The iron egg returned to the village.

Although he returned to the village in secret, it is known that there has never been a secret in the village.

So the next day, the news of Tie Dan returning to the village spread throughout the small mountain village.

They all came to the home of the iron egg, and the mother of the iron egg was so happy that she couldn’t close her mouth, wearing silk clothes and pinching her small waist.

The spring breeze is proud.

Everyone desperately rushed to each other’s side and introduced their own girls.

Although they all know that Tie Dan has married his wife, they don’t mind letting their own girl be a concubine.

What’s more, the iron egg is still married to the princess of the Great Sui, and letting his own daughter be a concubine is simply a step to heaven for them.

The village is full of gongs and drums, firecrackers are sounding, just waiting for the iron egg to appear.

But left and right, no one came.

Presumably the journey was slower, so everyone moved benches from home or simply sat in the shade.

Chatting about the sky.

It is nothing more than how talented the iron eggs are, while scolding their own children for not showing up.


One scene along the way, one street and one wood.

The iron egg walked aimlessly while admiring the surrounding scenery.

After many years, he came back again.

He turned a few corners and walked into an alley.

Turning his head and looking around, the fresh air, the warm sunshine, and the familiar plants and trees all told that finally back home

, and a voice sounded, drifting into the ears along with the breeze.

The iron egg was stunned and slowly raised his head.

Just at this moment, a fresh breeze came with a fresh fragrance.

Niko stood on the branch, blowing the leaves, and glanced at him squintally.


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He nodded.

This tone made him suddenly a little trance, as if he had never left at all.

It’s just the same as he did years ago, he just went to the river to fish or go home to pick up a piece of clothing.

Then when he came back, Niko said to him, “Back?” and he

nodded and said, “Well, back.” ”

The iron egg is back, and this time his mission is to persuade Xu Fan to come out.

Of course, he knew from the beginning that this matter would not lead to results, and there would be nothing in this world that would make his husband leave the comfortable mountain village.

Later, the iron egg found out, unless something happened to him.

Tiedan’s parents held a running water banquet for three days to celebrate Tiedan’s return to his hometown.

He also invited a drama team from the county seat and sang for them for three days.

The real purpose of Tie Dan coming back this time is firstly to visit relatives, and secondly, to ask Xu Fan about the future of Dasui.

The iron egg told Xu Fan his plan, in fact, he didn’t need to say it, Xu Fan also knew.

After all, the matter of his own apprentices, Xu Fan has been watching it as a big movie.

“Sometimes being tough is counterproductive, and it is better to learn to overcome rigidity and divide policies.”

Especially some big families, remember the story I told you about the Han Dynasty?” The

iron egg frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly thought of something, “Tui En Ling !!” ”

Ordering the princes to be named princes, in the name of Shangshi Dehui, but in fact they divided their kingdom to weaken the power of the princes.

At the same time, it intensifies the contradictions between many princes and children, and this kind of order is also very suitable in the major families, and the

iron egg is bright.

Xu Fan continued, “It is obviously unrealistic for a dynasty of the Great Sui Dynasty to oppose the Sect of the World.

It is even more impossible for the Great Sui to destroy the sect of the world.

I heard that Ning Yatou has already established a foothold in the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, and the Ten Thousand Swords Sect is a leading sect, why don’t you let her match.

If you can win the support of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, you will achieve twice the result with half the effort. ”

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