It turned out that although the old emperor was very anxious, let Xuanzang leave as soon as possible.

But firstly, the things needed for the westward journey are not ready, and secondly, the grand festival of Chang’an City, which is once a decade, will come soon.

Xuanzang also needed to preach to people from foreign lands who came from afar, so he waited for the meeting of the ten thousand dynasties before setting off.

In order to show national strength, the first emperor established the once-in-a-decade Ten Thousand Dynasties Meeting.

Gather together the subordinate states that have come to pay tribute, and all the people rejoice together.

By the time of the old emperor, there were dozens of dependent states and diplomatic relations.

There are Wusun, Guizi, Loulan, Yue Clan and other countries in the Western Regions.

There are also small countries such as Dongyinghaizhou and Nanhuang.

During the Ten Thousand Dynasties Meeting, countries send emissaries and citizens.

Not only did he offer treasures to the emperor, but he also brought spices, precious stones, and seeds with the characteristics of his native terroir in exchange for tea, silk, and porcelain.

In addition, the emperor after receiving tributes from various countries.

Some other rare treasures will also be given to show the way of great power.

Xuanzang came here, in addition to explaining to Xu Fan the meeting with the old emperor.

I also want to invite Xu Fan to visit the Ten Thousand Dynasties Meeting and listen to his sermons.

It sounds hilarious.

Xu Fan has lived in seclusion for decades, and it has been a long time since he participated in a large-scale festival with Liu Xin.

Sure enough, Liu Xin’s eyes flashed, and she poked his waist with a smile.

Xu Fan looked at Liu Xin, Liu Xinmei’s eyes flowed, and gave him a meaningful look.


Early the next morning, Xu Fan opened his eyes amid the sound of birdsong.

Since coming to Chang’an City, I have less time to sleep continuously, and everything seems to be full again.

Looking up, Liu Xin’s dark hair was scattered on his arms.

A small face was pink and red, and she blinked and looked at him.

This eager gaze almost startled.

Didn’t you say yesterday that the night was too late, and you had to recharge your strength and directly put your arms around her to sleep?

Crisp and refreshing side dishes, white porridge sprinkled with fine sesame seeds, and some seasonal fruits are appetizing.

After eating, Xu Fan and Liu Xin wandered around the bustling streets of Chang’an City together.

There are still a few days before the Ten Thousand Dynasties Meeting, and it seems that all the shops on the street have been busy and prepared.

All kinds of goods are dazzling, cars are like a dragon, and there is an endless stream of vendors.

It was merchants from all over the country who came to participate in the Ten Thousand Dynasties Meeting.

To celebrate the event, every household in Chang’an City hung red ribbons in front of their doors.

For a time, the city was filled with a warm festive atmosphere.

“Discounted, discounted, Yan Fangzhai’s rouge fractured

today!” “Cake, fragrant cake! Not delicious, don’t have money” ”

The time-honored mutton puff bun will end from today to the end of the Ten Thousand Dynasties Meeting

, buy one get one free!” “Sweet melon, sweet melon, buy one pound and get half a catty free.”

“Brocade Pavilion fabric, your choice for ready-to-wear. A

few children were running around the street, shouting about deals from various shops in the east and west of the city.

Good fellow, sure enough, no matter what generation or generation, the wisdom of the working people cannot be ignored.

When it comes to business acumen, it depends on the residents of Chang’an City


Coming here

, whether it is Nanban, Dongyi or Beidi, is bound to make you feel at home!

Good fellow, people from the country and Fanbang are coming, and they are afraid that they will not be willing to leave if they empty their pockets.

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Xu Fan was stunned for a while, and couldn’t help but sigh.

Compared with heaven and earth, human beings are so small, but they can leave the most fireworks in their short lives.


PS: [A little angry today, the work that should be done well was not completed, and I almost delayed the business

] [So I severely criticized two new employees, including Xiao Zheng

] [This group of young people, the eyes are high, the hands are low, they have to teach a good lesson

] [When you work, you should work seriously, you like me…

] [Suddenly unreasonable] [

It’s snowing on our side, if only someone pressed my foot tonight

] [You don’t press, I don’t press, how can the little girls with foot baths survive

?] [How to increase the GDP of the city!

?] [How can we revitalize the country?

] [Today’s young people, there is no big picture at all

] [Let’s continue] [

Again, I almost can’t remember the order in which things happened]


I can say it wherever I think of it] [In general, I want to recall the bits and pieces of my previous life with Sister Hong

] [Very bland, if you don’t want to watch

it, you can skip it] [I hope that in the future, I can occasionally look at it and recall that unforgettable time

] [If you want to ask me what my favorite season is, it must be summer] [

Because girls wear very little in the summer, especially in the big cities in the south, the girls are open

] [I like to ride a bicycle and wander around the city when I have

nothing to do] [For nothing else, just to see a variety of long legs

] [But I don’t watch much, I watched anime at that time

] [That is, the male protagonist rides a bicycle to carry the female protagonist, greeting the sunset,] [

A certain empty (Yo riding car with empty space), and the pet girl of Sakura Village 】

[At that time, I felt very romantic, so when I was free one day

, I proposed to take Sister Hong for a walk] [I said: “Brother, I bought a car to take you for a ride”] [Sister Hong said: “When did you kid buy a

car”] [I said, “I just bought, the whole amount”] [

Sister Hong asked me what car I bought, and I didn’t tell her].

[I deliberately didn’t tell her, let her change her clothes quickly

] [Sister Hong asked me what to wear] [At that time, when I went out, Sister Hong’s clothes were all picked by me

] [I chose a set of that dress for her, I forgot what color it was, but I remember very well that day, I chose a set of gradient stockings

] [Sister Hong

specially drew a delicate makeup, held my hand, and walked downstairs] [

I held my head high, with the momentum of a big boss

] [When I got downstairs, under the expectation of Sister Hong, I showed her the bicycle I bought for 200 yuan

] [Sister Hong was stunned for a moment, and then giggled

] [I said what are you laughing at, today Ye will take you for a ride

] [Then Sister Hong sat in the back and hugged my waist

] [I hummed a song and carried Sister Hong] [

Sister Hong’s long legs attracted a lot of attention along the way]

[I thought triumphantly at the time, “Hehe, envy you to death”] [


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