The matter of the two tiger demons was successfully resolved.

Xu Fan successfully obtained the reward given by the system and took the tiger’s crotch.

As a senior old Chinese medicine practitioner, Xu Fan naturally knew the use of this tiger whip.

Equipped with ginseng, deer antler velvet, halberd, cordyceps, codonopsis and other precious medicinal herbs, soaked in cellar wine.

Take one scoop daily.

After drinking for three days in a row, Xu Fan felt radiant, as if he had changed into a person.

This becomes a fine tiger is different.

Xu Fan secretly sighed.

So in the past few days, the villagers found that Xu Fan’s kang head had collapsed.

As for the specific reason, he did not specify it.

I just put the kang head back on, but it collapsed again a few days later.

It is strange that several girls from the same village who play well with Liu Xin have not seen Liu Xin for several days.

It has been a month since I saw Liu Xin again.

At that time, Liu Xin’s face was rosy, obviously she looked very good

, but I don’t know why it gave people the feeling of being hung with a breath left, and the posture of walking… Also strange.

Of course, this is just a few small episodes, and not many people care.

Xu Fan began to study finding objects for the eight widows.

Leaving eight widows in the village is not a good thing and is extremely detrimental to the development of the village.

After all, messing around is not a good thing in any era.

The most important thing is that the system has already given the task.

Therefore, Xu Fan prepared to gather several widows together that day.

The first thing he found was the Feng widow, who lived in the south of the village.

Widow Feng is young, in her thirties.

She is the most beautiful of the eight widows.

Before Liu Xin came, she had always been the village flower in the village.

It was not until Liu Xin came that the name of her village flower was taken away.

However, Liu Xin’s level is no longer called a village flower, she is completely a fairy.

So Widow Feng regained the name of the village flower.

Widow Feng was chased by many people when she was young, and she belonged to the kind of old and young masters who could kill a large number of old and young masters with a flattering eye.

At the same time, it also became the public enemy of the women in the village.

There is no way that Widow Feng is beautiful, and her wife has worked in the Qinglou for a while in the city.

Back in the village, for the women in the village, it was a dimensionality reduction blow.

It’s like a two-way foil for a three-body body.

“Oh, village chief~”

It should be said that this coquettish voice has not been professionally trained and absolutely cannot shout this feeling.

Xu Fan is handsome, young and handsome.

He is also the village chief of the village, who has shown his face in front of the county lord, and now he has become a hero in fighting tigers.

Which woman does not love.

In fact, when Xu Fan first came, Widow Feng had launched an offensive against him.

After experiencing Liu Xin, Xu Fan looked at other women like he was looking at pig’s trotters.

Sometimes house flowers are so fragrant that wild flowers are not needed.

“Village chief, come in and sit.” Widow

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Feng leaned against the doorway, her eyes were silky, wearing a red coat, and her figure was plump.

Xu Fan coughed lightly, “Then I won’t go in, I came to find you today.” ”

Hmm~ go in and say.

Widow Feng naturally hugged Xu Fan’s arm with her broad chest.

Xu Fan quietly withdrew his hand.

If he normally had nothing, now he drinks a lot of tonic wine every day.

It’s a bit like a pool full of water, with some overflowing every now and then.

I was afraid that I would be confused by this Feng widow.

As a modern person, Xu Fan still recognizes the monogamy system.

“What, business, half an hour later, gather under the old locust tree in the center of the village.”

With that, he went to inform the next widow.

Widow Feng looked at Xu Fan’s back, the sunlight poured down, and his figure carried layers of halos.

The clean and slender back made Widow Feng hallucinate in a trance.

The lines are graceful and the shoulders are broad to give a sense of security.

Widow Feng’s eyes were confused, and she couldn’t help but lick her lips.

“So handsome!! so charming!! I really want to give him a baby.” Then

he seemed to sense something, glanced down at his pants, and hurried home.

Half an hour later.

Under the old locust tree in the center of the village, single widows arrived one after another.

The widows chatted while kowtowing melon seeds.

No one knows what’s going on.

Widow Feng arrived belatedly and glanced at the remaining seven.

I was secretly shocked in my heart, so many people together?

That’s a bit too good.

Soon Xu Fan also arrived, clapping his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

When everyone heard that the village chief was going to give them a blind date, they couldn’t help but be surprised.

“I wonder what everyone thinks?” asked Xu Fan.

Blind dates are naturally a good thing for them, after all, who wants to be alone.

It’s just that this widow goes on a blind date, who wants it~

In addition to marrying those single kings and old fives that no one wants, the average family naturally will not marry someone who has already married.

Xu Fan saw that everyone was worried: “You don’t have to worry about this, leave it to me.” ”

PS: (Let me briefly tell you about my work

) (I am about 7,000 yuan a month, counting the shares, it is a small 10,000 yuan a month

) (I am very busy when I am busy, but there is a certain season, and then the next days begin to be idle) (

My busiest time is to stay up for three and a half days of nights, I feel that I am about to become a fairy, and when I am busy, I sleep for a whole day and a night).

(Then the most idle time is to sit every day, watch those summer workers sort out documents or something, then fight the landlord, brush videos

, and a few of us go to the Internet café at night to sleep) (I don’t want to go, so I sleep until one or two o’clock in the afternoon, and then go at three o’clock to find someone to take a bath or go to play games) (I’m

still a little better, because I still have to write novels, and a few other people are really idle)

(Because the family has a little capital, and the company is profitable every year, which is the most outrageous

) (we are like this, the company is profitable every month, and we earn quite

a lot) (our boss means that if we work hard, the company will already become bigger and stronger, but unfortunately our boss is just like me to get by, just want to live every day) (

so I can’t make a lot of money, but I never starve to death)

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