“Chicken come~”

Suya carried a plate of chicken and placed it on the table.

“The last dish, let’s eat.”

Xu Fan smiled and said to everyone: “It’s all some farm dishes, don’t mind, just taste it.”

Suya, go and call Tiebao.


Soon, a large family plus everyone from the Ten Thousand Swords Sect gathered together and sat down at two large tables.

The head of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, as well as the first of the mountain peaks, were originally ashamed because of Fang Cai’s humiliating actions.

At this time, I was excited to see the table full of delicacies.

After all, not long ago, I saw a whole piece of precious golden lotus fruit at the entrance of the village.

“Everyone move chopsticks, move chopsticks, you’re welcome.” Xu Fan said.

Seeing that several people picked up their chopsticks, the head took the lead in eating a bite, and the rest of the people saw it, and also ate it in three or two bites.

Suddenly, everyone’s faces showed a look of surprise, and they let out a cry of admiration.

The ingredients are put into the stomach and the aura washes through the body.

A gentle force wrapped around several people and penetrated into their bodies, nourishing their bodies and divine consciousness.

Bull break, real cow break!

Poor Qi silently looked at the dishes on the table.

This dish is called “Chicken You Are Too Beautiful”, and this dish is called “Fried bacon with bamboo shoots.”

Guan Gongzhan Qin Qiong: Tomato scrambled egg

overlord Farewell Concubine: Turtle stewed chicken

ant on the tree: minced meat fried vermicelli

heartache feeling: 100 degrees cup of boiled water


Xu Fan proudly introduced his good dishes to Qingqi.

Poor Qi: ………………

What is this? I’ve never heard of it.

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Poor Qi thinks that he is also well-informed, but he has never eaten this at all.

Don’t talk about eating, I haven’t even heard of it.

Poor Qi quietly added a chopstick, taste…. It’s really broad.

It’s just that Poor Qi fidgets, talking nonsense about his precious child, and now he is in the hands of others.

Xu Fan hugged the tigress to show affection, but in Qiu Qi’s opinion, this was a naked threat.

A meal is frightening.

Finally, the long meal was finally over.

Poor Qiqi’s heart is like ashes, and it now understands that it may not be able to take the child.

In fact, it’s really good to be able to save your own life.

Poor Qi frowned and sighed silently.


Unlike Poor Qi, several chiefs and heads of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect were happy from the bottom of their hearts.

First of all, the poor and strange things were solved, although they did not know the specific situation, but it should have nothing to do with them.

Secondly, before leaving.

They received many specialties, all of which were rare treasures in ordinary times.

This is completely a secret place!!

If you let the outside world know, if you can’t keep it together, this village will suffer some disaster.

Poor Qi said goodbye to his baby child.

Before leaving, Xu Fan suddenly remembered something.

“By the way, if you want to return to the Immortal Realm, please help me inquire about someone.” Xu Fan said.

Poor Qi’s eyes dripped.

“It’s a brother who looks exactly like me, and he and I are half-brothers and have soared.”

This brother in Xu Fan’s mouth is naturally the big boss of the body who has lost contact.

Although Poor Qi is full of doubts, he must be sure.

This is clearly a threat.

Threaten yourself to tear up the ticket if you can’t find the person in his mouth!!

After saying a tearful goodbye to his child, Poor Qi quickly left.

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