“Sir, where are we going to find Little Pang Jun?” Suya asked.

“I heard the location, it’s too late today, let’s go back tomorrow.”

Xu Fan said, “Let’s stay at the inn today.” ”

The night view of the Yangma River is beautiful.

There are all kinds of people here, they wear all kinds of clothes, people from the Western Regions, people from the grasslands, people from the Central Plains, horse gangs from the south.

Some walked, some rode horses, some sat on palanquins, and some sat in carriages, like a hodgepodge.

Xu Fan held Liu Xin’s hand and swayed around the city.

A group of people walked along in the deep night, and there was a fire near and far.

“It seems that Pang Jun has managed the city well.” Liu Xin looked at the surrounding scene with great satisfaction.

Xu Fan did not speak, his eyes looked at the palace in the distance.

“Let’s go have some late-night snacks.”

Xiao Wu pointed to the fireworks not far away, and his eyes lit up.

This little guy eats nothing but eats.

Even if you are full, taste it.

Everyone rushed to a small stall and was waiting for the delicacy.

A fresh fragrance comes to the nose, looking at very ordinary food, but there is a mouth-watering fragrance.

At this moment, there was a rapid sound of horses’ hooves in the distance.


The war horse stomped on the ground on all four hooves, and from a distance, it rushed over like a red tide.

A woman on the side of the road exclaimed.

A cavalryman rushed over at great speed and grabbed her on her horse with his backhand.


There was laughter all around.

“Ugh!” The beautiful woman struggled frantically.


A man on the side rushed up, but was violently knocked down by the war horse.

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The war horse jumped high, and the horse’s hooves stepped down towards the man.

At this moment, a figure violently pulled the war horse and pushed it sharply to the side.

The young man in red armor on the war horse also fell.

Niko kicked the other away and picked up the beautiful woman.

“General! Checkmate! Seeing

that it was not good for the people around, they immediately dispersed as birds and beasts, and even the man quickly pulled his own wife and ran, but there were some people who did not care about the excitement from afar.

Many armored warriors immediately surrounded them.

Niko crossed her hands at her waist, not afraid in the slightest.

young people are obviously drunk and drunk.

At this time, a fat middle-aged man next to him stood up, “Daring, dare to rush into my family general, come and take it down for me!” The

young man rubbed his head, and it seemed that such a fall made him a little sober.

“Huangshan counts… ”

Gongzi, this gang is so bold, how can it be counted.” Huangshan continued to provoke.

His gaze swept greedily over Niko who came out.

“Then….. You deal with.

The young man turned over drunkenly, “Gongzi be careful.” ”

Take a few guards and go away.

Huang Shan watched the young man leave, turned his head and stared at Nizi and several people viciously, “Come people, take them down!” ”

Those guards are naturally not Niko’s opponents, Nizi, she didn’t regard them as enemies at all, and she didn’t bother to deal with them.

Directly rushed to Huangshan and trampled him underfoot.

“Are you arrogant to the old lady again?”

“Up! Give it to me. Huangshan was still shouting.

At this time, a figure suddenly walked over in the distance to cut through the crowd.

Huang Shan’s eyes lit up when he saw the comer, “Commander Zhang!” Here you are, take down this gang of wicked. ”

The commander Zhang he called is Zhang Feng, the commander of His Majesty’s guard.

Zhang Feng didn’t even look at Huangshan, and walked straight to Xu Fan.

“Mr. Xu, His Majesty the Emperor has a request.”

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