Without hearing the reply of the two, Xu Fan already knew it in his heart.

Over the years, the two have seen the outside world.

They have seen the bustle of big cities, and they have seen poetry and distant fields.

Although returning to the small mountain village again is infinitely emotional, it is destined to keep them.

Some people, with wind in their blood, are destined to drift throughout their lives.

Xu Fan knew that he couldn’t keep them, and he didn’t force them.

The road ahead is long and arduous, but some people are willing to do it because they have no better choice and no way back.

Xu Fan took a sip of osmanthus wine, “Go see your family.” ”

Wang Da, Wang Er kowtowed to Xu Fan three times before leaving.

Xu Fan looked at the back of the two departing and sighed softly.

A complicated look flashed in his eyes.

Niko stood on the roof of the house at an unknown time, looking at her familiar childhood playmate and disappearing into the streets.

The next meeting is far away.

A gust of mountain wind blew and ruffled her beautiful long hair and her lost heart.

She thought of Nizi and the iron egg who had been admitted to the top and made a home in the capital.

I remembered that little fat Pang Jun.

Suddenly, a sentence that Mr. once said came to mind.

“If you want to buy osmanthus and carry wine, it is not like a teenager’s tour.”


The wind in the town was very strong today, and Xu Fan decided to take a large family out to fly kites.

Xiao Wu grabbed the kite and ran around the mountain, and Su Ya and the others did not hesitate.

Liu Xin is wearing a light cyan cheongsam today, and this cheongsam fork is a little big.

So she didn’t dare to move too much.

Xu Fan admired her graceful figure from behind, narrowed his eyes slightly and walked over to hug her from behind.

Grabbed her hand and controlled the kite.

Liu Xinqiao blushed and quietly went to look at the others, for fear of being discovered by others.

“Don’t move, fly the kite.”

Xu Fan’s tone was as if Liu Xin had done something wrong.

By the way, Mimi also quietly ate a handful of scenic tofu.

The urn glanced at Xu Fan obliquely, and nodded in understanding.


it turned out to be like this!!

His gaze shifted back to Rong’er, who was flying a kite not far away, and immediately ran towards her.

Hold her from behind!!

Rong’er stood on a small dirt slope and stared up at the kite in the air without blinking.

The next moment, I felt as if I had been slammed into a solid wall.


Rong’er flew straight out and fell a dog to eat.

Rong’er: ………………

The urn blinked, stunned for a moment, “That… That…”

He wanted to explain, and Rong’er was waiting for him to explain.

So for a moment, neither side moved.

However, Rong’er’s posture is too funny.

His lips were stained with dirt, his feet were facing the sky, his head was on the ground, and his eyes were resentful.


The urn couldn’t hold back a laugh.

He wiped his face and forced himself to become serious.

However, poof~

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Xu Fan gently rubbed Liu Xin’s white and flawless little face, and wrapped his hands around each other’s just right waist.

Eating tofu wantonly, between the ears, I suddenly heard a loud drink.

“Little fox head mallet!!”

“Little fox thirteen consecutive kicks!!”

“Little fox hug!!”

“Little fox hook!!”


followed by Little Five’s voice, “Brother Bone!!”

Xu Fan didn’t even look at it, just taking advantage of everyone’s attention not on his side, his lips were brazenly pasted in

the blink of an eye, and five years of time passed.

In these five years, the iron egg became the most trusted favoritist around the emperor.

An organization called “Six Doors” was formed, and in the name of the imperial master, it began to gather talents and attack various sects.

The reason why it is called Six Doors is because Tie Dan often listened to Xu Fan tell stories when he was a child and mentioned this name.

The iron egg did not expect to bring it into reality one day, and this organization once became a lingering nightmare for many sect cultivators in the future.

Ning Yatou won the first place in the sect competition, and in the process of going down the mountain, she obtained a mysterious inheritance, so her skills increased greatly.

Her luck was very good, and she had become a figure in the Ten Thousand Swords Sect at a young age.

She is favored by the head of the family, and it is said that there are many families, as well as the young sect master of the sect, who are impressed by her beauty.

It’s just that the falling flowers are intentional, and the flowing water is merciless.

Young talents, rich children, she can’t look at it.

Wang Dawang went to the south, and since then he has lost news in the rivers and lakes.

However, Xu Fan can spy on the experience of the two from the dream, and they now live in a chaotic place called Water Dream Lake.

He lived a life of licking blood from the tip of a knife and joined the famous Heavenly Demon Sect.

As for Pang Jun, he is living a beautiful life now.

Under his leadership, the tribe won war victory again and again, occupying several small tribes and uniting two large tribes in just five years.

He also married the daughter of the tribal patriarch, Gualgege, and his prestige among the tribe was high.

It’s just that he also has some trouble, that is, the son of the tribal patriarch is very jealous of him.

It stands to reason that after the death of the patriarch, he will undoubtedly become the next patriarch.

It’s just that now the appearance of Pang Jun vaguely wants to break this default fact.

Pang Jun has led troops to fight wars over the years, liaising with businessmen, and is completely the next family member in the clan.

Moreover, Pang Jun is the husband of the patriarch’s daughter Gualgege, and also has the right to compete for the position of this patriarch.


From time to time, Xu Fan looked at the life experiences of his apprentices in his dreams, and it felt like he was watching a blockbuster movie.

It’s just that this is much longer than the blockbuster movie, and he is watching everyone’s life.

All he can do is take them on one journey, and the rest of the way is up to them.

PS: [I’m so sleepy today~

] [I’m ready to go home, the company has taken an order, I can’t keep decadent

] [I’ve not been in a good mood for the past two days, when I was smoking on the balcony, looking at the noisy lights of the city, I suddenly felt a little trance

] [The classmates around me got married, gave birth to children, and I was still a lonely person]

[My mother always urged me to get married, But for me, who has only had a girlfriend since I was a child

, chatting with girls is very blue~] [In fact, think about my experience is quite TMD drama, just like a novel, I have time to tell you about it, the only drawback is that I have less contact with girls

] [The only hobby may be writing some words, the only advantage is that there is some small money] [

There is no unforgettable love, and there is no amazing and moving story, Some are just endless regrets

] [After writing the novel, the feeling left for me is only emptiness

] [Forget it, I have to work hard] [

Earn hundreds of yuan a day, when will I sleep with a beautiful aunt? 【

Life has no goals, is that still called life?】 】

【Tonight Yun Shuiyao walks, as long as the technician points well, there is no sadness, only love】

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