“Go aside!!”

Xu Fan pushed Su Ya away and stood in front of Rong’er.

“Little chick play with uncle for a while~”

Xu Fan, who has changed his appearance, has a somewhat hideous face, and there is a slender scar on his face from the corner of his eye, which looks very terrifying.



As soon as the words fell, he was stopped by a huge claw.

Xu Fan was stunned and looked at the huge white fox that appeared in front of him in a daze.

Little fox, no!

The big fox Suya’s eyes flashed with angry fire, and her claws pressed on Xu Fan.

It’s like an old cat that caught mice.

Suya gritted her teeth, “Bastard! You dare to insult me. ”

A soldier is not to be killed!!

If the other party really wanted to rob the color, she would not be so angry.

But this guy actually pushed himself away.

Uncle can endure Aunt can’t bear it!

Xu Fan blinked and looked at the angry Suya.

I felt the giant claws pressing on my body again, like a big mountain.

There was no way to resist at all.


Yuanshen Xu Fan really had a limited IQ, and he overlooked an important thing.

That is so many years, although the cultivation of the stupid Suya has progressed slowly, it is much stronger than herself as a Yuan Shen who has been doing tasks in the village.

Therefore, this heroic salvation of beauty was not established from the beginning.

Because first of all, it is necessary to ensure that he, the robber, is stronger than the other party.

“Eh… That I think I can explain…..

” “Explain what!!”

Su Ya gritted her teeth, and her eyes were about to spew fire.

Just when she was about to teach this guy a hard lesson.

The urn suddenly jumped out, “Bold little thief, dare to molest the woman of the good family in broad daylight, let me teach him a lesson!”

Suya and Rong’er looked back at him.

The urn forced himself to calm and pulled Xu Fan out, “This kid is handed over to me, the more you teach him a BT like this, the more excited he is.”

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After a while, Su Ya and Rong’er left bouncing.

Seeing that the two were walking away, the urn quickly picked up Xu Fan.

“Brother, are you all right?”


“Nima’s, this little fox almost trampled me to death.”

“What now?” The urn asked anxiously.

“Don’t panic, I still have a way, I have to wait for Suya and Rong’er to separate first.”


So the next day, he found an excuse to separate Suya and Rong’er.

Rong’er went to the village alone to make soy sauce.

The urn patted Xu Fan’s shoulder, “Brother, you have worked hard.”

Xu Fan shook his head, “It’s not me who is hard, it’s him.” The

urn followed Xu Fan’s gaze and saw a tall man blocking Rong’er.

“This mountain is opened by me! This tree was planted by me, and I want to pass by and take it to buy road money!! The

urn frowned, “That man…. It’s

Little Five….,” the urn saw Little Five’s disguise.

Xu Fan nodded.

“Why did you ask Xiao Wu to do such a thing, his illusion is easy to discover.

The urn asked suspiciously.

The next second, he knew why.

I saw that Xiao Wu was stuck by Rong’er’s neck, followed by a violent beating.

After half a blaze of incense, Rong’er left dashingly.

Xu Fan nodded thoughtfully, “Well, sure enough, this method doesn’t work, and Rong’er’s combat power is too strong.”

The urn stuck out its head and glanced at Xiao Wu, “Compared to this…. Should we care about Little Five?

“Let’s go, go back and continue to think of other ways.”

Xu Fan walked over and lifted Xiao Wu up.

The urn poked Xiao Wu’s face, “It should be fine, right?”

Xu Fan said: “People are dying for the birds of wealth and death, and I bought his life with two strings of sugar gourds.”

Little Five stretched out five fingers with difficulty.

The urn glanced at it, “He wanted to say that it was upgraded to five strings?”

Xu Fan hesitated, “He should be going to slap me to death~”

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