Mr. Ning

Yatou looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him in a trance.

It must be the last marquee in his life, otherwise how could Mr. appear here.

She fixed her mind, afraid that she would see it wrong, and paused in her steps and looked carefully.


He stretched out his hand and made a movement that he never dared to do in reality, and pinched Xu Fan’s face.

Xu Fan smiled lightly, like a spring breeze.

“Now is not the time to reminisce. Ning

Yatou reacted at once, this is not an illusion, but a reality.

Ning Yatou reacted at once, this is not an illusion, but a reality.

“Sir, why are you here!!”

exclaimed Ning Yatou.

Ning Yatou, who left the small mountain village and saw the larger world, had long understood that he had gone to heaven and earth in his mind and was omnipotent.

In the outside world, he is just a knowledgeable monk, grabbing a handful.

The world is too big, there are immortals, Buddhas, ghosts, monsters, people, gods, demons, and demons.

There are countless talented people.

And once Xu Fan left the small mountain village and came to the world.

He doesn’t make the list.

However, this did not affect Xu Fan’s status in Ning Yatou’s mind.

“Sir!!” Ning

Yatou immediately reacted, “Sir, you go quickly!” Xu

Fan still had the same gentle smile on his face, “Wait a minute, deal with these people first.” ”

Kill him!!”

the girl was still chattering.

Facing the surging evil cultivation, Xu Fan raised his hand.

The aura in the dantian flowed, and strong energy fluctuations burst out around him.

Constantly improving, every point will produce a strange feeling.

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The result was a storm of terror that contracted sharply after its release.

One by one, an irresistible force overwhelmed the people around them.

The air was suddenly filled with blood and tyranny, and an eerie coercion suddenly rose up in every inch of space. Even the girl who shouted just now was torn apart by this terrifying storm.

Xu Fan casually condensed this storm in his hand, and his gaze fell on the Demon Buddha in the distance.

It was a black Buddha six feet tall, draped in a meritorious robe.

Gee~ Xu

Fan couldn’t help but sigh twice, “The shape is good.” The

current image of the Demon Buddha was somewhat similar to the angry King Kong, and he looked angrily at Xu Fan who suddenly appeared.

“What are you!?”

Simple answer.

The Demon Buddha shouted violently, and everyone around was shocked by his roar.

A bunch of scattered cultivators who looked lively and did not care about the big thing looked at Xu Fan.

Who is this guy,

the elder of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect? It can’t be so young.

The momentum rippled everywhere, the wind roared,

whistling!! ”

Face the full blow of the other side.

Xu Fan let out a soft breath and spread out his five palms.

He really wanted to see how strong he was now, and his enemy had never been some guy in this world.

It is some terrifying guy hiding in the shadows, or the Lord of the Heavenly Court and the Buddha of the West.

The breath in Xu Fan’s body was like a volcano that had been accumulated for thousands of years, erupting and destroying the heavens and the earth!”

The terrifying aura directly made Ning Yatou tremble, and the blood seemed to be solidified, and the terrifying

tricks of the !!two sides collided in mid-air,

like two meteorites colliding.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly tore apart the attack of the Demon Buddha.

A pair of fists turned into shadows and bombarded his chest endlessly.

“Return my floating fist”

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