Iron Egg likes Niko, which is a little secret that only Mr. knows.

It’s like Ning Yatou likes Mr.

I didn’t dare to confess before because I was afraid that Niko would beat him, and the most important thing was that her grandfather was too fierce.

The iron egg has seen Niko’s grandfather more than two meters tall, and his face is full of horizontal flesh.

When I was a child, the iron egg was almost scared to pee, but now I am also a lifter.

Seeing that I am about to go to the capital for the exam.

The iron egg wrote a poem, which Xu Fan taught him when he was a child.

Red beans are born in the south, and a few sprigs are sent in spring

to wish Jun to pick more, and this thing is the most lovesick.

The iron egg carries a part of pork, as well as his own poem.

Go to find Niko, who is not at home again.

The iron egg was determined to wait for Niko to come back, and waited for a long time.

Only then did I see Nizi, who was dressed in wind and snow, returning with a dead deer.

It turned out to be going up the mountain to hunt.

“Why are you here if you don’t go back and study hard?”

Niko asked.

“I’m going to bring you pork.”


“Why haven’t you come to me lately, and I haven’t seen you several times when I came to you, what are you doing these days?”

Iron Egg asked.

Niko let out a cold breath, “I want you to take care of it.” The

iron egg was used to the pattern of dealing with her, automatically ignoring the hostility in her tone.

“Such a big deer, are you ready to sell skins? I’ll help you peel it.

“What skin to sell, I saved it.”

Niko touched the deer’s head.

The iron egg said: “I don’t want to kill and eat meat.”

“How do you talk to Pang Jun and Little Fifth Brother, you know how to eat.”

The iron egg smiled

: “What is the name of this deer?”

“I call it Louis~

” “Louis?”

“Hmm.” Niko nodded, “This is the foreign name that Mr. taught me.

“All right, Louis.”

So then, Iron Egg and Niko treated the deer named Louis for his injuries.

By the time the work was over, it was already dark.

“This is pork, and….. Amount..”

The iron egg hesitated whether to take out the letter or not.

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“What else?” Niko asked.

The iron egg scratched his head, “And…”

Suddenly there was a heavy knock on the door outside.


“It’s Grandpa coming.” Niko’s eyes lit up.

The iron egg’s face changed suddenly, “That.. I’ll go first, and I’ll come to you another day. ”

Hey, the door is over there.”

“I walked through the window.”

“The windows are locked!”

“So what then?” The iron egg was sweating in panic.

“You hide… Hide..”

Niko was also made feel hairy by his appearance, and for a moment thought that they had been cheating on someone to find out.

She grabbed the iron egg with both hands and hurriedly pushed him.

Niko’s strength is too great for Wen Wanshu Raw Iron Egg.

The iron egg couldn’t control his steps at all, and suddenly fell directly to the ground.

The two were caught off guard and all fell to the ground.

The iron egg was stunned, and a beautiful face stopped in front of him less than the size of a slap.

Niko was also stunned for a moment, and suddenly pursed her lips and smiled.

“Poof~ what are we doing?”

The iron egg only felt that the deer in his heart was bumping, and he was not saved~

The falling snow was shockingly cold, and the midwinter had passed.

This winter passed exceptionally quickly.

For Tie Dan it was almost a blink of an eye, and he was about to enter Beijing to catch up with the exam.

This is a big deal for the entire small mountain village and the entire county.

On the day he left, he didn’t have time to say goodbye to Niko.

Because the county lord and several squires in the county personally picked him up.

He was accompanied by the daughter of the county lord.

The smile on the face of the iron egg mother blossomed happily.

After walking for a while, the iron egg was a little lost because he did not say goodbye to Niko.

Suddenly, a pleasant ditty sounded in my ears.

When I looked up, it was Niko standing on the tree, with a leaf in the corner of her mouth, blowing a little tune.

It seems to be sending him off.

The iron egg’s eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily pursed.


As soon as the iron egg raised its horsewhip, he couldn’t wait to move to the capital in an instant.

The horse’s hooves are urgent, stepping on fallen leaves and the dreams of teenagers.

The green mountains are the same as the clouds and rain, and the bright moon He used to be two towns.

The melodious ditty echoed in the woods for a long time.

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