Forever Night Division.

Elder Wen sat in the living room, and several elders on both sides were talking.

Hu San brought the Archbishop’s order to the crowd.

“The archbishop said that with him for one day, no division would be allowed.

If you really want to make a split, the archbishop doesn’t mind talking to you personally!

Hu San looked full of confidence and had a backstage appearance, which made everyone feel a little stunned.

Archbishop, Golden Ring?

This concept they have heard of only in legends.

Legend has it that the Golden Rings are all immortals from another world.

So after Hu San left, many people who supported Elder Wen started a discussion meeting.

“Archbishop? He said that there is an archbishop. Elder

Wen knocked on the table.

“Yes, who knows if it’s an impersonation.”

“That’s right!”

Several people echoed.

“But… What if it’s true…” said a voice weakly.

The hall suddenly fell silent.

It was Elder Wen who took the lead in breaking the silence, “It’s the mule that the horse came out for a walk, and the old man went to inquire about the other party’s reality.” ”


School was dismissed from private school.

Xu Fan did not go home immediately, but made a rare effort to practice overtime.

He had no talent in this area, and he was afraid of going crazy.

So after an afternoon of research, it cannot be said that there is no progress, only that there is no progress.

In fact, he seems to be only one foot away from entry, but the success rate is only 90%.

Ninety percent?

What’s the difference between that and sending to death.

This was simply a devastating blow to Xu Fan, who was well versed in the Dao, so he never took this first step.

Before you know it, it’s already late at night.

Footsteps sounded in the darkness, and a pair of hands gently wrapped around his waist from behind.

“Well, why didn’t I go home~”

Liu Xin put her head over.

Xu Fan opened his eyes, smiled faintly, and took her into his arms with his backhand.

Instead of answering her question, he held her.

“Go, take you to a place.”


It was already late at night.

In the hot spring next to the willow tree, the water dances with the breeze.

The shadow of the tree and two people are photocopied on the surface of the pool.

Ten thousand silences, the evening breeze tightens, and autumn insects chirp.

Xu Fan gently exhaled a long breath and leaned comfortably on the edge of the hot spring.

The blue mist is pervasive, giving people the feeling of being in a fairyland.

So comfortable….

Liu Xin leaned lazily in his arms, her pretty face was crimson from the heat, and her hair was pulled into a ball.

This hot spring was newly developed by Xu Fan, and he wanted to make a little money by relying on the hot spring.

After all, there are many people in the family, and there are many mouths to eat.

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It’s just not officially open yet.

On the left is the vegetable garden, on the right is the wheat field.

Because of the influence of the spell, the vegetables in the vegetable garden are all ripe.

The seeds of these dishes were brought from other worlds by urns.

Tomatoes, lentils, eggplants, pumpkins, these look good when they bear fruit, especially the pumpkin looks like a big red lantern.

On the other side, it is all golden rape, piece by piece.

The beauty is like a painting.

In order to achieve this current appearance, it took Xu Fan a lot of effort, and the biggest problem was how to make these rape and tomatoes grow vigorously.

Now is not the season for their growth, forcibly catalyzed by spells, the growth is small and deflated, and there is no ornamental at all.

In the end, Xu Fan accidentally found a solution to this problem perfectly, that is, Xiao Wu.

Tool Man Little Five.

Meat Lingzhi bloodline, a bite of meat can make many cultivators flock to it.

Little Five can be said to be a treasure all over his body.

Even excrement is a good raw material, and the value for these plants is like ginseng.

Great Supplement!!

In order to increase the production of small five.

Xu Fan even did not hesitate to drug Xiao Wu, so the unlucky Little Five ran his stomach for a few days.

In this way, with the unremitting efforts of Xiao Wu, the beautiful scenery in front of him was formed.

Soak in the warm hot springs and look at the scene in front of you.

Holding the little beauty, there is nothing more comfortable in life.

“It’s so comfortable~” Liu Xin said.


Xu Fan said, “It’s not open here yet, so let’s take our hostess to experience it first.” The

corners of Liu Xin’s mouth pursed gently, and her beautiful eyes curved into a crescent shape.


The bright moon hangs in midair.

Liu Xin looked at the bright moon and was stunned.

Suddenly, he turned around and looked at Xu Fan.

“I love days like this.”

“Me too.”

“So will we always be together?”

“Of course.”

Xu Fan hugged her gently, and his gaze inadvertently fell on a white hair at Liu Xin’s sideburns.

According to the normal age, Liu Xin should be thirty-four years old this year.

Normal Shouyuan Dan did not work for her at all.

What the ontology Liu Xin said is true, she really left a limit on the life span of Yuanshin.

And the method of salvation is in this new practice system, which forces me to go up Liangshan.

PS: (I can’t do it today, I’m too tired~

) (TNND, go to a scenic spot and tell us 280 people, and then there is nothing in Nima’s

) (The whole big is speechless, and then I went to a temple, I thought that the incense was free)

(Then we burned three, and the old monk came to ask us for money, three sticks of Shanima 1800!!

(A pot of tea, 160

) (He sent a knife and said to us, “I opened this road, I planted this tree, if you want to pass from here, leave the road to buy money) (

Now this temple…. Is it all like this?

(It’s so earning, I recommend that you don’t look for a job in the future, just go to the temple)

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