There was snow outside the house.

The cauldron in the house was stewed with fragrant pork, and the aroma seemed to be about to smoke the wall skin

, and after a while, Tie Dan and Pang Jun also came.

After the New Year, the iron egg will go to the province to test people.

Xu Fan looked at the six children, who were less than his belly height at first.

Now they are almost catching up with themselves, especially Wang Da is half a head taller than himself.

An old face.

Xu Fan smiled gratifyingly, and the child grew up.

Their own wool is also numb~

It’s time for them to go outside and wander.

New Chinese New Year’s Eve.

The village, which should have been quiet in the past, is now unusually lively.

The whole village gathered together for the New Year while seeing off the iron eggs.

The crackling sound of firecrackers kept ringing and the lights were bright.

Everyone is thinking about a better future.

So after the new Chinese New Year’s Eve, the iron egg embarked on the journey with the hope of the whole village.


Four days have passed since the New Year, and the smell of the year in the village is gradually dissipating.

Two more days passed.

On this day, a loud voice suddenly sounded outside the small mountain village.

“Immortal Master takes apprentice!!”

The plain thing in the village is that a big girl farts, and it can be used as a place to talk about.

Not to mention that I heard that there were any immortal masters who accepted apprentices.

The last time he came was a liar old Taoist priest, and said that Xu Fan would not live long.

But this time is very different from the last time.

The scale was quite luxurious, and more than twenty cultivators dressed in white came.

Among them was also an old man from the Immortal Wind Dao Bone.

Therefore, after a while, the people who heard the wind in the village surrounded the inner three floors and the outer three floors.

There is a stone placed in front of the old man, and according to the old man, the age of the apprentice is between 5~18 years old.

Touch the stones in turn, and if the stones are lit, they are qualified.

Everyone in the village looked at these white-clothed friars with envy, after all, which man had never fantasized about flying with a sword and going into battle to kill the enemy.

Which woman has not fantasized about a sweet love with a handsome gentle fairy.

So at the instigation of everyone, a girl named Er Ya was the first to step forward.

She stretched out her hand nervously, her hand was extremely rough because of her years of farm work, it was covered with folds, and there was some dirt left by the freshly burned wood between her nails.

A young male friar at the head disliked it, don’t go overboard.

Erya’s dark face was red with shame.

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Sure enough, nothing changed from the stones.

The old man did not speak.

Erya didn’t know what the situation was, and she didn’t know whether she should go or not.

At this time, the young male cultivator couldn’t help but mock: “Let’s go, you can’t cultivate immortals without spiritual roots, and go home and wash your hands, dirty to death.” Er

Ya just noticed this male cultivator, who was handsome and had an extraordinary temperament.

So I looked at it a few more times, and even conjured up a short story with him in my mind.

Now that people say this, my face suddenly becomes even redder, and I can’t wait to find a seam to get directly into it.

Er Ya lowered her head and ran away without looking back.

Nizi and Ning Yatou have a good relationship with Erya, especially Nizi.

Seeing this scene, the fire came up, if it weren’t for Ning Yatou blocking it, he would have gone up to talk to the other party.

The young monk glanced at the surrounding village names in disgust and thought they were dirty.

Even the air around him made him very uncomfortable.

“Master, why are we here.”

The old man smiled faintly, “Wei Chuan, you must not be too ambitious, often sometimes the more this kind of place, the more talents can be found.”

The young man known as Wei Chuan pouted disdainfully.

At this moment, his eyes lit up.

I saw two young girls in red cotton jackets walking over.

Nice doesn’t fit in with the surroundings.

Niko glanced at him, her nostrils exhaling, showing her disdain.

Then he sat down boldly.

The old man’s eyes opened a slit slightly, “Little girl, the old man sees that your heavenly court is full, the earth pavilion is round, and the qi is very strong.”

“Oh, yes!”

Niko raised her head proudly, “I thought you guys were so good, you wouldn’t be a liar.” Ning

Yatou pulled Lanizi.

Wei Chuan looked at Nizi sharply, “Be bold!” Niko

straightened her chest and crossed her hands at her waist, not afraid of him at all.

“Wei Chuan! Do you still want to be angry with a girl? The old man said to this apprentice with some dissatisfaction.

“Girl, do you want to join our sect?”

Niko didn’t answer, but reached out to cover the test stone.

In the next instant, the stone bloomed with dazzling light.


This light startled everyone.

Even the old man didn’t come to his senses for a long time, and then couldn’t help laughing, and said good three times in a row.

“Little girl, you are very talented enough to join our sect,”

Niko withdrew her hand proudly, “I didn’t say I wanted to join you.

After that, he snorted and turned his head and left.

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