Liu Xin put down the teacup, “It’s too anxious, I didn’t expect the other party to react so quickly, but this is an experiment, and it turns out that we have taken the first successful step.”

“It’s not us, it’s you!”

Xu Fan hurriedly drew a dividing line with him, “I’m a little guy who hasn’t left the novice village yet, and it’s my task to honestly brush the level.”

So you go slowly, find our boss if you have something.

Liu Xin reached out and brushed her hanging hair, not a pretentious scratching posture, but a very natural expression of a seductive style.

“If you want to seduce, you can give it a try.”

Xu Fan said solemnly.

Liu Xin smiled slightly and stretched out her hand to push.

His bare feet stepped on Xu Fan’s body, and then he bent his feet and knelt on Xu Fan’s body.

The knee was against Xu Fan’s chin.

But it didn’t hurt at all, and the flickering light of the fire dotted the atmosphere.

Long hair drips down and tickles.

Liu Xin leaned over and lowered her head and sniffed at Xu Fan’s hair.

“What did you wash your hair with?”

“…. It’s ordinary…”

Xu Fan didn’t understand why she suddenly asked this question, and replied stunnedly.

“In the future, I recommend you to use this refreshing and non-greasy.”

Liu Xin flipped her wrist and had an extra bottle in her hand.

Xu Fan took the bottle, and forgot what she wanted to do for a while.

“Take it easy.”

The corners of Xu Fan’s mouth twitched slightly, and the body was completely different from the feeling that Yuanshen gave him.

If Yuanshen Liu Xin is a little sheep who lets himself tease.

Then the ontology Liu Xin in front of him is a poisonous snake that can swallow itself in one bite.

“We…. Is that good? ”

Although Genshin and Ontology are the same person.

But under Xu Fan’s pairing, it should be Yuanshen and Yuanshen, ontology and ontology.

Now Ontology and Genshin….

Is it not a cheating?

Just thinking about it, Liu Xin has already pasted it.


“Don’t talk.”

One of her hands was pressed to Xu Fan’s eyebrows, and the other was pressed to her chest.

Suddenly, Xu Fan felt as if his head had exploded.

That feeling Xu Fan couldn’t describe in words.

If a woman giving birth is a tenth-level pain, then Xu Fan feels that he is giving birth to a cow.


He desperately wanted to struggle, but he was suppressed by death.

The soul seems to be put into a blender, little by little stirred by the other party.

And it is under the ideology of staying sober.


He couldn’t help but let out a miserable cry.

Then he lost all consciousness.


The body Xu Fan slowly opened his eyes, looked at the wisp of Liu Xin in front of him, and frowned slightly.

Then the memories overlapped with Genshin, and he was stunned for a few seconds.

He glanced around again and reacted.

“You switched places between me and Genshin?”

Liu Xin’s face turned pale and she nodded weakly.

“I… I…” Before

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he finished speaking, he couldn’t support it and suddenly fell into Xu Fan’s arms.

Meanwhile, the land of covenants.

Yuanshen Xu Fan: …………

This… Where is this TMD?

Help me!!!


Liu Xin slowly opened her eyes and gently exhaled a long breath.

I don’t know when there was a loose black robe on her body, and Liu Xin rubbed her eyes.


Xu Fan’s voice sounded.

Liu Xin raised her head, the side effects of this type of teleportation formation were too great, plus she was injured.

She was stunned for a moment.

“Xu Fan?”

Although they are all the same person, the temperament of the Yuan God and the body are completely different.

Liu Xin then recalled what she had done, like waking up from a dream.

Xu Fan’s void flicked, and there was an extra chair in front of him.

Then sat on it, “I roughly understand everything, how long can you adjust me and Genshin?” ”

Three days at most.”

“What do you want me to do for you?”

“That old Taoist priest in your village and the old monk.”

“What is their identity? Heavenly Court West, so to speak, they have long discovered me.

Liu Xin shook her head, “No, they came at me.”

With the character of these two old guys, they will not interfere in your affairs.

“So what should I do?”

“Don’t move.”


A bite hit Xu Fan’s neck, and blood spread in his mouth.

Xu Fan frowned slightly, surprised that Liu Xin was not absorbing his own blood.

It is the power of the phoenix in the body, and the power of the keel is also being lost.

The origin power of the phoenix and the dragon bone in Xu Fan’s body were originally the same, and sometimes they couldn’t control the balance.

However, under the influence of Liu Xin, these two forces turned out to be one, a rare unity and harmony.

It’s a pity that I went to Liu Xin.

After a long while, Xu Fan’s face turned pale and collapsed.

Moreover, the other party seemed to have absorbed his essence blood, which made Xu Fan’s waist faintly painful.

Liu Xinyi pursed her lips endlessly, the corners of her mouth were stained with blood that had not yet dried, and there were also on the tip of her nose.

Xu Fan covered his waist and croaked, “You are treating me as a charging treasure.”

Liu Xin said, “The keel is still given to you by me, it is not too much to accept such a little thing from you.”

Xu Fan rolled his eyes, although there were countless doubts in his heart, but he knew that Liu Xin would not say.

“You should stay in the village for the next few days, and when the time for the formation arrives, you and Genshin will return to their positions.”

Liu Xin stood up, her originally pale complexion was rosy and shiny at the moment.

PS: (The first time I traveled, the three old men dragged their suitcases at eleven

o’clock in the middle of the night and couldn’t find a hotel,) (Because I booked a homestay, I found it at more than twelve o’clock in the morning, and the house was closed

) (I had no choice but to go to the bathing center for another night, and I found that several of us couldn’t do without the bathing center) (

I got up at ten o’clock this morning and went to the boss’s father’s branch to visit, Only then can we realize that we are not a class person with the boss)

(oh, evil capitalism!!)

(Then we went to an attraction, but I found that we were really not suitable for tourism

) (others took photos while traveling, and the three of us were like fleeing, stuffy walking

) (Finally, after a long journey, I rushed to the nearest Internet café at three o’clock in the afternoon and played until now) (

Huh, travel? non-existent)

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