of Shouyuan, please ask the ancestor to inform the Holy Lord that we will definitely find Xu Fan’s whereabouts before next month.” There

was silence in the void for a long time, and then he said, “I hope so, by the way, how is Yun’er?”

“After being injured, he became more and more crazy, and he seemed to be looking for Xu Fan like crazy.”

“Looking at him, Xu Fan is definitely not an idle person.”



A sneeze ~

Xu Fan sneezed and rubbed his nose.

It seems to be a bit unconvinced, or some kind of illusion.

It made him feel very uncomfortable.

Without thinking much, Xu Fan followed Niuzi on the street of East Street.

These days of escape, he can’t help but recall his previous carefree life.

Watching third-rate movies, thinking about second-rate things, and watching first-class picture quality.

Being a vulgar self~

I don’t know when I can go back, he really hates fighting and killing.

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