The children of the Xiao family did not expect to fall spirit beasts at all.

This year, it is not popular to go under gold, and it is popular to go under spirit beasts.

Countless fierce spirit beasts descended from the sky, and they seemed to have completely lost their minds and killed people when they saw them.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the rebels led by Xiao Feng quickly swept away the disciples in charge of guarding the center.

Weapons collide, and the sound of blunt objects cutting into the body is endless.

In less than half a blaze of incense, this place, which was considered completely impregnable, fell.

Xiao Xiong stumbled to the ground, impossible, absolutely impossible!!

What surprised him was not why Xiao Feng betrayed.

Instead, he felt the rapid passage of life force in his body.

The cultivation of the half-step Golden Immortal, even if the flesh was shattered into slag.

He will recover again.

But….. Why….

Only then did Xiao Xiong notice that the weapon inserted into his throat was a hairpin.

Just an ordinary hairpin?

The corner of Xiao Feng’s mouth hooked a sneer, and he reached out and pulled out the hairpin made of the keel.

Then he respectfully handed it to a subordinate next to him.

The subordinate took the hairpin and then received it in the system space.

Change appearance, who else can there be besides Xu Fan.

“For… Why…?”

asked Xiao Xiong unwillingly.

He really didn’t understand why Xiao Feng would betray the Xiao family, Xiao Feng’s status in the family was not low.

And he was still a direct disciple, could betraying the Xiao family be of any benefit to him?

Even if the Chen family or other families ascended to the throne, Xiao Feng would not gain a higher status than in the Xiao family,

he really couldn’t figure it out.

Xiao Feng seemed to have guessed the other party’s thoughts, “Xiao Xiong, you think too much of me, status, money, these are not what I want.”

Xiao Xiong looked at him in surprise.

Xiao Feng fell his gaze on Xu Fan, in his eyes.

There seemed to be a burning golden light behind Xu Fan.

“What I want is to follow the Lord of the Eternal Night to change the world!!”

“In that world, the people will no longer be oppressed and the poor will have food.

Build a community with a shared future for mankind and jointly build a better world.

Working together, we will never stop.

Turn the people’s yearning for a better life into reality, and usher in a brighter and better future!! ”

Xiao Xiong: ……….. Yes?

Xiao Xiong took his last breath with puzzlement.

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He naturally did not understand and accepted Xiao Feng’s intention under the baptism of Eternal Night’s thoughts.


The wind roared low in the ground, carrying a stream of heat.

Xu Fan walked under the tunnel opened by the Xiao family.

This is the source of everything, why do you feel a sense of rejection when you first come to the Land of Chaos.

At the end of the tunnel is a wasteland.

There is a protruding straight ahead, flanked by an abyss.

Xu Fan hesitated, thinking that there would be no boss waiting for him in front of him.

But they all came, and after planning for ten years, they were almost kicked in the door.

Taking a deep breath, he still stepped out.

Suddenly, his expression changed.

This…. This….

This feels………………

At the same time, Higashi Katsu Shinshu.

Yuanshen Xu Fan fell into Liu Xin’s arms.

Huhuhu ~

Yuanshen Xu Fan exhaled heavily, how did he feel that there was a strange energy wandering in his body.

Well? Will you feel this way after the original cave room?

No, what the hell is this.

Yuanshen Xu Fan looked at Liu Xin lying under the futon suspiciously.

I saw Liu Xinqiao’s face turned crimson, and her eyes looked at him in confusion.

Yuanshen Xu Fan felt the uncontrolled energy in his body, as if he was changing himself again.

What’s the situation!?

“Hey, what’s going on?”

At the same time, the body Xu Fan also collapsed to the ground, covering his forehead.

Yuanshen Xu Fan: “How do I know, just three times, three times should not be too much, our body will not be so weak.” ”

Ontology: …….. Uncle Police, take this guy away.

Ontology Xu Fan and Yuanshen Xu Fan realized one thing at the same time.

The channel through which the two are connecting is collapsing little by little.

This time was different.

In the past, Xu Fan’s cutting off the passage was equivalent to pulling up a cordon on the side of the road and not allowing traffic.

If you want to get in touch, you can remove the cordon at any time.

But now the whole avenue is collapsing.

Yuanshen Xu Fan panicked: “Boss, what happened?” Did the company go out of business? The

corners of Xu Fan’s mouth twitched slightly, “It seems…. Something big happened…”


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