Liu Xin had a whim during this time and wanted to raise a cow.

Because she doesn’t know who she listened to, a glass of mother’s milk every morning can nourish the face, and it has a great effect on the skin.

So she had the mentality of giving it a try and a glass of mother’s milk every morning.

I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect, anyway, she feels very good.

So Suya, Rong’er and Nizi’s three daughters also drank mother’s milk.

But to drink mother’s milk, you have to go to the county every morning, not only far away, but sometimes you can’t buy it.

As soon as Liu Xin thought about it, it was better to raise a cow by herself, and squeeze it whenever she wanted to drink.

Tie Bao knew about this and said: “The cattle in the Central Plains can’t do it, and if they want to go to our grassland with milk.”

The milk of our grassland cows is authentic, and the taste and texture are the best. ”

Milk consumption?” Liu Xin’s eyes lit up.

“Yes, if Shi Niang wants to drink it, Tie Bao will go to the grassland to get you one.”

Xu Fan gave Tie Bao some money.

He was specially instructed, “Go buy it, don’t rob it.” After

Tetsuho agreed, he left the village.

In his footsteps, he traveled back and forth between the grassland and the village, but it took just over a day.

Xu Fan didn’t particularly care about this matter, after all, he was just going to the grassland to buy a consuming cow, not to fight.

So after Tiebao left, Xu Fan took the books to the academy for classes.

It’s almost winter break, and I can feel the excitement of the students.

I can’t wait to grow wings and fly home.

Xu Fan sorted out the list of students this year.

Compared with the iron egg of the previous session, Pang Jun, Ning Ya and the first few people, this session has a large number, but there are only a few people who can see it.

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Xu Fan felt that he would change it a little in the future, and don’t accept everyone.

Xu Fan’s gaze swept over the top few students of this class.

Even in the front is not a person, but a cat and a dog tied for first place.

The tanuki cat and the big yellow dog were originally two wrongdoers.

Then the tanuki cat studied in the academy for more than a year, and his cultivation increased greatly, and he taught the big yellow dog a hard lesson.

The big yellow dog was not convinced and also came to the academy to study.

In the end, a dog and a cat from the same door were severely taught a lesson by an even more powerful tiger when they were fighting.

So a dog and a cat made up their minds and decided to return to the academy, and it has been until now.

In class, Xu Fan focused on praising the tanuki cat and the big yellow dog.

The two small red flowers on the chest are full, more than a class combined.

And the two have been able to successfully transform into shape.


At the same time, Teibao that end.

Tie Bao’s speed was even faster than Xu Fan expected, and he rushed to the grassland in half a day.

And bought a consuming cow and came back, carrying this consuming cow.

Teibao walked back, but halfway through he saw the fruit on the tree, which seemed to be very delicious.

So I thought of picking one and tasting it, put the cow on the ground, and jumped into the tree to eat the sweet and sour fruit.

At this time, ┗|’O′|┛ Wow~~

Only heard a muffled sound, and then a black shadow the size of a calf jumped out and killed the cow with one blow.

Tiebao reacted fast enough, but he was still one step late, and he angrily grabbed the guy who killed his black bull.

The thing still wanted to attack him, and Tiebao was not a vegetarian, so he immediately gave it a set of corn breaking, and the guy who hit had gold stars in his eyes.

Teibao glanced at the strange appearance of this thing, and then at the slain cow.

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