The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease, and I can see all the Chang’an flowers in one day.

This is the most appropriate way to describe the current iron egg.

Born in a small mountain village, he actually became a champion.

This is what many readers dream of, and in recent years, the Great Sui Dynasty has withered away because of academics, and there are fewer and fewer examples of counterattacks by the children of the cold family.

And the appearance of this young man named Li Tie broke this deadlock.

In the main hall, he won the favor of the emperor with three strategies for governing the country.

In recent years, sect forces have risen in various parts of the Great Sui Dynasty, and the royal family is weak.

Coupled with the tartar in the north, the countries in the south are all looking at the tiger.

The new emperor obviously wanted to make changes, while winning over the sect, cultivating his own strength, and stepping up the gathering of the crowd.

In the emperor’s view, Li Tie is one of the best examples.

So on the same day, he decided to marry the princess to Li Tie.

When he heard the news, Tie Dan was stunned for a moment.

He originally thought about going back to the village and Niko, but now he was a little hesitant.

Reject the emperor?

Where is this possible, and for what reason?

I don’t want to marry because I have someone in my heart.

Isn’t this looking for death, the nine clans clapped their hands when they heard it.

The princess is beautiful, no worse than Nizi.

The iron egg met twice, once when the emperor summoned him, and the princess accompanied him.

Once in the back garden, the princess seemed to tease butterflies under a peach tree.

Compared with Niko’s casual and frankness, the princess is everyone’s show.

Speak softly and explain.

Poetry and song, wind and snow.

She doesn’t know about rice, oil, salt, ginger, vinegar tea, or what it’s like to catch fish by the river.

Not to mention twisting the ears of the iron egg, scolding: “You kid peeks at the old lady bathing, don’t want to live, fart your brain!” ”

However, the iron egg just doesn’t like to come.

As soon as she saw the princess, her mind was full of parting, and Niko stood on the tree playing a little tune for herself.

Thinking about it, I looked into the distance.

He couldn’t go back to the village for the time being, and he wrote many letters to the village.

For Daddy, for Mr., and for Niko.

It took more than two months to receive a reply, and my father and mother already knew that he had taken the exam.

The county lord of this county, as well as the local assassins, all rushed to the home of the iron egg.

Send money, send land, build roads……….

Not ambiguous at all.

The iron egg also received a reply from Niko and read it several times.

Although they are all innocuous words, they are enough to make the iron egg happy.

Tie Dan first served in the Tai Academy, and will marry the princess at a later date.

He didn’t refuse, and he couldn’t refuse.

A cold man who came out of a small mountain village wanted to gain a foothold in the treacherous court, and without a backer, his ambition would be difficult to achieve.

He once asked Mr. in the letter, a piece of literary crepe, summed up is “which is important in love and career

” Xu Fan answered him simply, “It’s not important, what matters is who you are”

The iron egg looked at the prosperity of the capital.

The prosperity of the capital, but this prosperity could not hide the withering of the empire.

The people are suffering, and people are dying everywhere.

Not to mention that now there are all kinds of sects, seriously damaging the order of the country.

Even in the capital, at the foot of the Son of Heaven, these monks brazenly killed people and crossed goods, burned and looted, and the officials did not dare to pursue them.

The generals were slack, the soldiers were brutal, and the people did not dare to complain to the government……….

Thinking of this, the iron egg couldn’t help but hold the princess’s hand.

The princess glanced at him, and from the look in the princess’s eyes, he saw a hint of confidence.

It doesn’t matter, what matters is who you are.

I…. It is Li Tie, Li Tie who wants to change this country!!


At the entrance of the village, Xu Fan paced and walked along the way with the turtle Wangcai.

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“Waiting for idle changes but people’s hearts, but the way is so people’s hearts are changeable.”

He read a poem slowly.

The branches above her head swayed, and Niko stepped on the trunk and looked into the distance, plucked a fallen leaf, and gently blew the little song.

Then I wish you all to overcome the danger in the future.

