The sun is warm and pleasant, shining on the river, overflowing with a beautiful landscape.

“It’s still home. The

iron egg sighed.

“Speaking of good hometown, I don’t see you want to come back.” Niko said with a bit of emotion.

The iron egg smiled sarcastically.

“You… How’s that, all these years.

“Eat and drink well, eat well, have good teeth and body and are great.”

Niko swept the river with her feet.

There was silence again, and the iron egg raised his head and looked into the distance, wanting to say something, but he didn’t know what to say.

Obviously, the two are very close, but it seems to be separated by a mountain.

Tie Dan understood that since he chose to stay in the capital, he had said goodbye to this girl and his past life.

I can’t go back.”

The iron egg suddenly had a feeling that things are right and wrong, and in those years, they went down the river to fish together, and the friends who went up the mountain to take out bird eggs were scattered in the ends of the earth.

It was nice before, but unfortunately we can never go back.

“Ning Yatou, Wang Dawang Er, and Pang Jun, do they have any news?” ”

Yes, Ning Yatou wrote to me last month, she said that everything is fine on her side, she now has a very high status in the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, and she will no longer be bullied by others.”

Pang Jun’s letters are very few, he is in the northern grassland, and the news will not come back once in half a year, but I heard him say that he is about to become the king of the grassland.

Wang Dawang II….”Speaking of Wang Dawang II

, Nizi sighed.

“There has never been news from the two of them, there are too many enemies, and some days ago, there were still enemies who came to the door, but fortunately they were driven away by the husband. The

iron egg looked helpless, he knew something about Pang Jun.

It is said that the grassland has a new hero, integrating the forces of tribes and various ethnic groups, and has the posture of dominating the grassland.

Not sure….. The

iron egg took a deep breath and let out a long breath.

Suddenly, the sky seemed to be dark, strictly speaking, it was more like a layer of black cloth covering the sky above the small mountain village.


rumbling ——!!!thunder sounded like the

sky shattered, and a terrifying thunder suddenly erupted from a hill in the entire village.

Lightning was denser and more terrifying than before, like the call of death, resounding in midair.

Outside the small mountain village, there are clouds and mist.

One after another, the golden bodies of the Dharma rose on the ground, looking at this small mountain village like a sand table.

If anyone can see this face, they will definitely feel the endless coercion.

He was like an ant, looking up at a demon god, and he couldn’t wait to immediately kneel on the ground and worship.

Everyone in the small mountain village walked out of their homes and looked at this strange sight.

The oppressive atmosphere pressed on everyone’s hearts, and everyone was dazed and looked around.

Prince Zhao Wu suddenly realized something, and his face changed slightly.


What are these old guys trying to do!?” A

middle-aged man in a golden robe came from a distance with a smile on his face.

Zhao Wu stared at the middle-aged man, clenched his fists, and asked coldly.

“Why, want to rebel?” the

middle-aged man brought a small bench and sat down not far from him, “Prince, not rebellion, but killing rebels.”

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“Who is the rebel thief?” “Li Tie!!” ”

You want to start a war with the Great Sui?” The

middle-aged man shook his head, “We just want to kill the rebel thief

.” ”

PS: [Busy lying in the groove, we haven’t been to the Internet café and bathing center for several days

] [Ahhhh!!! Get up at eight o’clock in the morning and be busy until six o’clock in the evening, my God~

] [Continue to talk about my experience in the south

] [Later, I got acquainted with her, I called her Honghong, and she called me Fange] [

In fact, she is several years older than me, but I like that she calls me Brother Fan, because it seems that I am very much and that, you know~

] [My security guard resigned after not long working, this industry has no future, and then I simply stayed in the rental house

] [Anyway, I have never lacked money, saying that I came out to wander, but it is more like to experience life

] [Every day from morning to night, and then wait for her to get off work, go to her to play] [

She is a very suitable person to be a wife

] [Be obedient to you, do not pick and drink, will save money

] [laundry and cooking, proficient

] [She likes to pinch my nose, and then look

at me and smile] [Then listen to me talk about my experience in college, because she said that she only went to junior high school, and dropped out after one year of high school

] [She accompanies drinks at the bar, and her monthly salary averages about seven or eight thousand] [

When you

earn more, you earn a lot, but when you are less, you really less] [Sometimes you will continue to drink with the guests until you vomit, because they receive commissions from alcohol, as long as the guests order more alcohol, they can get more income

] [But she is not a full-time accompaniment, because she doesn’t talk much, so she doesn’t earn much] [

Like her sisters, she doesn’t look as good as her, but she can speak well, and she can coax people to be very happy every time, and she has achieved a lot of achievements

] [And people buy this and that with a big money

] [She is good to fall for me as a chick, and she is embarrassed to let me help her buy things

] [My first gift to her is a mobile phone, two thousand yuan] [

At that time, I accidentally learned that she was about to celebrate her birthday, and then thought that I had been prostituted so many times

, it was time to bleed] [I still remember the way she looked at me at that time, really like a star, and even cried

] [I felt the true TMD value of the flower] [The

mobile phone she used at that time was a miscellaneous brand, I remember what it was called… Small wrench mobile phone, hundreds of dollars a piece

] [After I bought it for her, the next day she asked me to take her shopping, walked around and finally bought a mobile phone case, pink strange and good-looking

] [I said that this mobile phone case is a lot on the Internet, she said that shopping is only interesting

] [She never buys clothes when shopping, only buys some vegetables or something, and then can squat there and cut the price with the aunt who sells vegetables for half a day] [

Sometimes it makes me weird, every time she haggles, I hide far away

] [Because for me at that time, wearing a pair of fake shoes can make me ashamed of myself, let alone haggling with vegetable sellers

] [If I put it now, what is cheap I will buy

] [With her, you will feel like I have married a wife] [

From beginning to end, I don’t know if we are in a relationship, and I read a lot of books later].

[After reading “White Night Walking”, it is said that there is a very wonderful symbiotic relationship

] [If you are on a barren planet, there is only one person on this planet besides

you] [Because of the existence of that other party, you can not doubt your own existence, and only then can you get a little but indispensable salvation from absolute loneliness] [

At that time, I was young and frivolous, longing for someone who could release passion, chat, and express love unscrupulously

] [And she was a woman who had left home and came to a different place, and what she needed was a warm companionship, someone who could be temporarily relied on] [

We all take what we need].

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