Feng Xiucai’s death made Xu Fan always have a bad feeling.

In this way, it seems that Feng Xiucai must have contacted the followers of Eternal Night from some way, but where can he contact Eternal Night in this small mountain village?

Xu Fan remembered that Feng Xiucai used to go to town.

Just as Liu Xin’s rouge ran out, Xu Fan went to town to buy some.

Now that there are more Suya and Rong’er, they will buy more than one.

However, Rong’er’s share of the money must be from the urn.

The urn took some money to Xu Fan and asked Xu Fan to pick a better gift.

The next day, Xu Fan went to town.

When he heard that Feng Xiucai was fine, he was willing to go to the small restaurant to drink a jug of wine.

The small restaurant is not big, in fact, it is already a luxury property in the town.

Xu Fan sat on the second floor of the restaurant and ordered a jug of wine, a hard dish, and a plate of peanut rice.

Ask Xiao Er about Feng Xiucai.

Xiao Er only said that Feng Xiucai would come here to drink every once in a while.


“Two people.” Xiao Er Dao.

“Do you know that person?”

Xiao Er shook his head, “I don’t know, it seems that I am not from the town.”

“What does it look like?”

Xiao Er scratched his head, “I don’t remember much. ”

Reminisce again.”

“Village Chief Xu, you are embarrassed by me, welcoming so many people every day, my brain has not been good since I was a child.”

Xu Fan smiled slightly and took out ten dollars.

Xiao Er immediately said: “I suddenly felt that my IQ had improved a lot, that man was tall and thin like a bamboo pole, white and clean, almost in his twenties.”

Xu Fan nodded with satisfaction, “If this person appears again, please help me pay more attention.” Saying

that, Xu Fan took out a few more dollars.

“Don’t worry, Dele.”

Out of the tavern, Xu Fan went to the rouge shop to buy some rouge gouache.

Then he was ready to go home.

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“Grandpa, why are we here, the street stinks.”

On the street, a little girl with pigtails looked around in disgust.

Everything in this remote town made her feel very uncomfortable.

Taiyang said, “Nizi, we are not here to play, we are here to carry out a mission.”

“Knowing Grandpa, you’ve said this eight hundred times.” Niko said dissatisfied.

Dressed in white, he greeted him.

Taiyang’s eyes narrowed, monk?

Are there other monks in this kind of place?

Xu Fan also noticed the strong man in front of him, his steps were steady and his breath was long.

“Grandpa, that guy looks good!”

Nizi pointed at Xu Fan and shouted.

Xu Fan glanced back at her and smiled faintly.

The little one has a bit of an eye.

Taiyang then took Niko to a private house in the town.

A squint-eyed man opened the door, and the fox demon Hu San.

“It’s finally here, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

Taiyang clenched his right hand into a fist and beat his chest, and said solemnly: “Eternal night lasts forever!”

Hu San also made the same action, “Eternal night lasts forever!” The

two walked into the house.

“Recently, those stinky Taoist priests have become more and more ferocious, and several of our strongholds have been taken by them, and now everyone is almost unable to bear it.”

Taiyang said in a deep voice.

Hu San shook the folding fan, “The enemy is strong and I am weak, so naturally we must avoid its edge.”

“Then until when!”

Taiyang is a violent temper, and it is not easy to endure it until now.

Hu San took a sip of tea and said lightly: “That adult is at a critical moment, we can’t show our feet.” Footsteps

hurriedly sounded.

A thin man with a bamboo pole ran in, “It’s not good, Feng Xiucai is dead!” ”

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