“Not good!” Hu

Mei moved, and was about to leave.

When he turned his head, he just saw a person appear in front of his eyes.

Hu Mei’s face changed suddenly, but fortunately he was calm.

Quickly reacting, the long legs popped out like a straight javelin.

Driving the air to make a sound, shooting towards Xu Fan in front.

Without warning, it feels like a sharp longsword about to pierce the opponent’s neck.

However, Xu Fan only slightly tilted his head to avoid this blow.


This person is dangerous.

This is Hu Mei’s intuition, a master’s intuition, just like a beast that has an instinctive feeling when facing danger.

“What kind of man?” Hu

Mei quickly jumped back and pulled away.

Xu Fan didn’t plan to talk nonsense with her, he originally helped Yingyi watch the scene.

Step forward, and the gas machine bursts.

This was a very ordinary move, without any moves, but Hu Mei and Zhang Zhuo, who were present, felt the pressure of the storm at the same time.

“Who is Your Excellency?”

Xu Fan said, “Look at the scene, come with me honestly.”

“What kind of life do you play for a few hundred dollars a month, I’ll give you money.”

“Sorry, I’m not interested in money.

Xu Fan pointed to the void, and the two golden rays of light flickered into a long line, binding the hands of the two.

“Do you go by yourselves, or do I send you away?”

At this time, Yingyi stepped on the red diamond and saw the two people who were subdued.

With a happy smile, this time the old lady can give her some more pocket money.

Zhang Zhuo was very unconvinced, “Have the ability to let go of Lao Tzu, let’s fight again.”

Ying Yi stepped on his face, “The bastard is the girl you bullied our Qinglou!”

Liuyunzi also followed, looking at Zhang Zhuo who was trampled underfoot.

Heart: “Why reward him!?” Zhang

Zhuo looked at Liuyunzi suspiciously, he clearly remembered that he had just destroyed Liuyunzi’s body with a qi machine.

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Dead or disabled.

How come it was intact at this time, the clothes were tattered and stained with blood, but the exposed muscles and skin inside were intact.

Liuyunzi snorted coldly, “Just because you can hurt me with this ability? Inside

: “I have to bring this person from the Tianyan Sect and let him blast himself several times a day, this feeling…”

Soon, Hu Mei and Zhang Zhuo were brought back to the Tianyan Sect for interrogation.

Originally, the Tianyan Sect thought that these two people were sent by other organizations to carry out terrorist attacks on the Tianyan Sect, who knew that this dig unearthed a secret about the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace.

Hu Mei and Zhang Zhuo belong to a newly emerging organization, and this organization is said to have grasped the clues of the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace.

This was great news for the Tianyan Sect.


Higashikatsu Shinshu.

“Huhuhu~ tired old lady. ”

On a mountain range, the little white fox sits on the ground with his butt, his chest rising and falling.

The meat ball Xiao Wu also turned into the original form, “I’m really tired, I feel like I’ve been reborn.”

What if you can’t marry your wife in the future?” ”

You guys say tired? The

urn crouched aside, gasping for breath, his little face pale.

The little fox Rong’er looked at him distressedly, “Are you all right?” The

urn immediately stood up, “Are you okay?

The little fox Suya hurriedly said: “Just remembered that we still have a vase that I haven’t brought over, you take me again…. Oh, mother…” Before

he finished speaking, he was kicked in the urn.

When you travel through the world is TMD shopping!!

half a year ago, the urn broke through the period of robbery.

Not long ago, they received a message from the ontology Xu Fan, asking them to go to the Dongsheng God Continent to join the Yuan God Xu Fan.

After all, there is an urn in the urn that can also protect and protect Genshin.

The most important thing is that Genshin does not work, and sends urns to supervise this guy to work.

“Xiaosheng feels that Xiaosheng is a little short of oxygen.

Little Five exhaled.

Su Ya touched his bulging little belly, “It’s you who are too fat Little Five.”

Little Five pretended not to hear.

The urn stood on the top of the mountain, “Okay, now it’s time to go find Xu Fan.” ”

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