While the two were talking, a fairy-clothed woman in white suddenly rushed out of the inner room of the liquor store, shouting and scolding.

“Ge Laozi’s, which one injured the old lady’s sister!”

It turned out that the woman in white waited for the proprietress in the house for a long time, but she never saw her sister come in.

When I went out, I found that my poor sister was injured on the ground, and I was angry for a while.

The two sleeves were like long swords out of the sheath, rushing towards Xu Fan’s face.

“Donor, this time it’s one by one.”

Xuanzang smiled unhurriedly.

This unorthodox flower monk! Xu Fan sighed secretly, and calmly grabbed the sleeve that slammed straight into the door.

Before he could exert his strength, he saw his sleeve broken.

Two white miserable unknown objects flashed with blade light and rushed down three ways.

Xu Fandun felt a chill in his lower body and dodged at great speed.

It’s too shady to dodge, it’s too yin.

Almost forced to lock his heart (꒪⌓꒪).

Xuanzang was still watching the excitement next to him, while explaining: “What a trick monkey steals peaches….

Another move of the black tiger took out the heart, the donor almost did not dodge, but unfortunately. The

woman in white heard Xuanzang’s voice and gave birth to impatience.

This bald donkey is not a good one, why not make a move to attack the east and west, so he instantly attacked Xuanzang.

Xuanzang untied the wine jug on his waist and shouted, “Dawei Tianlong!” The

wine in the jug was splashed on the woman in white.

As soon as the wine dipped on her body, the face of the woman in white changed greatly, and her clothes were corroded and tattered.

“Amitabha, the red dust is all false.”

Xuanzang looked at the woman with a smile, only to see a smooth road.

It turned out not to be a woman in white, but a male monster.

“Good you bald donkey, I Bai Suzhen will not let you go-” ”

Eat me a brick!”


Xu Fan knocked the monster unconscious with another brick.

The youkai jerked twice on the ground and changed back to its prototype.

It turned out to be a white fat-headed snake.

The only thing that differs from other snakes is probably the birth of two tails, each with a white scorpion hook behind it.

“Donor, this is a little violent.” Xuanzang said to Xu Fan like a dog.

Xu Fan smiled and recalled Xuanzang’s phrase “Dawei Tianlong”, which belongs to the classic reproduction of this.

I never expected that this fat-headed snake was actually Bai Suzhen, and it seemed that there was a little deviation somewhere.

Xu Fan picked up these two snakes, the snake’s body was wet and stained with wine, and it turned out that the monk’s pot was male yellow wine.

It also brings a little Buddhist spirit.

Xuanzang followed behind and said, “Donor, can these two snakes be handed over to me for disposal?” ”

This monk doesn’t want to fight the tooth sacrifice and eat a stewed snake pot, right?

“Although the snake pot is good, these two snakes can’t eat it yet.” Xu Fan said.

Xuanzang Amitabha snorted, “Refuse wild meat, start with me.” ”

It turns out that these two snakes do not harm people’s lives, but they absorb the essence of some passing guests, which causes many men to linger and go home and can’t pay public food.”

This angered the wives and concubines of these men’s families, and they banded together to gather a few ingots of gold and find Xuanzang to persuade the youkai of the liquor store to follow the liang.

Xu Fan pinched his forehead, “Since they don’t harm people’s lives, then it is to waste cultivation and release life.” ”

After all, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing should have other encounters in the future.

Think of a male Bai Suzhen to the legendary Xu Xian, inexplicably still a little expectant.


“I’ll just show these two fat-headed snakes to those female benefactors.”

Xu Fan handed the two snakes to Xuanzang.

Xuanzang put away the snake and asked, “Donor, you said that we are old friends, but what happened before?” ”

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It is worthy of being a man with wisdom roots, and he can guess it.

Xuanzang was erased of his divine consciousness and re-entered the cycle of reincarnation, ensuring that Rulai would learn from the past and do anything.

Therefore, Xu Fan did not intend to immediately inform Xuanzang about his previous life.

“I wonder if you would like to join me in a grand plan?”

Xu Fan showed eight teeth and smiled standardly.

“I was not only your old friend before, but also your career mentor.”

Hee-hee, although it was pitted.

“Oh? Looking at the way I look now, my career back then should not have been very successful. Xuanzang raised his eyes to look at Xu Fan.

“Life starts all over again, it’s like starting over, if you don’t try, how do you know if it won’t work this time?”

“I want to hear about it.”


The stars in the sky shone brightly, and after curfew, Chang’an City was silent, with only sporadic patrols wandering the streets.

At the same time, the resplendent Tang Palace was having a night banquet.

The sound of the lute bursts, and the maiko fiddles with the soft waist.

Dancing in the sky, the emperor has promoted Buddhism in recent years.

The flying dance has also become a must-have item for the imperial court banquet.

The owner of Chang’an City is no longer in his prime and is drowsy on the imperial throne.

The chamberlain boldly stepped forward and said softly, “Your Majesty, Your Majesty.”

The emperor sobered up for a moment and said, “What’s the matter?”

“It’s already two days, you see…”

“Go down, let everyone disperse.” The emperor waved his hand.

End of the night party.

The emperor lay on the dragon bed in the palace, looking at the golden bedspread.

Drowsy and remembering his first half of life, hard work, full of ambition, at least half of the prosperity of Chang’an City is his credit.

How can he leave a name in history and not waste this life.

Suddenly, he was melancholy, the young man was proud, and he didn’t know that old age was coming.

Recently, no matter what I do, I feel quite overwhelmed.

Being an emperor in the world, after all, you can’t escape old age and death, how cruel the sky is.

There was also the whisper of the concubine in my ears.

Getting along with a young and beautiful woman seems to make him feel the return of youth.

But not for a moment. The world said that he was not as wise and martial as when he was young, and he gradually became obsessed with women.

The gentle village seems to dream back to youth, who can understand?

When I was half dreaming and waking up, I suddenly found myself in a place of delusion.

The spiritual platform seemed to be clear for a moment, and I saw the western light shining, and an auspicious cloud floated down.

The colorful lotus seat is born in the auspicious clouds, and a bodhisattva with a male and female appearance sits.

“This…” The emperor, who had never seen a living bodhisattva, was stunned on the spot.

“I am the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, and I met you in my dream.”

For a time, the emperor’s mind flashed with allusions such as the goddess of King Xiang, going to Wushan together, monks, isn’t it a color abstinence?


The emperor has been above ten thousand people all his life, naturally he is not used to bending over and buttoning his head, and only makes an awkward salute.

Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled slightly and said, “I heard that the Tang King wants the kingdom and the people to be safe and secure the dynasty for thousands of generations, and I specially come to wish you a hand.”

The emperor was slightly stunned and said, “Bodhisattva Xie.” ”

Looking back on my youthful ambitions, many have been realized today, and the only thing that is unfair is probably lifespan.

And many years of imperial career, he has long understood that there is no lunch in vain.

Since Guanyin has something to give, it must also ask for something.

Sure enough, Guanyin said again.

“The Dharma is boundless and subtle, and if one person is ordered to come to the Western Heaven to seek the true scriptures, he will be able to save all sentient beings from the sea of suffering, so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment, and the dynasty will be stable and long-lasting.”

“May I ask Bodhisattva, is there a suitable person?”

“High monk of the Guizhou Dynasty, Xuanzang.”

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