PS: [Let’s end the story today

] [After going to college, gather less and leave more

] [There are no earth-shattering stories, some are just plain daily life, spent in a sound of “I went to class, good night, bye”

] [Separation is so quiet, I also thought about confessing, but who made me inferior and sensitive at that time, instigated like my grandson]

[The trajectory of life has changed, you are in the south, I was in the north, slowly, slowly, I was speechless, there was no topic

] [The first winter vacation of my freshman year, I originally agreed that I would invite her to eat barbecue and pay her back the meal I owed her, but I returned to my hometown because of my grandfather’s illness

] [Then during the summer vacation, she didn’t go home for various reasons, and we missed it again

] [In a blink of an eye, we came to the sophomore year, and we gradually lost contact like a kite with a broken line] [

The barbecue that owes her will not have the following

] [She is still keen to send a circle of friends, wearing various styles of clothes, dressed up beautifully

] [And I only dare to hide behind the mobile phone, screenshots one by one, save] [

Think about it now, I really want to travel back to me at that time two big mouths, will you die if you TMD is brave? Won’t you TMD take a step forward! 【

You TMD Nima! 】 Who do you think you TMD is, do you dare to instigate a little more!? 】

[Once I was wandering on the street, and suddenly remembered that I once wrote a note in the water bar, “xxx see when I can forget you”

] [I suddenly remembered to find this note, but unfortunately the water bar did not know when it had closed, not to mention the note in the stone sinking sea

] [The last time I saw her was in the park at night] [

At that time, I was running and glanced at it in a hurry, I feel that there is a back that looks very much like her, but I am not sure

] [So I continued to run forward, ran out for about ten minutes, I suddenly ran back like crazy

] [I had an idea at that time, to see if it

was her] [At that time, I TMD was like a pen, I had never run so fast in my life, and I almost bumped into an old man during the period] [

About half an hour of running, just when I thought I couldn’t find her, I suddenly noticed that there was a man and a woman in front of the left who were buying water

] [Under the light, sure enough, it

was her] [She was more beautiful than before, or more mature, with a ball head, wearing clean white crop top short sleeves, a black shorts underneath, holding her boyfriend’s hand

] [I didn’t catch my breath, so I walked over and patted her shoulder] [

When she turned around and saw that it was me, she was first stunned, and then smiled in surprise].

[It’s this smile, I feel that it’s worth it for another day of running

] [She asked me “why are you here”, I said “I’ll run”

] [She looked at the sweat on my cheeks, then turned out the paper in her pocket and handed it to

me] [All of a sudden I felt that I was back in the past, I finished running every morning, and when I came back, she would hand me a piece of paper and let me wipe my sweat

] [I took the paper, and then had a brief chat, and the two of them bought a cold drink and left]

[After walking for a while, she suddenly turned around and waved at me, “Goodbye”]

[Goodbye? Goodbye is already far away

] [The story ends here

] [A few days ago, I looked at the circle of friends, she sent a wedding photo and the news of marriage

] [So I wrote down this unforgettable memory on a whim

] [It’s false to say it’s not sad, I smoked several cigarettes when I wrote

this story] [Come to think of it, I think this story really should have an ending] [

Let the current me draw an end to the story for the inferiority and sensitive and very good face of me]

[Lu Jiayi, I really like you at the age of eighteen!! 】

[Thank you for letting me be the protagonist once in the student days when I thought I was a supporting role

] [Thank you for not disgusting the indifferent and closed hearted me, thank you for everything you have done for me

] [Happy newlywed, I didn’t bravely grab your hand, this matter will be handed over to another brave lucky man

] [Finally, let this story end in a song]

Will you remember tomorrow, The diary you wrote yesterday, tomorrow are you still worried

, you teachers who used to cry the most can’t remember, can’t guess the problem of you, I also accidentally flipped through the photo, only to remember you at the same table

, who married the sentimental

you, who read your diary

, who coiled your long hair

, who made you a wedding dress…………

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