The armies of cats and dogs converged, and both stared at each other with hatred.

“Aim!!” At

this moment, a swift figure passed by.

A majestic tanuki cat appeared in front of the cats.

Immediately afterwards, a big yellow dog also jumped down from the tree and landed in front of the dogs.

“Mean dog, haven’t you been taught enough!” cried the tanuki.

“Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, now is different!” the big yellow dog also barked.

“Oh, who gave you the courage!”

said Big Yellow: “If you have the courage, compare with me.”


dog and a cat quickly jumped into the tree, then climbed towards the rock, and almost in the blink of an eye jumped to another tall mountain.


!” “Wang!!” The

two brothers below cheered for their boss.

“Pick me up with a meow fist

!” “Come on!” The

tanuki cat and the big yellow dog immediately hit each other.

“Poof!!” The

sound of fists colliding with flesh was endless, the speed was too fast, and the cats and dogs watching the play below could not see clearly.

A cat and a dog have been fighting for a day and a night, and they have not yet divided the winner or loser.

So after wave after wave of attacks, both the tanuki cat and the big yellow dog discovered something.

Their tricks cannot be said to be very similar, they can only be said to be identical.


So they all stopped and stared at each other.

One may come to mind of a cat and a dog at the same time.

“Roar!!” A

tiger roar sounded, carrying a fierce wind, towards a cat and a dog!

Don’t look at its fat body and clumsy movements, but its speed is extremely fast, and its black hair hunts in the wind.

This startled both the tanuki cat and the big yellow dog.


So two days later, the students of Xiaoshan Village Academy were surprised to find out.

The tanuki cat and the big yellow dog actually returned, and they all had different degrees of injuries, and it seemed that they had been bullied.

Since then, a cat and a dog have temporarily put aside disputes and studied harder.

Tanuki Cat: “I’m going to unload that damn tiger!” Big

Yellow Dog: “I’m going to capture it alive and let it shit on me every day.”

After Xu Fan listened, he silently touched his butt.

Killing them would not have thought that the tiger was actually Xu Fancheng.

The best way to get two rivals to put aside a dispute is to create a common enemy for them.

Looking at the two little guys studying hard, Xu Fan nodded in satisfaction.


In the blink of an eye, it was another spring garden, and Xu Fan received a letter from Pang Jun on the grassland, as well as a large number of specialties from the grassland.

Beef jerky, milk tea, mare’s milk wine, steak and so on.

Frequently successful in wars, Pang Jun firmly believes that it will not be long before he leads his tribe to defeat the largest tribe in the grassland.

Three years later.

[Congratulations to the host for your apprentice Pang Jun, completing the achievement and defeating the first tribe of the grassland] [Congratulations to the host for obtaining tens of thousands of years of pure cultivation

] [Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Ground Level Exercises*10

] [Congratulations to the host for obtaining…] A year later, [Congratulations to the host, your apprentice completed the achievement and unified

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the grassland] Then Pang Jun’s

father-in-law, the

titular king of the grassland, died.

Pang Jun and his eldest brother engaged in a fierce power struggle.

>PS:【When the New Year is approaching, I am ready to go home, I asked Sister Hong when I am going to go back】【

Sister Hong said that home is too far away, tossing once is too expensive

, she will stay here for the New Year] [I told her, then I won’t go back

, I’ll stay here with you] [Sister Hong laughs, she knows I’m joking, I also know that it’s impossible for me not to go home for the New

Year] [But I stayed with Sister Hong until the day before the New Year, I called my parents to say that there was something in the company here] [

Because it’s about to celebrate the New Year, so the bar has an activity, anyway, the thief is hot

] [At that time, most of the women who accompanied the drink stayed directly in the bar, because they were too tired

] [But Sister Hong will come back to accompany me no matter if she is busy until late, she won’t let me order takeaway, saying that takeaway is unhealthy and costly

] [Every time I let me stew the rice before I come back, and then she comes back and cooks directly] [

I contracted the job of washing dishes, she came back to eat, took a shower and fell asleep

] [I didn’t take the initiative to talk to her for half a month, because I could see that she was too tired

] [When I was Chinese New Year’s Eve, there were activities in the bar again

] [That day I remember the thief clearly, I huddled at home alone to play games, prepared a table of meals, originally said that she came back to eat together] [

But there was an accident without accident, two tables of guests came temporarily, and she was called to accompany the wine

] [She sent me a message, let me sleep first, don’t wait for her tonight

] [I’m angry, but think about it, what qualifications do I have to be angry? People are working

, what can I say] [So I kept beating, until the early hours of the morning I forgot what time it was, and I slept on the sofa

] [Then when Sister Hong came back to open the door, she woke me up]

[She saw me and said you haven’t slept yet

] [I was so angry that I didn’t take care

of her] [I remember the black stockings she wore, and then wrapped in a sexy black leather skirt, and I forgot what color clothes she wore

] [She was blushing, full of alcohol, and people were a little drunk

] [She knew I was angry, so she giggled, and then took off her coat and got into my arms] [

In my impression, Sister Hong is rarely coquettish to me, she always puts on the appearance of a big sister, or she is the embodiment of her mother

] [Urge me to go to bed early and get up early, brush my teeth and wash my face

] [But I remember very clearly that day, she looked at me, I also looked at

her] [I didn’t resist kissing her lips, Sister Hong didn’t let me kiss her lips before, I don’t know why] [

But that day

she didn’t refuse, and I don’t know if it was under the influence of alcohol, she agreed half-pushed] [I don’t know how long I kissed, it was the first time I kissed a woman

in the sense] [Anyway, in the end, my mouth was numb, I asked her if she ate or not, she said she didn’t eat

] [I went to hot food, after the hot she was already lying on the sofa and fell asleep

] [Then after a while, she began to vomit, and her little face turned white] [

I was already used to her vomiting, skillfully cleaned up, gave her another piece of medicine, and drank a bowl of brown sugar and ginger water

] [She told me in confusion, who follows me in the future must be blessed

] [I looked at her soft body, looked at her pale little face

] [How to say my mood at that time, at that time I had an urge to marry this woman, and then held her in my arms and said loudly] [

In the future, you TMD is not allowed to go out to drink with others, you can only accompany Laozi I drink at home, you can only talk to me ***, you only belong to me alone

] [But life is not a novel after all, I only dare to think about this idea

] [Later I read Jiangnan’s book, there is such a paragraph in the book

] [Not all love in the world has a solution

] [In the face of a dead knot, what hope do you have?] [

If it happens to be a tragedy, then his sadness is already doomed at the beginning of the story

] [Some stories seem to be doomed, not because of chance, not because of misses, but because of an inextricable knot] [

Nima’s, write sadness to Lao Tzu, don’t write anymore, wash and sleep].

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