The fecal reserves at home have been used up, and Tiebao has recently been constipated again and cannot pull it out.

I had no choice but to go to the town and buy some artificial fertilizer.

Tie Bao carried a large barrel on his back and slowly came to the town.

When he first came, Tie Bao’s fierce appearance really frightened many people.

However, after the influence of working in the fields these days, his face has a simple, stubborn generosity, like a sorghum plant growing from the loess.

Now many people are greeting him.

“Oh, Tetsuho!”


“Hmm.” Tie Bao nodded at everyone and smiled a little shyly.

Tiebao did not know that he had unknowingly become accustomed to this kind of life.

Without blood and wind, he became an ordinary peasant man.

Now what he thinks about every day is not how to become stronger, how to escape his enemies, and how to fight with mortal enemies.

Open and close your eyes and think only of your own land, thinking of the hope of tomorrow.

Sunny and good life.

Obviously, not long has passed, but the previous life seems to be very far away from him.

He also didn’t know if he could continue to live such an ordinary life.

“Uncle Zhang! Let’s have two pounds of stick noodles.

“Howler.” Boss Zhang’s eyes narrowed into a line, and he stared at the woman in the cheongsam without looking back.

This qipao atmosphere brought by Liu Xin has swept the entire county.

When the wind blows, it reveals the white and tender legs, which is a feast for the eyes.

“Two pounds?”

Zhang Laoboduo gave him half a catty, “There is a little debris in the backyard, if you have nothing to do, help me move it, this waist problem has been committed again.”

Tiebao nodded, “No problem. He

was about to walk in when he heard the sound of a commotion in the distance.

A bunch of people ran down the streets.

“What’s going on?”

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A bunch of people ran on the streets, panicking as if they had been picked up by wolves.

“What’s wrong with this?” Tetsuho grabbed a young man and asked.

“There are tigers! There are tigers! The

young man turned pale.


Tiebao looked into the distance and saw a big tiger walking slowly on the side of the road.

This big tiger is as big as a buffalo, and at a glance, it is not a mortal body

, like a small mountain, there is a fierce aura between walking, and a pair of strange eyes are even more shining.


In a panic, a little girl was pushed to the ground.

The giant tiger moved his steps and slowly walked towards the girl, his eyes were playful, and he actually revealed a sense of humanity.

Everyone held their breath, and some timid people quickly closed their eyes, unable to bear to look again.

The giant tiger grew its mouth and wanted to let out a roar.

A roar at such a close distance may scare this little girl to death.

At this moment, a figure rushed over.

Holding the tiger’s head with both hands, he let out a low chirp, and slammed the tiger to the ground with a loud shout, and the giant tiger also roared lowly.

However, the power of Tiebao suppressed it to death.


Two jabs in a row, hitting the tiger’s internal organs as if they were about to split.

The tiger screamed, flew out of Zhangyu upside down, and fell to the ground with a “bang”, bleeding from seven tricks, and whimpered.

Tie Bao clapped his hands lightly, and the people around him were dumbfounded.


What’s the situation? Killing a tiger with bare hands?


Before everyone could react, crisp applause broke out.

“Seven absolutes, the strength is not reduced back then.”

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